/ February 9, 2009 03:13 PM |
There are many people who simply hate Obama. They can't stand to look at his face. They can't stand to hear his voice even. I am not of that group. Recently however I have been noticing more and more that something isn't right with him.
What is Obama hiding?
I get the impression when I watch him talking, signing things and in general going about his daily stuff that there is this certain "they haven't caught me yet, but they will" kind of notion to him. It is almost as if he knows in advance that once caught all of his previous talking, movements and actions will be scrutinized over and over and that he is overtly acting it up. It's just a general feeling that I get and I'm not sure what it is that he is hiding.
The obvious thing most would point out in the conspiracy circles is that Obama is not a citizen of the United States and that it will be discovered, but I think there is more. Whether what he is hiding will ever be discovered or whether Obama will be able to bury it and keep it hidden from history time will tell.
This is a feeling that I haven't gotten with any other president in the past. So I sit here wondering...
... what is Obama hiding?
What do you think it is?

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Posted by Digger on February 9, 2009 03:13 PM (Permalink)
He's a Muslim. He's conspiring with Muslim leaders to destroy the USA.
Posted by: grace on February 9, 2009 08:22 PM
He isn't hiding anything. He just isn't speaking. Gotta dive deeper into his life for a full focus on what it is he's avoiding to say. Sadly he's both speaking out and shutting up about himself.
Posted by: Dazin on February 10, 2009 11:53 AM
Was i the only person in America to watch, "The Omen"?
Posted by: Jack D. Ripper on February 10, 2009 04:20 PM
Read HR 645-authorization of FEMA camps.
In the Stimulus bill was gun laws requiring all guns to be registered and 5 year renewal requirements. [easier to remove them from your possession]10 year jail term for non registration.
Health care- your Doctor does not decide what is best for you, age and cost are the factors decided by bureaucrats for your care.
What else was in the bill that no one read? Authorization for Security and Prosperity Partnership, loss of sovereignty?
Posted by: Diane D on February 15, 2009 08:38 AM
This has got to be one of the most idiotic posts I've ever read. Your entire premise is based on...NOTHING! You "think" or "feel" there's something wrong with Obama. You think he's hiding something? Based on what? On a feeling? How idiotic is that.
And for all of you simpletons who think Obama's not a citizen of the U.S., give it a break already. Do you actually think the State Department would not have verified that every person who runs to be president of the country is indeed a U.S. citizen.
Let me tell you what's wrong with Obama. He's not a conservative. That's what your problem is...well that and you've been listening a bit too much to the likes of Hannity and Savage.
Again, this was an idiotic post.
Posted by: Mario Piperni on February 20, 2009 10:03 PM
I believe he is couching his agenda that is hidden as a centrist. If you read his books, look at his appointments and who he associates with and gets advise from, you will see what the future holds. He is a Stalinist with a strong belief in marxist doctrine. He is much more than a Socialist. He has made some minor slips when addressing the public indicating these views, so he very careful what he says, there-by giving off the non verbal signals that he is hiding something. This also allows the left wing media to prop him up.
Posted by: William D. on February 22, 2009 01:49 PM
Digger, I agree. From the first there was something that just did not feel right about his persona, perhaps a little evasiveness or a bit shady. Rev. Wright confirmed it. 63 y.o. here.
Posted by: SouthernUSAWM on February 24, 2009 05:07 AM
I think that President Obama is contemplating the New World Order that is being orchestrated through Vatican City. That is why he had a private audience with the Pope to discuss emplementing it. All hell is going to break loose when this happens. No more "Free" American! That is why Americans are buying guns more fervently than ever before. Read and be so advised.
Posted by: Recee on March 2, 2009 12:38 PM
"And for all of you simpletons who think Obama's not a citizen of the U.S., give it a break already. Do you actually think the State Department would not have verified that every person who runs to be president of the country is indeed a U.S. citizen."
Yep, I guess Obama just lawyered up and spent a million and counting just so he could make sure that all that evidence in his long form birth certificate and college admission records doesn't come to light and prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is Constitutionally qualifed to be POTUS.
Who is the simpleton? Those of us who wonder why a guy would go to so much trouble and expense to keep us from seeing that which McCain provided willingly?
Or those of you who are so inexperienced or dumb that you don't understand that people who don't have anything to hide. . . . don't hide anything.
I'm like Digger. I didn't take this seriously until I kept seeing these reports about how the Obama lawyers show up at every hearing and are now threatening people who just want to see the same information McCain provided.
So, genius, you tell us why Mr. Obama is doing everything he can to make sure that the records which would prove him qualified are kept hidden.
Go on, this should be interesting.
Nixon tried this tactic too. I was there to watch how that ended up.
Posted by: Dan on April 16, 2009 06:06 PM
he is arrogant, he does not give a damn what AMERICANS think of his BS policies, he has "planted" all manner of people to ask orchestrated questions, and he should never have been elected!
Posted by: jim creson on May 21, 2010 07:52 AM
This one is real simple either by design or subliminal you just don't trust black people.
Thats why you think there is something wrong
with him. His politics don't quell this feeling
either. Maybe because he is an enemy of the nation
and selling the U.S. taxpayer out to illegal immigrants and big business.
Posted by: Hammar on May 27, 2010 11:46 AM
There is something wrong inside Obama and I consider that serious. I want and deserve a government that I can trust, have confidence in and not have to fear. I have none of that. He could clear some of it up with opening his records for public view. What is he hiding could be cleared up with a simple move from him. Instead he has spent over 1.5 million and hire a number of lawyers to hide something! This is not the time in history to have these easy to answer questions about the President. There are other questions about leadership, competency, loyal to American and our way of life.
Posted by: Bud Smith on June 5, 2010 06:52 PM
First look at what is and see where we are going with it. The powers that be are now in control be careful what you say they are listening and one day they will hold it against you. please all, be slow to voice your opinion in the open because soon they will hold it against you the end is here for what we all know to be freedom and justice, control is what they want and the world is where they want it. Be safe
Posted by: Regile Wilson on July 1, 2010 10:47 PM
Posted by: Digger on July 2, 2010 05:53 PM