Chelene Nightingale, the patriot who has been one of the driving forces behind the group
Save Our State calling for immigration enforcement for the past half decade, formally announced that she will be running for governor of California in 2010. Nightingale was chosen by the
American Independent Party, a group which includes the
Constitution Party and it's platform, as it's candidate.
Her website has been formally launched and can be found at Nightingale for Governor.
Nightingale has been an outspoken advocate in southern California for the American people. I can assure you that she is not some fly-by-night patriot, but has sacrificed over the years - of her own time and money - to speak out to have immigration laws enforced and for the American people to be put first. She was a driving force in the rallying for the freedom of border patrol agents Ramos and Compean.
 Chelene Nightingale with Border Patrol Agent Ignacio Ramos and Tom Tancredo |
Her stances and platform align with the Constitution Party and those of Ron Paul. From reading her website and from her speeches, she believes that the Constitution is the law of the land and that it was meant to be followed as a blueprint that has made this country great. She also believes that it is being distorted, changed and disregarded for reasons that are not in the interests of our country first.
On government, Nightingale believes in cutting government spending back to the level it was intended. She vows to return the California legislature to part-time status and drastically reduce business taxes. When it comes to state's rights, she is fierce and appalled at the continued intrusion of the federal government where it should not be.
On education she is for the removal of teachers who do not perform up to par, for school vouchers and an advocate and practitioner of home schooling.
I feel a special kinship with Chelene after having the pleasure of meeting her in Washington DC. She, like myself, is a "military brat" having a father in the Air Force and the accompanying childhood of moving around a bit. I believe that this experience and upbringing in youth is a big boon to the way people view the world and our country. It is a huge benefit to have lived, gone to school and worked with so many people of varying backgrounds and this experience will serve her well as governor of California.
Chelene lives in the heart of California that is being most drastically affected by the decades of disregard to what our founding fathers envisioned for this country. The state of California has been ravaged and devastated by those in it's legislature and recent governors who have bowed to the pressure and money from unions - like that of the teacher's union - radical environmentalists, special interests, unscrupulous businesses and outright greed. She vows to change that and is doing so by not accepting any campaign funding from these big wallet machines.
She intends to win the governorship by the support of the people. And that is where she needs your help. She will need donations from everyday Americans to win the seat, fix California and return it to it's golden glow.
California has been searching for a leader who is "of the people" and "by the people". Over the years they have been crossing their fingers and voting for those who simply talk a good game, without really knowing if they will follow through or actually believe what they say. Chelene Nightingale has not only talked the talk, but walked the walk and I believe is the leader they are looking for. I wholeheartedly support Chelene Nightingale for California governor and I urge you to do so as well.
Visit her campaign website at and give her your support.