What some would consider a conspiracy, that Barack Obama is not a citizen of the United States and therefore ineligible to become the President of the United States, continues on. There have been several cases, Berg and Donofrio, that have been denied action by the United States Supreme Court, but there are still ongoing cases. Obama has not helped his case by refusing to "come clean" and produce a real birth certificate that shows he is a US citizen. On top of this his grandmother - who recently died - is on record stating that she was in Kenya when Barack Obama was born.
So what do I think? Well being the consummate skeptic that I am, when I first heard about these challenges to his eligibility I saw them as strictly partisan right wing attacks. As time has gone on though it does raise your ears a bit on why Obama has not come forth and produced what the lawsuits are calling for - his "vault copy" of his birth certificate and not just a Certificate of Live Birth (which is not the same thing).
Now on top of all of this is the continued corruption that is Illinois politics and the whole Governor Blagojevich affair. This is the political system that Barack Obama has made his way through to attain state senator, US senator and then President of the United States and it has to make you wonder how corrupt Obama had to be to get where he is in such a system. How much "pay to play" was Obama involved in? He certainly has played the game, he had four of his opponents in the Democratic primary for his state senate seat disqualified. He has played the game hard.
Obama's response to the FBI arresting of Blagojevich and that he was "saddened and sobered" that it occurred also made me perk my ears up. Was he saddened that he didn't have an "in" to get who he wanted appointed to his vacated senate seat? Was he sobered that it could have been him that got caught? I was simply disgusted with his response. Any true patriot would react by being "outraged and angry" at the Blagojevich corruption, not "saddened and sobered".
What does that have to do with his Birth Certificate though? Well a ton. When someone is as ambitious and driven as Barack Obama to win at all costs you can be sure that he will do everything in his power to win. He has literally millions and millions to combat all of those who challenge him. That doesn't make him guilty, but past actions certainly speak to one's character.
So this leads my skepticism over lawsuits on the Birth Certificate issue to decline a little. What is so hard about producing it? These cases have been ongoing for months and months and while not producing one is not proof of guilt, it is required by law that you prove you are a Natural Born Citizen of the United States in order to be eligible to become President of the United States and that is all that should matter in this case. This is something that Barack Obama has not done as of yet. Following the laws should be the number one priority of a President and I would expect no less of "president-elect" Obama.
Below is a recent email circulating from Neil Turner, who is a plaintiff in another lawsuit against Obama demanding he prove citizenship. While the tone of the message is "outrage and anger", the demands being made don't seem unreasonable to me for one who wants to be president. Unless of course you're okay with a president willing to hide things as basic as their citizenship status and base qualifications to become president.
We are all well aware of the many abhorrent violations of our Constitution in recent years that have gone unchallenged:
- President Clinton declaring war on Serbia-Kosovo without an act of Congress;
- President Bush declaring war on Iraq without an act of Congress (only Congress can declare wars; they cannot abrogate that responsibility to the President);
- Bush signing the blatantly unconstitutional McCain/Feingold Act;
- Bush overturning Posse Comitatus by Executive Order;
- Bush turning 9 U.S. military installations over to the United Arab Emirates;
- Treaties like NAFTA and CAFTA that subrogate our Constitutional rights to foreign interests;
- The destruction of our currency and our private banking system;
- Etc., etc., etc.
However, no one ever has launched a concerted effort to fully address these issues that are nothing less than absolute Treason... that is, until now.
And for those who have the knowledge, skills, talents, and/or position to address some of these Treasonous acts that have gone unchallenged in the past to say that 'it has happened so many times in the past that they won't participate in challenging it now' is, in my humble opinion, a complete "cop-out".
'Silence in the face of evil is itself evil. God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.' - Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
Bonhoeffer said those words in 1944 as the horrors of the holocaust were being perpetrated. He knew what Abraham Lincoln meant when he said: "To sin by silence, when they should protest, makes cowards of men."
To say that Senator McCain should be leading the charge against this, the greatest fraud ever to have been perpetrated on our nation in over 200 years, because he was the most harmed by having to run against a Constitutionally ineligible and non-qualified (for President of the United States: POTUS) imposter, rings hollow in the face of the millions of American citizen voters who have also been disenfranchised, and thereby harmed. (NOTE: McCain's birth outside the U.S., even though born of two U.S. citizen parents, actually renders him ineligible - by laws in effect at that time. I am sure that if he were to run in new elections, which MUST be held - to save our Constitution, his eligibility would most assuredly be challenged. Remember, Mr. Barack Hussein Obama (aka Barry Soetoro) helped Congress to 'approve' McCain's citizenship issue, thinking it would get him off the hook to have to produce any documentation himself. And it has worked so far.)
The challenges should have been led, firstly, by all the other Presidential candidates (and their teams of lawyers): Baldwin, Barr, Huckabee, McKinney, Paul, Romney, & Tancredo, and even the Democrat challengers Biden, Clinton, Edwards, & Kucinich! Only candidate Alan Keyes has chosen to act, by filing a lawsuit in CA, against the Secretary of State, for certifying names on the ballot that had not been vetted for eligibility. ("Nancy Pelosi said that Obama was OK", said Secretary of State Bowen.)
Time is short, because once the Pretender-Elect (a fictitious made-up office to keep us at bay and mollify the masses until January 20th) is installed and begins to mobilize his unconstitutional 'standing army of youthful activists' (larger than our military, he says); and once Amnesty is given to 20+ million illegal aliens and our hospitals collapse; and once our $US dollar is converted to the North American 'Amero'; and once we citizens begin answering to foreign courts and governments; and once Martial Law is declared, - then it will be much more difficult indeed to remove the 'Ruling Potentate' from power.
Because we are a Nation founded on Laws (not 'Edicts' or 'Majority Rules'), lawsuits are being filed every day to STAY the:
- Electoral College on Dec. 15, 2008 (until 'valid' ballots can be cast);
- Joint session of Congress to COUNT the votes on January 8, 2009 (270 required for one 'eligible' candidate);
- Inauguration Day, Jan. 20, 2009, when Chief Justice Roberts 'swears in' the Constitutionally elected' President (Constructive Knowledge, in the eyes of the law, would give Roberts cognizance of the fact that Mr. Obama/Soetoro is unqualified, so the very act of swearing him in would be an act of Treason.)
Mr. Obama/Soetoro has committed blatant acts of fraud upon We The People by:
- Publicly posting a forensically-proven fraudulent Certificate of Live Birth (COLB) to try to convince us he was born in Hawaii (whether or not he was born in HI is a moot issue - he had several foreign citizenships, which he has admitted to, that would have required him to become a 'naturalized' American citizen again (if he ever was), thereby automatically rendering him Constitutionally unqualified.
- Providing a blatantly fraudulent Selective Service Registration form - since he failed to register between the ages of 18 and 26 - thereby rendering him Constitutionally unqualified.
And he has steadfastly refused to provide his employer (We The People) the proof that he is not, in fact, an illegal-alien! (by law, we are required to ask for proof of legality before even hiring a Day Laborer, never mind a POTUS).
We have asked for:
- His original Birth Certificate (which he claimed he had in his book 'Dreams...');
- Admission/College transcript records from Occidental, Columbia, & Harvard;
- Records of his editorial writing in the Harvard Law Review (if any);
- Medical records (required to serve in the military, never mind as Commander In Chief);
- Selective Service Registration Records (real, not fraudulent; or, more than likely, admission that he lied and he didn't register as required - thereby rendering him ineligible - by law - to serve as POTUS);
- His Illinois State Legislative calendar;
- His list of legal clients when in private law practice.
Any employer would be justified in asking for these details to be in the resume or history of anyone being employed for any important job, never mind POTUS.
And, We The People, as the Employer, are demanding these disclosures before he begins day one of the job. Without them, the job interview is hereby terminated, and we will seek another QUALIFIED applicant. (Oprah may be quite disappointed, but so be it.)
New lawsuits are being written and filed almost daily. e.g. Ex-military personnel, subject to recall up to age 50, will be filing a lawsuit to prevent being asked to serve under a Commander In Chief who cannot, as a usurper to the office of POTUS, issue a single lawful order to the members of the military.
But you don't need an attorney to file a lawsuit. Each and every patriotic American citizen can file his or her own lawsuit, since each and every American citizen is being 'harmed' by this blatant act of fraud.
All Presidential Candidates, Governors, Senators, Representatives, Mayors, Council-members, and citizens alike - this is a call to arms; to step up to the plate and do whatever you can to save our Constitution. We will also be working on a simple universal form for each and every concerned voter to file a suit on behalf of themselves.
I will end with the words of Judge Roy Moore, former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, when he said, 'We can survive four years of any president; we cannot survive without a Constitution.'
This is the 'Capstone grievance' of abuse and violation of our Constitution, the Straw That Will Break the Constitution's Back.' It must not be allowed to stand.
God Bless and Godspeed;
Neil Turner