Obama is in Mexico today and has been talking on immigration. He says that it may have to wait until next year, but that he has been having talks with House members and Senators to have draft resolution put together this fall with co-sponsors. DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano is heading up the behind the scenes organization of the coming amnesty legislation.
Obama doesn't see it actually making it to the floor this year, but I don't believe him for a second. I look at this as putting your "toes in the water" to see whether they have enough support to get it passed. I can guarantee you that if they feel they have even the slimmest shot of getting amnesty for illegal aliens through that it will quickly be put on the agenda and passed as fast as possible. This administration has showed time and time again that they can put several thousand pages of legislation together within days and pass it and I don't put it past them to try and do it again before the public can voice their opinion.
“Am I going to be able to snap my fingers and get this done? No. This is going to be difficult," said the president. "It's going to require bipartisan cooperation. There are going to be demagogues out there who try to suggest that any form of pathway for legalization for those who are already in the United States is unacceptable. ...”
Mr. Obama laid out a broad goal for working immigration reform through Congress, saying for the first time he anticipates that before the end of the year draft legislation will be moving forward.
“What we've been able to do is to begin meeting with both Democrats and Republicans from the House and the Senate," he said. "Secretary Napolitano is coordinating these discussions, and I would anticipate that before the year is out we will have draft legislation along with sponsors potentially in the House and the Senate who are ready to move this forward, and when we come back next year, that we should be in a position to start acting.”
“We can create a system in which you have strong border security, we have an orderly process for people to come in, but we're also giving an opportunity for those who are already in the United States to be able to achieve a pathway to citizenship so that they don't have to live in the shadows.”
Amnesty... coming your way.
Tipped by: Jeff Quinton over at Inside Charm City
Once again, Obama standing tall for the interests of the American people. Actually, he may have timed this perfectly; coming on the heels of the porkulus "stimulus" bill and health care "reform," I'm hoping the American people have had it with the Democrats and respond the same way as we responded lately.
Posted by: Kenneth E. Pope on August 11, 2009 12:07 PM
Even a bad decision is better than NO DECISION.
The ones who think the solution is keeping quiet, closing their eyes to save their political position are neither sincere with their position nor with their party and country.
The problem has grown to over 16 million people, human aspect, security aspect, social aspect and the way individuals, cities, states and other organizations trying to resolve it will make it even worst.
Open your eyes and mind and resolve and also ensure
border control
e vatification
panelty to employers
annual amensty to check the loop holes
Posted by: Mohammed Mian on August 25, 2009 10:08 PM