Houston Police Officer Richard Salter was shot in the face last week while serving a drug warrant and is in critical condition. Doctors are optimistic because recently Salter, a 27 year vet and the top narcotics officer in Houston, moved two of his fingers. It has now been released that
Wilfido Joel Alfaro, 29, a drug smuggler with multiple run-ins with the law in both the US and Mexico, was an illegal alien from El Salvador and had deportation orders. He was arrested multiple times
after being ordered to leave the United States, but remained here due to sanctuary city policies.
Mayor Bill White of the sanctuary city of Houston, Texas was quick to point the finger at the federal government rather than taking responsibility for his actions in making Houston a haven for illegal aliens and drug smugglers. It is really sickening that these "leaders" are quick to wash their hands of any responsibility.
It took the Mayor nearly a week to release details that Alfaro - who was killed during the incident - was an illegal alien and that there were multiple times that Alfaro could have been removed from this country. Of course Bill White didn't acknowledge that if Houston actually actively worked with the feds instead of harboring illegal aliens this police officer would not have been shot. Mayor Bill White is a disgrace to the whole of the United States of America.
 Illegal Alien Dirtbag Wilfido Joel Alfaro |
In an interview I saw on TV tonight (Update: I added the interview video at the end of this entry) Michael Berry of KTRH said that Alfaro's "residence" was basically a $40,000 home that was frequented by gang members and was a known drug haven that was defended by a $50,000 security system fully equipped with multiple cameras, sensors and burglar bars on all the windows. Basically a fortress. It was also revealed that the wife of Alfaro is part of the Avila crime cartel and that her cousin Bruno Avila shot and killed the first female Hispanic cop in Houston last year.
There can be no greater disrespect for law enforcement than knowingly putting them in harms way by allowing a criminal element to reside in your city unchallenged and then being arrogant enough to shrug when one is shot in the face. Mayor White's response to this tragedy is the equivalent of a shrug and every American should be outraged! As I am!
Here's what this slimeball Bill White - who is no better than illegal alien Alfaro in my book - had to say about his city's sanctuary status. Oh and by the way, White plans on running for the Senate.
Houston Chronicle
Mayor Bill White said the disclosure about the immigration status of Wilfido Joel Alfaro ... highlights the federal government’s failure to identify and deport illegal immigrants convicted of crimes.
White said the federal government has “let us down.”
“As a local law enforcement agency, under law, we can’t deport people,” White said. “That is the job of the federal government, and we’re calling on the federal government to do their job.”
Absolutely sickening.
 Houston Police Chief Harold L. Hurtt |
White isn't the only slimeball in Houston.
Houston's Police Chief Harold L. Hurtt recently testified before congress that cracking down on illegal aliens in Houston would offend the Hispanic community and disrupt the current help that the police department receives from the community. This is a vicious cop out for not wanting to do your job. Any law abiding Hispanic resident who is legally in Houston surely doesn't want dirtballs like Alfaro in their community and to suggest otherwise is disgusting on the part of the police chief. This viewpoint has continually been propagated by the pro illegal alien groups and not in the best interests of legal residents and citizens who are Hispanic.
Berry also reported that Chief Hurtt said that they don't have the manpower to crack down on illegal alien crime and drug rings in Houston. Yet Berry said they certainly are enforcing seat belt laws and local curfews in the area, they have the manpower for that, but not to actually protect the community. I'm guessing Hurtt is also pro-gun control, because citizens of Houston surely shouldn't have the right to defend themselves from the likes of illegal alien scum like Alfaro and Avila.
Alfaro had a lengthy rap sheet including 5 arrests for possession and/or delivery of drugs. Three of these arrests were after he had already received a voluntary deportation order from a judge in 2001. Voluntary deportation is something that should never be given to any illegal alien - let alone a criminal like Alfaro. It has been shown that a very high percentage - nearly 80%+ simply ignore the order and remain in the United States. The fact that Alfaro was arrested 3 times after the voluntary deportation order is simply shameful, but that is what you get with a sanctuary city policy.
In the Chron article above, Homeland Security spokesman Michael Keegan said that voluntary deportations are issued to benefit the taxpayer by saving costs of formal deportation. As can be seen in this case though it saved nothing, it cost an officer and his family unbearable pain and in the end probably cost taxpayers many times over the cost of deportation as they had to send teams to track this guy down and serve a warrant and process him at least 3 times after the deportation order. If an illegal alien ignores deportation orders they become a fugitive illegal alien and even more resources are spent on attempting to track them down. The excuse that this saves taxpayers money is complete bull.
Keegan also said that upon Alfaro's three subsequent arrests after the order of deportation that the police did not notify ICE. This is what occurs in a sanctuary city. It is a standing order in sanctuary cities that all illegal aliens are our friends and they should not be reported to ICE. As we can see this created the current tragedy and will create more in the future - day after day, week after week, year after year.
As long as people like Mayor Bill White and Police Chief Harold Hurtt are in power this will continue and more Americans will die - both those in law enforcement and those who are just going about their daily business.
Below is Glenn Beck's report on the tragedy