/ February 17, 2009 04:44 PM |
Judges in Maryland have been told by the Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee that they are not allowed to ask defendants their immigration status. This includes during bond hearings...
I mean that sounds good to me. It's not like an illegal alien posting bond is going to flee the country or move somewhere else in the United States and use false ID. That type of stuff never happens. After all it's only happened about 700,000 times (the number of fugitive illegal aliens currently in the US). And it's not ethical to defend those lawfully in the United States from those unlawfully here after all...
Daily Record
Judges should not ask criminal defendants who are represented by counsel about their immigration status at bail hearings or prior to sentencing, the Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee has said.
Given the “controversial, high-profile” issues surrounding the presence of millions of illegal aliens in the U.S., “reasonable minds could perceive an appearance of impropriety based on a judge’s inquiry as to immigration status, at sentencing or at a bail hearing,” the advisory opinion said.
That runs afoul of the judge’s responsibility to “perform the duties of judicial office diligently, impartially, and without having or manifesting bias or prejudice” based on national origin, race or socioeconomic status, the committee said.
I'd like to personally thank the Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee for continuing a tradition in this country of placating illegal aliens who have raped, killed, robbed, stolen identities and generally victimized millions of United States citizens. I mean that's ethical. We appreciate your work on behalf of the American people and the residents of Maryland.
Buncha traitors they are.
Tipped by: Inside Charm City

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Posted by Digger on February 17, 2009 04:44 PM (Permalink)
Posted by: Jack D. Ripper on February 18, 2009 11:28 AM
I attended the HELP SAVE MARYLAND rally February 16 at the State Capitol. Living in a bordering state, I felt it NECESSARY to attend. Marylanders need to wake up! Go to the Help Save Maryland website. Sign up. Find your county coordinator on the site and get informed and involved. Maryland is in serious politically correct gridlock. It will take the people to turn it around. The citizens of this country have rights. The time has come to demonstrate them!
Demand representation for your taxation!! Visit your representatives by email, phone and in person. Stand up and speak out. And take others with you!
Posted by: Carrie Ann Taylor on February 19, 2009 09:59 AM
I have been a cop for 12 years. I live in an area that has an annual influx of migrant workers. Most of these workers are illegal aliens. I have arrested illegals and when their prints were run they had about 20 aliases. Once these guys post bond they are gone without a trace. We have tons of outstanding warrants for illegals that will never be served because the subjects of the warrants have already become someone else. We jokingly call summons to appear summons to disapear. I don't have the answer but I have identified the problem. Our borders are nothing more than a line on a map. I guess it will take a tragedy to force out politicians to secure our borders.
Posted by: Robert on February 21, 2009 05:49 AM
I guess it will take a tragedy to force out politicians to secure our borders.
A tragedy occurred on 9/11/2001 and many of the terrorists had immigration issues. So your premise that it will take a tragedy to wake people up has proven to be untrue.
The reality is it will take a tragedy that directly affects politicians that may wake some of them up, but I doubt even that will be enough to overcome their corruption, greed and power grab.
Posted by: Digger on February 23, 2009 08:32 PM
Big Government bad business
Posted by: bjorn on February 25, 2009 10:44 PM
My question is: how do we stop the crime at the front end rather than discussing these issues at the back end? How to save the USA another several billion in prison/court costs??
Posted by: Grant on February 26, 2009 02:09 PM
On Lou Dobbds tonight Arisona's State Attorney General was questioned about the border wars and kidnappings in Phoenix (which we don't hear about on the news = media bias) and Lou Dobbs said that these problems could all be solved by securing the borders. The State Attorney General hemmed and hawed and side-stepped the statement when in fact ALL of the crime, violence and drugs brought across the border could and would be put to an end. But apparently our government is so embroiled in drug running, etc. and those in power are making money through this evil practice, that they do not wish to even hear of this solution. Instead we hear of the War on Drugs (that did nothing to stop the problem) and now MEXICO has said that OUR gun laws needs to be ammended to say that WE U.S. citizens can't have guns so that they don't end up in Mexico. Over 500,000 AK-47s were bought in Arizona this year but the Attorney Gov. says that they were altered to become assault weapons in Mexico. So. If the borders were secured that would stop all the traffic, human, drugs, guns, et al if our corrupt government would stand up for the AMERICAN CITIZEN!!! Call Obama (I refuse to call him President since he was born in Kenya and doesn't qualify) in Washington and protest any meddling with the Second Amendment!! 202-456-1111
Posted by: Sydney on March 3, 2009 08:38 PM
Re: The Maryland State Committee on judges not asking about immigration status: The committe failed to correctly interpret the statement that the judge's "responsibility to perform the duties of judicial office diligently, impartially, and without having or manifesting bias or prejudice” based on national origin, race or socioeconomic status.
If correctly read, this statement does not mention the legal status of a person. A judge asking if the person is legal or illegal does NOT in any way infringe on their rights nor it it racist, or inquiring as to their socioeconomic status. Once again the liberals are at work in this committee and using their rehearsed rhetoric. They are saying in effect that inquiring as to a person's citizenship statue is against this statute and it is NOT. Training in lobbying will assure that liberals have the upper hand as the first rule is to apply labels first before the other side has a chance to do so. Being cultured and "politically correct" we legal Americans are wont to name call and have been brought up not to label ,people but without these niceties, the other side (La Raza, etc.)find that slinging mud at us first is in their nature and makes us back down. Recognizing their tactics is the first line of defense. The second is knowing that their so-called logic is illogical. It's their form of psychological warefare.
Posted by: Sydney on March 3, 2009 09:07 PM
The State Attorney General hemmed and hawed and side-stepped the statement when in fact ALL of the crime, violence and drugs brought across the border could and would be put to an end.
There's a reason Terry Goddard was so defensive. He was the mayor of Phoenix from 1984-1990 and is one of the reasons that Phoenix is in the position it is in now.
Goddard is a cookie cutter of Janet Napolitano, trying to talk tough until confronted and then not really doing what they say they believe. Napolitano is famous for saying she wanted to crack down on illegal immigration and then repeatedly vetoing legislation that would have done so.
Posted by: Digger on March 5, 2009 11:44 AM
Who the hell is the Maryland Judicial Ethics Committee and what makes them legisltors?
Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on March 7, 2009 12:42 AM