Six people were arrested at a town hall meeting for Representative Russ Carnahan.
Kenneth Gladney, 38, said he was attacked by some of those arrested as he handed out yellow flags with "Don't tread on me" printed on them. Gladney, who is black said he was approached by a black member of the SEIU and called a racial slur before he was assaulted. As you can see in the video below Gladney was also assaulted again, by the white male seen in the picture to the right and thrown to the ground.
Also in the second video below you will see that members of ACORN or the SEIU are let into the doors while hundreds of protesters opposed to Carnahan's support of universal health care were barred from entering. The Democrats have recently resorted to the tactic of trying to claim that all of those opposed to universal health care are being bussed in and are "astroturf" - fake grassroots people - who are being paid by the insurance industry, but as the video below clearly shows these union thugs and community organizing groups are the ones busing people in. They hand out shirts and signs that are professionally printed, while those opposed are all in general civilian clothes with handmade signs. It is clear who is the one being paid for and supported by big money.
As for the assault on our American friend Gladney, he has told the St Louis Post-Dispatch that he sought treatment at an Emergency Room for injuries to his knee, back, elbow, shoulder and face.
 Russ Carnahan Pushes One Out |
Unbelievably, in a prepared statement, Representative Carnahan tried to blame it all on those who were voicing their opposition to his stance and not on the thugs from the unions.
In a prepared statement released Friday morning, Carnahan said: "Sadly we've seen stories about disrupters around the country, and we have a handful of them here in Missouri. Instead of participating in a civil debate, they have mobilized with special interests in Washington who have lined their pockets by overcharging Americans for a broken health care system."
"I will continue to engage with constituents that I am honored to represent in Congress and fight to achieve long-overdue health insurance reform in our country," Carnahan said.
And is it just me or does Russ Carnahan look like he has perpetual diarrhea or constipation?
Gladney Assaulted By SEIU Union Thugs
The thugs are all on the left.
SEUI/ACORN Members Let In Through The Back Doors
Above video was removed...try this: