Rigoberto 'Rigo' Padilla, 21, an illegal alien who has managed to use taxpayer dollars to go through our school system and then attend Harold Washington College, is facing deportation after being pulled over for a DUI. Illegal alien supporters in Chicago are trying to make him out to be the poster child of a bad deportation - and they have the media working with them.
However, this is no ordinary illegal alien student, the guy is a race pushing activist. He has focused his college on attaining an Associate's Degree in Arts with a Latin American and Latino Emphasis. He is the former president of the Organization of Latin American Students and a volunteer for the non profits Casa Aztlán and Erie Neighborhood House
Both of these non-profits are heavily pro-illegal alien.
Obviously Casa Aztlan is a specific pro-Mexican group. Aztlan is in their name if that's not enough of a hint! Their mission statement also leaves no doubt what they stand for "Acknowledging the strengths of Mexican families, Casa Aztlán seeks to sustain the strong cultural identity of the Pilsen community by organizing and educating residents and providing supportive services in order to combat social violence, discrimination and poverty."
Erie Neighborhood House includes the words "La Casa Erie" below their logo just in case you accidentally thought it was for American families and states as their mission "empowers Latino and diverse low-income communities to reach their fullest potential" and "Our mission is to promote a just and inclusive society by strengthening low-income, primarily Latino families". Yeah screw the rest of America.
The disturbing part is the media's outright lying in their stories on Padilla. There is no mention of his working with these pro-illegal alien groups, nor the true crime that he committed.
 Rosanna Pulido |
ABC news "reporter"
Theresa Gutierrez wrote the story after doing an interview with
Rosanna Pulido - a Minuteman and former congressional candidate. Pulido passed on this news report after the ABC story that included her interview falsified their report by not mentioning that Rigo Padilla was arrested for drunk driving, but instead reported it was a minor traffic violation. They also refer to Padilla as an "
undocumented Chicago resident". All of the ABC claims are refuted by a letter by Padilla to Senator Dick Durbin before illegal alien supporters got a hold of him and white-washed his entire life.
Here's what Theresa Gutierrez said in her "story" on "Rigo" Padilla.
A Chicago college student is about to be deported to Mexico, a country he hasn't seen since he was a young child.
Last January Rigoberto Padilla was arrested for a misdemeanor traffic violation five minutes from his home and taken to Cook County Jail where his public defender reported him to immigration authorities. Padilla is now facing deportation on December 16.
"I did make that one mistake. It was a misdemeanor. I blew a stop sign. I don't want that to determine the rest of my life. I don't want to have my career stopped and not become an attorney," said Padilla.
And pro-illegal groups and politicians are out in force supporting this lawbreaker.
Theresa Gutierrez is no stranger to Hispanic causes and pushing a Hispanic agenda. Her bio at ABC points out all of the awards she has won, including: the Latino Coalition on the Media Triunfo Achievement Award; the Sor Juana Lifetime Award, given by the Mexican Fine Arts Museum; the Woman of the Year Award, from the Indiana Hispanic Chamber of Commerce; 2005 Anti-Defamation League's Women of Achievement Award; Hispanic USA Magazine selected Gutierrez as one of six outstanding broadcasters in the country.
 Theresa Gutierrez |
Theresa Gutierrez's English skills could use some work as well. Some of the quotes below are not even written in a meaningful way, though on the video they were quite clear. So much for needing a good education for being a "professional" journalist anymore. Now it's all about lies, propaganda and poor English skills. Apparently Gutierrez simply got ahead because she is Hispanic and a woman, both groups that she has been pandering to over the past 30+ years.
"Stop senseless deportation and enforcement while we wait for immigration reform," said Joshua Hoyt, Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights.
"What is the point? How is this helpful in any way to destroy families, destroy lives and rob ourselves of the talent of the taxes of the work, of the education that these individuals stand to gain?" said U.S. Rep. Jan Schakowsky, (D) North Suburbs & Chicago.
"[The DHS Director] has refused to meet, refused to discuss this case. They don't wand to allow us into the building, the building our taxes paid for," said Hoyt.
However, this story is full of lies. With no mention of the DUI at all and a sob story that continued on in Gutierrez's report of falsities. In the video report on Padilla they interview him and he outright lies on camera that he "blew a stop sign". During that portion you can see him wince while saying it. He knows he is lying.
The recent press event included a march down to the DHS office, complete with American flags and 9,000 petitions to end deportation of illegal aliens.
Below is an open letter written by Rigo Padilla to Senator Dick Durbin and published in The Examiner April 8, 2009, wherein he admits it was a drunk driving incident.
In the letter below is where he mentions his affiliations with the pro-illegal alien groups and that his degree is a far cry from becoming an attorney as he claims in the ABC story above. It's lie after lie when it comes to this story.
Padilla also claims that he never knew he was an illegal alien until he was a senior in High School. With all of the lying from this guy, I take this claim by him as also suspect. His affiliation with the pro-illegal groups is not something that happens overnight. As can be read in the "open letter" Padilla has been trained well by the open borders groups. The letter is full of the typical euphemisms for illegal alien. For instance, he uses the term "Undocumented Student" repetitiously to the point of nausea.
Senator Durbin,
... I was never aware of my undocumented status until I was a senior in high school. ... In applying to colleges, the issue of being an undocumented student became a reality and it started to directly affect me. ...
Currently, I attend Harold Washington College and I am about to receive my Associate's Degree in Arts with a Latin American and Latino Emphasis. I have faced the same struggle of undocumented students in trying to continue their higher education. Although undocumented students are granted in-state tuition in Illinois, the cost of tuition has always been a problem.
At Harold Washington College, I have been the President of the Organization of Latin American Students. Also at the same time, I have remained active in the community. Before moving to the southside of Chicago, I was part of the non-for-profit organization, Erie Neighborhood House, in which a volunteered weekly. Currently, I have been volunteering at Casa Aztlan, another non-for-profit organization, which is located in Pilsen.
The purpose for this letter is to ask you to intercede in my deportation proceedings. I was arrested for a DUI without a license and now face deportation. I was transferred to Cook County Jail from the District 8 police station. At Cook County Jail, I was handed over to immigration once I was identified as a citizen of Mexico. I understand that Chicago has been recognized as a sanctuary city, but I feel that my case shows that there is not much enforcement of this law.
The most fascinating thing about all of this is that he was released back onto the streets under his own recognizance and Padilla claims that he has not a single family member in the United States that could sponsor him to stay here in any case. In other words his entire family and family line in the United States is illegal.
He argues that since the DREAM Act has been proposed in congress that he should be able to remain in the United States. It must be nice to be breaking the law in our country and then claim because unpassed legislation has simply been mentioned that you should be allowed to continue to break the law just in case it passes.
I understand that the DREAM ACT is up for consideration in Congress. I ask that because the DREAM ACT has been proposed, that my deportation proceedings be put on hold, if not cancelled.
Padilla then goes onto say that he considers himself American and doesn't identify with being Mexican. He states that he is now being penalized for being a Mexican, not because he is an illegal alien. This his playing of the race card is open and out there. All of this, of course, flies in the face of all of the groups he works with that solely focus on "Latino Pride" and "Latino Power". Padilla is just another of those people trying to play the American card when handy, but whose ultimate goal is the splintering of America by ethnic divisiveness.
I ask that you intercede in the deportation proceedings of other undocumented students that face deportation because they are being penalized for entering the country illegally. This issue is potentially a threat to all undocumented students, in the sense that a traffic stop or any minor offense could lead to being handed over to the custody of ICE. Once again, I urge you to take action in this matter because the Dream Act, which you have taken part in proposing, can potentially be my path and the path for other undocumented students to legalization. I hope that you take this letter into consideration and take action in this matter.
Rigoberto Padilla
So now not only do we have an illegal alien who has been sucking off the system and a group of pro-illegal alien supporters now getting behind Padilla - we have an outright liar in our country who is doing so to save his own rear.
Do we really need the likes of Padilla in this country? We have plenty of people who have already graduated and will not leach off the system that are also probably more skilled and talented than Padilla who are waiting in line to come to this country legally. I would choose one of them over this lying, dollar sucker who is playing the race and sympathy cards.
Padilla needs to go and he needs to go now.
Tipped by: Rosanna Pulido on Facebook