William Gheen of ALIPAC sat on a panel Aug 25, 2009 at the Constitution Town Meeting in Raleigh, N.C. In the speech below he received two standing ovations and I concur on his points (and on the standing ovations). While he starts with addressing health care to illegal aliens, he segues into hitting the core of how this country is being targeted for destruction.
"I believe you've got one more shot... in 2010. And I believe if you don't get it right in 2010, I hope I'm wrong, but I think that's it," Gheen said. "Right now I don't even know if you're going to get that shot, I don't know if one of the three Nation Breakers are going to pass [before 2010]."
Restrictions of free speech, restriction of gun rights and a mass amnesty for illegal aliens will be country altering events that could very well lead to the uncontrolled destruction of this country as a whole (some would see it as the controlled destruction; as in planned). Gheen calls these the three Nation Breakers.
 Leaders who were invited didn't show up |
Gheen also tackles the fact that illegal aliens in this country already receive health care on the backs of taxpayers and that it is nothing new in the health care bill, though it would expand coverage. He also touches on the birth tourism industry as just an example of the exploitation of our country and the health care system.
I applaud Gheen for the top video below because he is very concise. The video is only 4 minutes long, but touches on a lot of core issues.
As a bonus, in the second video below Gheen tells John McCain and the other faux Conservatives - Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush - to get the hell out of the way! Rousing applause from the crowd. Must be watched for full impact.
William Gheen on the Three Nation Breakers
William Gheen "John McCain Get Out of the Way!"