The evil bastard who prosecuted Border Patrol Agents Ignacio Ramos, Jose Compean, Gary Brugman, Noe Aleman, deputy Gilmer Hernandez and others - has resigned. Johnny Sutton was the ass who pushed for the conviction of agents Ramos and Compean on a gun charge of using a firearm during the commission of a crime - a charge which carries a mandatory 10 years in prison - despite them being law enforcement, required to carry a firearm and the fact that they were trying to stop a fleeing illegal alien drug smuggler.
Sutton vehemently defended his decision in pushing for the mandatory 10 years on top of their 1 and 2 year sentences for what he called "a cover-up" of the incidents. Anyone who has actually read the trial transcripts and examined information that was hidden and released since the trial, knows that his case was trumped up. Only someone truly evil and grasping for power, control and greed would take such a tact.
The sole, primary witness Sutton had against the two agents was the drug smuggler himself, Osvaldo Aldrete Davila, who was given immunity for his testimony. Davila was later caught again smuggling drugs across the border. Other irregularities during the case were testimonies to congress that the two agents said they were going to go out to "shoot some Mexicans" the day of the incident. All of that was proven false.
Sutton stuck by his arrogance all the way through to his resignation that he convicted them fairly. I beg to differ as do many others across this country who hate this "man" (slug, asshole, whatever you want to call him). We can only hope that karma comes to Johnny Sutton for his evil actions. I wish him no luck. However these total assholes always seem to have a way of securing some good paying position of power at some other corrupt organization after they leave their posts.
Sutton eventually began to be known as Johnny Satan by his detractors.
Houston Chronicle
The San Antonio federal prosecutor at the center of a politically charged case against two Border Patrol agents convicted of covering up their role in the shooting of a drug smuggler has resigned.
U.S. Attorney Johnny Sutton, a former Harris County assistant district attorney, submitted his letter of resignation Thursday to President Barack Obama and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, said Shana Jones, a spokeswoman for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Western Judicial District of Texas.
Sutton’s resignation was voluntary, Jones said, and his future plans were not immediately disclosed. He was not available for comment.
During his tenure, Sutton became a lightning rod for conservatives angry with his prosecution of two Border Patrol agents in the cover up of a shooting of an unarmed drug smuggler near El Paso.
 Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos' Wife Monica Ramos |
It wasn't just Conservatives angry with Johnny Sutton I can guarantee you that. Many Independents and Liberals weren't happy with this scumbag either. The Ramos and Compean case showed his true nature and his continued denial that he did anything wrong - and doing so in such an arrogant and smug manner - pissed more people off than just one segment of society.
I hope the door hits ya in the ass on the way out. HARD!!!
Thanks for the comments. I'll jot some quick notes off the cuff...
I would like to suggest to you to do more preparation BEFORE grabbing the microphone
I spend hours researching and putting together my info, speeches, signs, spreading the word, trying to get others out there, etc etc... Believe it or not I actually do prepare. I'm not a professional speaker, I'm a volunteer. You might not like my style, but I'm fine with it. To each their own. If enough people dislike it I suppose I'll not be invited to speak again. That's fine with me I never intended to be a speaker.
Your speech came off really weird, crazy ranting negative and all-over-the-map. You looked like a barking chicken and not very helpful. People don't respond well to a person who speaks or comes across like that.
I'm not sure which speech you are referring to as I have given more than one. Overall I haven't been disappointed with any of my speeches. I suppose I could tone it down and be fake as our country goes to hell, but that's not me. I've received more positive responses than negatives, but I don't really care, I hope people learned something from the speeches and take action.
As for trying to get people to come to the site for more info - as you say self-promotion - well I suppose I could just shut everything down and not tell anyone about it. Just start a site and not try and get anyone to go there...
Of course this would also impact all of the websites fighting illegal immigration that I do link too prolifically that others may find by coming here. But hey, lets all just be quiet and shut the sites down and not promote them, someone else will eventually tell others what is going on. After all people not speaking out for a long time has stopped illegal immigration in its tracks right?
I'm not claiming that what I do is the end all and be all of anyone else, but since when has anything gotten done without anyone telling others about it?
Posted by: Digger on April 15, 2009 01:05 AM