It was a dreary, rainy cold day in downtown Philadelphia at LOVE Park, but still Americans came to protest their government at the Philadelphia Tax Day Tea Party. Estimates of attendees ranged from 300-500, but I'm not really sure of the numbers as people came and went and were surrounding a covered area for the speakers.
It was really amazing to see this many people attend in the middle of the day on a Wednesday from 12-2 voicing their opinions. Especially since it was so cold, temperatures were mid to high 40's in the down-pouring rain and it was quite a miserable climate. The crowd ranged in age from young to old, from black to white, from liberal to conservative to independent. In the end the event was a success and the speakers did a great job of speaking the truth on why everyone was there. My hat is off to the organizers for having such a great turnout even without any celebrity speakers or known people there and the negatives of time and weather.
Just average everyday people sick of the spending, taxing and general corruption and incompetence of the majority of members in government.
I have watched the media since getting home and across the board, other than Fox News, all media have been saying that this is being held by Republican and conservative groups. They totally discount the American people who have organized these on their own, spread the word and actually attended. I will tell you this, the people I heard and talked to said
"Throw them all out, both parties."
The media has really proven once again that they are 100% the mouthpiece of the government administrations and not of the American people. To outright disregard the will of the American people by dubbing their outrage as "partisan" or "extremists" while their paychecks are being assaulted and their children are being put into unpayable debt is absolutely asinine and the more they lie the more American people will realize that they can no longer trust them. They will go the way of the newspapers who have shown to be biased. They are digging their own graves. And it couldn't happen too soon.
But you didn't come here for me to rant on, I know you came for the pictures and signs, so here goes a bunch of them below.
 The ever present "Who is John Galt?" sign. If you haven't read Atlas Shrugged I urge you to do so. |
A masked "extremist" hides his identity.
And one of yours truly who continues to spread the word of the robbing and raping of taxpayer's wallets by illegal aliens and their supporters.
Update: Found some videos
More videos below the one below.
Beginning National Anthem
Chants "Cut the Taxes"
Some Statements
On Jackson and Central Banks
Some Signage
America The Beautiful
Jesse Civello Speech
Thanks Digger, and RIGHT-on..
It’s not out-of-the-question that the 2009 TEA party participants could someday be regarded by history as patriots who made a difference- same as 1773. This sort of public outrage might be just what’s needed to break through the media’s manufactured reality.
And you can believe that Obama and the left are plenty scared of the TEA party movement- how else to explain the dubious timing of his "everything is under control" speech on the economy, and (on the same day before the protests) the wierd DHS report warning of "right-wing" radicals and their propensity to violence? Now ACORN is deploying thugs to confront these protests at the street-level? What's next, bring-in the Crips? Or the next year, the mandatory Obama youth corps?
Barack Obama is rapidly liquidating everything that made this country great… and needs to be put back-on-his-heels with a major embarrassment that puts an end to the myth that everybody just loves Barack and his wacked-out agenda… because millions of us DON’T.
Posted by: Reaganite Republican Resistance on April 15, 2009 07:42 PM