/ May 1, 2009 11:17 PM |
The verdict is in for the case against Brandon Piekarsky and Derrick Donchak.

 Top: Brandon Piekarsky; Bottom: Derrick Donchak |
And here are the results:
Brandon Piekarsky
Third-degree murder: Acquitted
aggravated assault: Acquitted
recklessly endangering another person: Acquitted
simple assault: Guilty
ethnic intimidation: Acquitted
criminal solicitation/hindering apprehension or prosecution: Acquitted
purchase, consumption, possession or transportation of liquor: summary judgment.
Derrick Donchak:
aggravated assault: Acquitted
recklessly endangering another person: Acquitted
simple assault: Guilty
ethnic intimidation: Acquitted
3 charges each for corruption of minors and selling/furnishing alcohol to minors
Almost identical to my own verdicts that I came to the conclusion with after following this all week.
According to the Republican Herald:
The defendants had no comment.
Donchak's eyes seemed watery,
Piekarsky was jubilant
Republican Herald
Following seven hours and forty minutes of deliberations, a Schuylkill County jury found two Shenandoah teens guilty of simple assault in connection with the beating death of, Luis Ramirez Zavala, 25, an illegal Mexican immigrant. One teen was also found guilty of other minor charges.
Brandon J. Piekarsky, 17, of Shenandoah Heights was found guilty of one count of simple assault and acquitted of all other charges.
Derrick M. Donchack, 19, was also found guilty of one count of simple assault. He was also found guilty of three counts of corruption of minors and three counts of furnishing alcohol to minors. He was acquitted of all other charges.
In an unusual move, Frantz said the two police officers who testified they heard Garcia say Scully kicked Ramirez, Robert M. Senape of West Mahanoy Township and Michelle Ashman of Frackville, were not telling the truth.
The prosecution failed overall. No Physical evidence, racial charges filed against the two when nobody who testified on the prosecution side - other than a witness who was flaky - said that either Piekarsky or Donchak made any slurs.
I feel the police department needs to be investigated as well for a very poor investigation that did not take into evidence all of the shoes of the teens at the scene after hearing that there was a kick to the head. I don't believe there was a cover-up, but I believe incompetence or laziness.
(Shenandoah Teen Trial Coverage: Day 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, My Verdict, Verdict is in!, Shenandoah Rally and Archive)

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Posted by Digger on May 1, 2009 11:17 PM (Permalink)
The right thing has happening, they should be free, there good kids
Posted by: Moe on May 2, 2009 10:27 AM
These verdicts constitute a dangerous TRAVESTY OF JUSTICE. Murderers basically got off Scot-Free!
A great demonstration of how a jury can destroy a verdict; the Witless making Decisions of Law, of which they are totally Incapable.
An Investigation at the highest Federal Level should now begin in Shenandoah: which must include every person connected to this crime in any way, family members, witnesses, the Police Force; and it should continue right on into the Courthouse itself!
Posted by: Paralegaleye on May 2, 2009 10:31 AM
Posted by: turtle on May 2, 2009 11:03 AM
"The right thing has happening, they should be free, there good kids"
Englishfail (or perhaps you're convinced we speak "American"?). Until you can string together twelve words (almost all of them under one syllable) that are matched in case and conjugation, I'm not ready to place squarely in your hands the onus of determining the "right thing".
Paralegaleye, in my mind, the very second you have a foreign national dead on your soil, it is time for the Frackville police step aside and bring in federal investigators. Would anyone reading this want local police officers investigating the beating death of your spouse or s/o if you were vacationing in Cancun? London, Ontario? Dubai, UAE?
That said, this article is actually a pretty even-handed assessment, though I'm not thrilled with the ultimate outcome.
Posted by: Red-Hot American Justice on May 2, 2009 12:35 PM
I like turtles, too ;)
That said, nice covering of the events Digger. BTW, the pic of Ramirez they put up at the end of the DA's closing statement, was a waist-up shot of Ramirez standing straight, with his hands by his side, and a light-colored wall behind him.
I was at the courthouse all day with the boys' families. I got to talk to everyone, and the family room had 31 people in it (including myself and my friend).
They are all wonderful people and the verdict was reasonable. We were hoping for the best, but expecting the worst. You should have heard all those simultaneous gasps from the entire courtroom when each "not guilty" was heard! I will never forget that sound. I will have my write-up done soon, from a whole different perspective than the lamestream media.
Thanks for being such a great blogger!
Posted by: Wendi (Turtle) on May 2, 2009 12:48 PM
Should have been convicted ONLY on the alcohol charges. Simple assault? No. Then again, Ramirez never should have been here in the first damned place - he gambled, took a risky chance and lost. One less illegal in the valley!
Posted by: Nobama 2012 on May 2, 2009 02:17 PM
It's about time the white man sees justice from our corrupt judicial system when battling said system over phoney bogus charges and race involved. Maybe this will send a message to others who think of swimming the Rio Grande.
Posted by: backwardnikomahs on May 2, 2009 09:15 PM
As a child of parents born and raised in the Shenandoah area it is extremely discerning to somehow relate to such a tragic event. I was not raised in the area, though due to the majority of my relative still remaining local visit it quite often. My dad was in the Army and my parents left everything they knew and traveled all over the world. I can not imagine what kind of upbringing it would take to commit such a hateful crime. I currently live in Atlanta and to think what would happen if they would come down here with that kind of mindset. I was appalled that they did not move the case to another location for jury selection. The town is too small, and not diverse enough. Especially for a case where it is a possible hate crime and the majority race (white) is about 96% according to a census another news organization posted. It hurts me especially when my grandparents from there visit me and immediately call anyone who looks Hispanic a Mexican. I have had verbal arguments with them about how it is politically incorrect. Granted the man was a Mexican, it just shows the ignorance to other ethnicities. The lack of diversity in the area is what drives the fear of the unknown. I would just like to take those boys and show them what the world is REALLY like for they have no idea. Because of their ignorance children are now fatherless. How can you deny that this was a hate crime? If there was some other motive it would have been stated. Can't wait till the Department of Justice overturns the acquittal. A news clip of family members leaving the court showed people rejoicing saying they were glad the jury listened. Are they forgetting that the boys were still charged with battery? They did something wrong, a man died and they are celebrating! I read another article where they referred to the boys as kids. An 18 year old is an adult last time I checked.
Posted by: Disgusted on May 3, 2009 12:18 AM
It's about time the white man sees justice from our corrupt judicial system
It has nothing to do with race. It has to do with facts. Unless of course you are taking your marching orders from MALDEF who made this whole thing about race. Don't fall for their trap.
I can not imagine what kind of upbringing it would take to commit such a hateful crime.
The evidence shows that it was a mutual fight. Read the testimony I covered over the past week. Unless you want to remain spewing ignorance. Ramirez took his shirt off, his jewelry and wallet and prepared for the fight according to his girlfriend at the scene.
Secondly, after the initial "first" fight. Ramirez attacked the boys again while they were leaving. There is dispute as to whether Ramirez started the first fight, but it seems plausible when he also attacked them the second time "sucker punching" Scully in the head from behind.
I'm not going to reiterate all of the testimony here as I clearly have documented it all.
If you really care about food for thought read My verdict and instead of coming up with ignorant comments that the boys were a roving gang, come up with some rational argument to refute the evidence that is beyond a reasonable doubt, because in this country that has been the law of the land.
Otherwise you come off as a little foolish.
Posted by: Digger on May 3, 2009 12:30 AM
"Where is the HATE"? Oh well, what goes around , comes around. Weather you agree with the outcome or not, it is not over. Some one else will die , because of this STUPIDITY.
Posted by: Jack D. Ripper on May 3, 2009 07:09 AM
Spread the word to Mexico; it's not safe to be an illegal alien in the US. 'Bout time. Bring on the war. Defend America from the invasion. There are fatalities in war. Reconquista the Southwest my ass!
Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on May 3, 2009 05:31 PM
Great coverage to you Wendi, great clear writing Digger. The problem still lies with all those who refuse to listen to the actual testimony and understand the actual facts.
Posted by: Liquidmicro on May 3, 2009 11:12 PM
Good for them.
It's about time we won one.
BTW Dan, when will you accept it is about Race? Always was....always will be....regardless of "who started it".
I have to commend you both for restraining to pat yourselves on the back and not take the credit for this.
Goos for the kids. I hope the tell the WHOLE WORLD about what happened.
Posted by: Billy on May 4, 2009 07:44 AM
I have to commend you both for restraining to pat yourselves on the back and not take the credit for this.
Take credit? Dunno where that is coming from. All I did was report the testimony and comment on the case. I don't want any credit, all I want is for illegal immigration to end.
BTW Dan, when will you accept it is about Race?
Nothing to do with race, it was about a fight. The ones who make it about race are the racist groups. The average American just wants the laws enforced and every legal person to have an equal chance and equal rights.
Posted by: Digger on May 5, 2009 01:40 AM
Nothing to do with race, it was about a fight. The ones who make it about race are the racist groups. The average American just wants the laws enforced and every legal person to have an equal chance and equal rights.
Well said. My sentiments, exactly.
Posted by: Wendi (Turtle) on May 6, 2009 07:46 AM
Be serious for once. Just once, please.
The 'hispanic' groups are racist and want to eliminate White America.
The goverenment is racist and wants to eliminate White America or at the very least minimize it's influence.
The black groups are racist and want to eliminate White America.
You yourselves have have noted this point and have said it over and over.
So you utter BS saying it is not about race and it makes you a laughing stock.
The ENTIRE system has been hijacked by people that are what you call 'racist'. Mestizos, blacks, and don't forget our dual citizen buddies; and they are AGAINST YOU....the White people.
How can you sit behind your keyboard and say it is not about race? RACE is ALL it is about.
Survival and proliferation. Nature and Natural law. Not some body of laws that WE THE WHITE PEOPLE (at least the ones not on the take) are the ONLY ones that follow. THE ONLY ONES. Inculding people in law enforcement and the government.
Where will screaming about law and order get you. The ship is sinking, so stop polishing the brass. Either man the bilges or get out of the way of those are doing that.
You are not gaining any credibility (and be honest, you have none....except among yourselves) by LYING about the truth. MALDEF and La Raza are at least honest about the reality of the situation, and they are getting FAR better results than you or any other 'anti-illegal'group ever has.
You need more than lies, slander, photo-ops, grandstanding, and poor attempts at propaganda to be successful. You need the truth. Embrace it for a change.
You guys just call people names and get crude when you are confronted or want to craft an image. You are bad at it too. You have not one professional or sensible bone in the lot of you.
Posted by: frank on May 6, 2009 10:42 AM
The 'hispanic' groups are racist and want to eliminate White America.
The goverenment is racist and wants to eliminate White America or at the very least minimize it's influence.
The black groups are racist and want to eliminate White America.
You yourselves have have noted this point and have said it over and over.
You have destroyed your own racist argument. It is indeed the groups and the groups within government who are racist, not the people as a whole. Unless of course you want to destroy all the hard working black and "Hispanic" people who are indeed for America. Those working in our law enforcement, armed forces and going to work every day to actually accomplish something. Those who actually agree with you that "White America" is being screwed by these groups. Even some who are defending you while you sit around calling them racists because some group has hijacked their race and used it for ill.
The ENTIRE system has been hijacked by people that are what you call 'racist'. Mestizos, blacks, and don't forget our dual citizen buddies; and they are AGAINST YOU....the White people.
Indeed you are correct. This however is actually a small portion of America and these few can be neutered if people will stand up.
Either man the bilges or get out of the way of those are doing that.
And what exactly are you doing Frank?
You have not one professional or sensible bone in the lot of you.
If professionalism in your opinion is shouting continuous racist stuff about every individual who is not white, then indeed I am not professional, nor do I want to be.
Posted by: Digger on May 6, 2009 10:37 PM
Hey Digger, word is that Shenandoah wants another anti-illegal protest. You up for it?
Posted by: Turtle on May 12, 2009 01:47 PM
all brown skins hate us because we are better than they are just look at the crime and sloth statistics.negroes and cans don't work they steal,they murder and rape white people white but we are the racist because we want to sent the scum back to mexico.the 52ers put a racist negro commie in the white house who will put a racist lisbo la raza spick on the supreme court while he destroys have to learn to vote for real americans instead of traitor commie scum like all democrats.this bastard bongo will not be happy untill he starts a civil war.
Posted by: bruce on May 26, 2009 01:30 PM
Nah....he's not up for it.
He is afraid of looking bad. Personal agendas depend so heavily on perceived outward appearances. Meaning he thinks people will think something about him that he thinks is a problem.
Sound crazy? Maybe...but definitely stupid.
Stop trying to shape and form what a anti-illegal immigration group can be and stop telling people how to think if they are to be standing in the same quadrangle as you.
Get over yourself, you are growing more insignificant weekly. People are waking up to the problem and are no longer willing to accept you hawking your version of "the problem" regardless of how many photo-ops you manage to be lucky enough to be around for.
Self-righteous and delusional coward. What qualifies you to decide what people are supposed to think? Your big mouth? The fact you spend more effort telling people what you are not instead of what you are?
Posted by: billy on May 27, 2009 07:49 AM
Thank God that true justice finally prevailed for European Americans. Let us not forget that the illegal immigrant "victim" was an old man sniffing around (or possibly more) a 15 year old girl. Where was that headed? Something tells me that 15 year old girl would have ended up as the victim eventually and there would be no outrage from the pro-immigration morons about her fate.
The truth of the matter is, that if the victim had stayed in his own country he would still be alive. Illegal immigrants come here, get financial and social aid and can even own property. Americans can not by Mexican law even own property in Mexico, regardless of finances. Over ten percent of Mexico's population is here in the United States and a vast number of them are illegal. There is two sides to this tragic story. Wake up or learn to speak Spanish.
Posted by: PS on May 29, 2009 11:49 AM
There are numerous websites out there that are demonizing the defendants that were aquitted in a court of law. These websites are deliberately and conveniently ignoring the true facts of the case in an effort to further harm these young men that merely defended themselves. This kind of anti-white bias must stop. Here's a link to the offending website. Be advised they will remove your message. They don't want to hear any truth but their own misguided and twisted version of the events. Feel free to leave a comment on their site, keep them busy trying to erase the truth, comment as frequently as you see fit. I recommend that any comments made should be civil, respectable and adhere to the true facts of the case.
Here's a link:
Posted by: Reckert Strait on May 30, 2009 12:23 PM
I can only hope that Bruce is a mislead 13 year old boy with a wild imagination, because I think I'd rather die than accept the fact that there are grown adults in this area who actually think like that.
I'd like to point out that, no matter how many people have commented that we "accept the truth" or "look at the facts", the truth is that someone died and no one is paying the consequences.
Also, for all those comments on hispanics being rapists and/or murderers, you're the ones who need to face the facts and accept the truth. Thousands of rapes and murders occur every year and the perpetrators are by no means majority hispanic.
Also, if you'd like a history lesson (because I'm sure you've never had one in your po-dunk sheltered red neck Republican towns), Europeans came here centuries ago to rape and murder the people and conquer this land which we call our own. We're all immigrants, unless you're a Native American, so stop acting like you have some kind of divine right to be here.
Posted by: Disgusted Democrat on July 14, 2009 11:56 AM
MOE> "The right thing has happening, they should be free, there good kids" - Yeah Moe, good kids, when they were found guilty of simple assault, which is still flabbergasting, and in total awe never the less as we speak.
Second, Moe seems to be illiterate as well, concerning his grammar is almost as bad as mine, never the less. Moe - as I suspect your white and disobedient - go to school, and pick up a book.
Finally, what a shame on the American Justice System as a whole. The boys should be hung by their nuts. They knew what they did was wrong, and they robbed that young man's life. What gives these young white crackers the decision of who dies or lives?
Posted by: Alejandro on October 3, 2010 08:44 PM