Michelle Malkin went on
The Today Show with Matt Laurer to talk about her new book "
Culture of Corruption
". In the interview you see below Malkin points out what many have been thinking regarding Obama's comments the other day. Obama said that the police who arrested Harvard Professor Gates after breaking into his home (with Gates generally being an ass to police) were stupid. The fact that Obama would side with one person over another without having the full story - as he admitted just prior to making comments - simply because of the races of those involved is outright racist itself. Obama sided with the Black professor over the police with no knowledge other than the fact that the policeman was white and the professor was black.
Malkin also goes on to point out that in her book she exposes Michelle Obama to be a total nepotistic fraud. From what I know about Michelle Obama she has been nothing but a race card playing person who blames whites for all transgressions of wrongdoing, yet still managed to move ahead in her career despite her skin color. Her thesis in college was on the "racial divide". Race is forefront in her mind, over ability, intelligence and aptitude. By using Michelle Obama's own logic, if everything was stacked against her so harshly by whites then she must have used dirty tricks to get ahead. Obviously her logic is flawed. To anyone who thinks that a constant barrage of racial wordage from Michelle Obama throughout her marriage to Barrack has had no impact on influencing his decisions or reinforcing his already existing beliefs, well then you just haven't been in a relationship.
Michelle Malkin on Today Show with Matt Laurer