I'd like to personally thank all of those who have donated to the current fundraiser that is ongoing. If you haven't donated yet I'd like to urge you to do so, so that I can continue to cover the issues and report back to you first hand experiences.
This will seem like an ego post to some and no doubt I will will be accused of such by those who constantly hate me for the efforts I make, but I feel in regards to asking for your donation some of the things I have accomplished or helped support should be noted. As of this writing Digger's Realm has served over 7 Million pages to people seeking information on illegal immigration.
In the past some of my reporting has actually forced congressmen to sign on to legislation, such was the case with Congressman Nunes and his signing of the bill for the pardon for Ramos and Compean. My voice was blown out for 6 days from screaming to free Ramos and Compean at the White House and leading a group in march from the White House to the Justice Department. I have also brought forth the stories of Border Patrol agent's Gary Brugman and Noe Aleman and setup the official donation website for Noe Aleman days before he went to jail.
 Left: Digger with BP Agent Ignacio Ramos' Wife, Monica, and father-in-law, Joe Loya Right: Digger with Congressman Tom Tancredo |
My video informing and pushing HR 1207 the Federal Reserve Transparency Act was featured on Ron Paul's website for pushing his initiative and has been spread far and wide. From my initial coverage - and making of the video - the bill went from 28 co-sponsors to now over 250. I don't claim sole credit for that - no one can as it was Americans from everywhere who demand change - but the video has certainly explained things to congressman who thought of signing on and those who have called them demanding that they do so.
I have made speeches throughout the Pennsylvania area, including the ground zero of Hazelton. I have
interviewed Hazleton Mayor Lou Barletta,
congressmen and congressional candidates including
questioning them on immigration on a panel, something you rarely see as immigration is ignored as a hot button issue. I am also one of the few who have been covering
State Legislators for Immigration Control who are calling for immigration enforcement, you won't see that on the MSM or local news and you certainly won't see video of all of their speeches.
I spoke at the Shenandoah, PA rally attended by over 600 residents opposing illegal immigration and brought you all the coverage from it as some of their youth faced charges of ethnic intimidation and murder of an illegal alien. Then I went on to cover the whole of the Shenandoah trial over a week, in-depth, as I did with the Hazelton trial for the Illegal Immigration Relief Act. Openly protested the Mexican Consulate in downtown Philadelphia where I was confronted by angry Illegal alien supporters. Protested Vicente Fox where I was confronted by angry anarchists. I simply can't list all of the rallies and protests I've covered in-depth, but if you agree with these actions please support me by donating below.
I have supported immigration enforcement groups throughout the country, both large groups and individuals. All of the above takes hours of preparation, planning and post production. While I have done a lot myself, I certainly haven't and cannot do it alone and that's why I need your help and support.
For my efforts opposing illegal immigration I have been branded by the ADL as a xenophobe and "anti-immigrant" in a massive spread written by them on my actions and endeavors to fight illegal immigration. All of the above is just a bit of the stuff I have taken part in, the rest can be foudn throughout this website.
So I'd like you to support my efforts. Whether it's $10 or $150 every little bit counts. Help me to eventually get on the SPLC list of their most hated people calling for immigration enforcement. I will certainly try my hardest to be a thorn in their side and those who support illegal immigration.

Dan Amato
Note: Your donation to the Digger's Realm 2009 Fundraiser is not tax deductible