Ofelia G Wade, principal of Eagle Bay Elementary School in Utah, is apologizing - after the fact of course - for showing a severely pro-Obama and left wing cause video to an assembly of elementary school children. The video is chock full of celebrities saying "I pledge..." and then going through a litany of left-wing causes from not using plastic bags, to driving hybrids to not flushing after you pee to outright pledging to Barack Obama.
 Principal Ofelia G. Wade |
The video is just an example of the slick marketing of the left-wing that continues on. This time it is headed into our classrooms.
There is serious outrage at the recent announcement that President Obama will be addressing all students pre-K to 6th grade this coming September 8. In a release from the department of education they ask teachers to join in pushing Obama's objective of putting all others before yourself and turning them into little socialist servants for all their little causes.
What's wrong with putting others first? Well, there's putting other people you value ahead of yourself by choice at times and then there's putting welfare moms with 15 kids ahead of yourself at all times by force. Therein lies the crux of the matter between those in this country who believe in individual rights and those who believe in the socialist communism of The Collective.
Michelle Malkin has a great piece on the September 8 school indoctrination and those who are behind it - including William Ayers and the Chicago Annenberg Challenge.
This is not the public education that the people of America asked for when they first started public schools. The schools are there to teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, Science and how our government works. Not to indoctrinate kids in the political position of those who are currently elected in our government and to convince them that their positions are correct and that the kids should follow suit.
It is disgusting that children are now being forced into watching propaganda and garbage science from celebrities who think they know it all - many who have never even completed High School, yet talk about global warming as if they know actual science. Might I remind you that all actors are professional liars, they lie and deceive for money (I like actors, but that is the truth).
So back to the Utah principal, Ofelia G Wade, who now claims that she had no idea what the video was about because the PTA selected it and she didn't review it first. This principal should be fired simply for incompetence, not for the video alone. Any principal who is going to allow an assembly of all of her students and not even have a review of what they will be presented with is guilty of dereliction of duty.
It should be noted that the school, Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington, has a theme for the school year. "Service". Another year's theme? "Holding Hands Across the World". Apparently Liberals rule the roost. The theme should be "the greatness of learning and questioning" - and it should be that theme every year in every school in this country
It should be also noted that Eagle Bay Elementary School has a school theme song. You can read it at this link where it is printed in both English and Spanish. And wouldn't you know it, they also have a Spanish Culture Specialist on staff. You know, just in case you have problems with accepting American culture and the freedoms it represents.
Salt lake Tribune
A school principal has apologized for showing a video at an assembly that a politically conservative group leader is calling "radical, leftist propaganda."
Children at Eagle Bay Elementary School in Farmington were shown a short video called "I pledge" on Aug. 28. The video opens with an image of President Barack Obama and part of a speech ...
... pledges, such as "to never give anyone the finger when I'm driving again," "to sell my obnoxious car and buy a hybrid" and to advance stem cell research cross the line, some say.
"Showing the video in a public school is completely inappropriate," said Jennifer Cieslewicz, whose daughter is a first-grader at the school. "I don't believe a video such as this that promotes certain values should be shown to elementary students, especially without parents being aware. "
Chris Williams, Davis School District spokesman, said school principal Ofelia Wade and school PTA leaders decided to show the video as part of an assembly about the school's theme for the year, service. He said the PTA board chose the video and Wade did not see it before it was shown in the assembly.
"It got to a point where she turned to her assistant and said, 'Oops, I wish I would have seen this before. I don't think I would have shown it,' " Williams said. He said Wade could see how some adults might find the video political.
"She acknowledges she was wrong and apologizes for it and says she's sorry," Williams said. Attempts to reach school PTA leaders Tuesday evening were unsuccessful.
"I'm sorry" works when you're 5-years-old. I'm not so sure it works when you're talking about the responsibility of a whole elementary school. Wade should get down off her Liberal high horse and show the kids that with decisions also comes responsibility. In this case incompetence should make her resign her post. Of course she would never do that though, because lefties believe that no matter what they do they can just apologize and everything is fine.
In Wade's World everyone is a winner! Everyone is equal, everyone gets a medal and when it all comes down to it, you're only as valuable as the lowest common denominator in your class or school. If you think of yourself otherwise, well then you sir need to be pulled down - or dumbed down - a notch.
And if the PTA at Eagle Bay Elementary is presenting stuff like this to the kids out in the open, what else are they doing behind closed doors that isn't being reported?
Some of those out there aren't letting Wade steamroll them with her lame "I didn't know" apology.
Gayle Ruzicka, president of conservative Utah Eagle Forum, said the video was blatantly political. She said other offensive pledges included, "I pledge to be of service to Barack Obama," "I pledge allegiance to the funk, to the united funk of funkadelica," and pledges to not use plastic grocery bags and not flush the toilet after urinating.
"It's very inappropriate to show a radical, leftist propaganda piece that political to children," Ruzicka said. "If parents want their children to learn about those things and do them in the home, wonderful, fine, but it's not the place of the school to show a one-sided propaganda piece to children without parents knowing about it."
Want to give them a piece of your mind? Here is how.
Contact Info:
Eagle Bay Elementary Principal Ofelia Wade
Email: owade@dsdmail.net
Davis School District Superintendent
Dr. W. Bryan Bowles
(801) 402-5258
Web Contact Page
Want to contact Eagle Bay Elementary?
Main Office: (801) 402-3800
Other Davis School District Leaders
Slick and crappy video shown in Utah Elementary School - "I Pledge"
Pledge piece tipped by : Michelle Malkin