/ January 19, 2009 01:52 PM |
President Bush commuted the sentences of Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean today, his last day in office. Those are words I never thought that I would write, say or even think. Over the past two and a half years I had given up that even after all of the rallies, protests, calls and yelling by millions that Bush would ever do the right thing.

 Top:Ignacio Ramos Bottom: Jose Compean |
My emotions are mixed. I am happy - no thrilled! - that the two agents will finally get some sort of justice and be able to return to their families. At the same time I am angered that it took President Bush this long to do the right thing. I do thank him for doing so though.
The impact on these two men, their children, wives and extended family has been absolutely devastating. While there will be a homecoming party - and surely parties throughout the country by others - there is simply nothing that can fix the destruction this wrongful conviction has done to those connected to the two men.
The commutation ends their sentence on March 20, 2009. However word is coming that they will be released within 30 days.
Congratulations to Ramos and Compean and their families. I did shed tears of joy hearing this news. I wish them the very best. If you would like to help the families, you can do so by heading over to the Agent Ramos website and donating to help them get back on their feet after the huge expenses they have suffered in legal fees and without their primary breadwinner in the home.
Nearly the entire congressional delegation from Texas and other lawmakers from both sides of the political aisle pleaded with Bush to grant them clemency.
He did not do so until his last day.
It is not my place to thank those of you who have tirelessly worked to keep this injustice under the spotlight - I'll leave that thanks to the families - but I sure am proud of all of you who did. You made a difference!
More on their struggle at my Ramos and Compean archive
Other Commentary:
Illegal Protest, where Ruth feels Mexico had something on Bush to keep him from freeing the agents.
Freedom Folks
Hot Air
Michelle Malkin

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Posted by Digger on January 19, 2009 01:52 PM (Permalink)
Posted by: Steve on January 20, 2009 07:28 AM
"What a GREAT WAY to leave the White House!! Unlike the Clinton's who stole over $300,000.00 in furniture,from the White House, which they had to return, and God knows what else. The Liberals must be frothing at the mouth.
Posted by: Jack D. Ripper on January 20, 2009 08:28 AM
Although I am happy that the sentences were commutted, I believe President Bush is a coward. He should have pardoned the border agents long ago. What kind of a Christian would allow two innocent men to sit in prison just to satisfy a corrupt country (Mexico) and some voters that can't see past their nationality?
Posted by: Tom from Florida on January 20, 2009 10:14 AM
Innocent of what? They were not 'innocent'
What they did just shouldn't have been a crime.
I mean, there was 'alledged' cover up involved.
The point is, they were not operating outside of the bounaries for the line of work they were in. They were not abusing their position and they did not use excessive force.
Posted by: francis on January 20, 2009 02:14 PM
Took Bush long enough. And I agree with Tom, why shall two Americans suffer over mexican satisfaction?
Bush leaves office.
Obama walks in.
Out of the frying pan
And into the freezer.
Posted by: Daz on January 20, 2009 03:56 PM
Yes, what the hey was he waiting for? Did he think El Presidente or the Left would be angry if he did it before? I he pining for the Latino vote that he thinks supports drug runners over border enforcement? This done late at night like he is ashamed of it.
I am so very glad he did it. But I will not give this amnesty fiend and credit. This was not done in daylight with principle and conviction.
Posted by: Culturist John on January 21, 2009 01:45 AM
This was not done in daylight with principle and conviction.
I agree completely, however I am thankful that these two agent's suffering - and their families - will soon be at an end (although now they have to pick up the pieces).
I in no way believe that Bush changed any of his views.
Posted by: Digger on January 21, 2009 02:56 PM
God Bless Ramos and Compean. The people of America apologize for your incarceration. But now President Bush has finally done the responsible thing by granting you a clemency. A great injustice on you has finally been lifted. God Bless you and your beautiful families.
Posted by: Daniel w Miller on January 21, 2009 03:10 PM
These men should have never been indicted or gone to jail. So a drug smuggler gets shot in the what? And no one with any common sense believes that he was unarmed. A smuggler going unarmed? Yeah, right. If human smugglers carry weapons and use them, you can bet that a drug smuggler is going to!
Bush has been nothing but a slavering dog for the Mexican government, and good riddance!
Posted by: American X on January 23, 2009 03:00 AM
Good news-I cant believe it! but am glad it FINALLY happened for those two. I personally, have been very upset since the first day of the trial.
Whatever happened to the cockaroach that got shot in his fleshy hindquarters? He should be made to pay back the medical expenses that the US government paid for him.
As far as Bush - two words come to mind... Scooter Libby
and no, he didnt change his views at all. thats why it took so long
Bush is, and always was, out of touch with people who were not in his social group.
Though, Im happy it has come to pass, this commutation was a Bush political move and nothing else- sorry Bush, you are still considered a blue blooded, snob who only cared about your oil buds and their families and what they did for you and your family. Too bad he used the church to debate his decisions and rationale behind not doing alot of things-his real reasons? nothing to do with God or the bible, Im quite sure.
congrats to Ramos & Compean and their families-my support is with you
Posted by: sue greene on January 23, 2009 10:10 AM
Yes, what the hey was he waiting for? Did he think El Presidente or the Left would be angry if he did it before? I he pining for the Latino vote that he thinks supports drug runners over border enforcement? This done late at night like he is ashamed of it.
Posted by: dolmuş reklam on June 15, 2011 05:31 AM