Eva Longoria of the show
Desperate Housewives was on
Jimmy Kimmel Live. She told him that she is taking online courses to receive a "Masters Degree" in "Chicano Studies".
What do they teach in "Chicano Studies"? According to the book that Longoria mentioned on the show, apparently they teach reconquista, race pride, Aztlan and a host of other anti-American BS. Longoria has a history of being pro-illegal alien, so most of this should come as no shock.
Debbie Schlussel passes along some quotes form the Kimmel appearance.
She's taking Chicano Studies “so I can be educated and have a background in my activism in the Latino community,” Longoria told Kimmel. "Yeah, I lost my book. And I had everyone on 'The Desperate Housewives' set looking for my copy of 'Occupied America.'”
The book Longoria is referring to is Occupied America by Rodolfo Acuna. As I just recently covered in my post on Raza Studies, It is a book loaded with references to how the southwest was "stolen" from Mexico. Under the guise of a history book, it attempts to enrage "Chicanos" at the supposed injustices they have faced.
Nowhere in the book is there any personal responsibility of Mexico and its oppression of its people. Everything is blamed on the bad 'ol USA.
 Eva Longoria With No Makeup |
It seems that even those in this country whom have benefited from its greatness, Eva Longoria included, are always in such a hurry to destroy it and turn it into a third-world country like Mexico. I for one ask that Longoria take her shtick down south and maybe help them fix their country rather than to focus so much on trying to change the United States.
Why do these people always have to be a "hyphenated" American? It's not enough for them to be a successful American or a successful actress. They have to somehow try and make themselves look better (in their own eyes) than everyone else by mentioning their ethnicity every 5 seconds. To most though, mentioning your ethnicity does nothing to make you better than anyone and actually makes you look like some kind of "race pride" weirdo.
Oh and to all you ladies out there, Longoria doesn't always look like she does when you see her in the pictures. While every guy likes to see a nice looking lady, it's all fantasy as these two photos can attest. So don't get down on yourself if you have a blemish, even Eva does.
They don't teach separatism--just the opposite.
There are two scenarios for you to come to the conclusions that you have above.
1) You have not actually read, or looked into, what they are teaching in these courses.
2) You have actually taken the courses and are deliberately trying to mislead people into thinking that teaching people race-based studies is not separatist in any way. That it is to the benefit of America to teach people that pride, simply based on race, is of the greatest concern. Hmmm, I wonder what they'd say about a "white pride" studies course - complete with masters degree.
If it's reason 1, you can start here to see what they actually teach...
I'm guessing your reasoning falls under is number 2 above though.
Posted by: Digger on October 18, 2009 06:05 PM