I received the comment below from Reader Brittancus in reference to my post on the Democrats and Obama Administration trying to end E-Verify. There are many Americans out there who are frustrated and that have realized the same things as Brittancus and I'm glad that he took the time to write his concerns down.
Some of the facts below you may not even know about or realize are tied together. Many I have covered in the past. While I don't agree 100% with all below (particularly health care), the majority is fact and therefore I have posted the whole thing (with some editing and grammar work as it was originally just a comment).
Two steps forward, one step backwards? That is the situation illegal immigration has put us in. Since forced back into the spotlight Patriots and exceptional American workers can claim another small victory. The Senate had to finally give in to public pressure and pass a three year extension for E-Verify. A small but significant step in slowly, but surely, removing illegal foreign workers out of the job market. But the ensuing battle is far from over. Let us question the open border meddlers. Let's just say for one minute - and this is a big IF knowing the frustrated and angry mood of 15 million out-of-work Americans - a comprehensive path to citizenship was to pass, how is our all-powerful government expected to halt the inflow of millions upon millions more illegal aliens at the border?
Without any doubt there will be a tangible effect of word-of-mouth, spreading like searing magma across the border, the Pacific, Atlantic and other oceans of the world. Will the fraternity of corrupted legislators bring home our troops from different nations of the world and place commands along the intentionally poorly constructed border? Or perhaps they will direct the National Guard once again, to picket that national demarcation line the between the two countries? My thoughts are that a torrent, materializing into a flood and then a maelstrom of desperate human beings will start a perilous charge to take advantage of health care, education and whatever California - and other sanctuary states - have declared as "free".
The border fence is nothing like originally planned. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) was the author of the border fence legislation. The original fence can be seen in San Diego, California. It is not what we view currently stretching from California to Texas. Hunter's construction is two layers, with a "no mans land" in between for Border Patrol use. Border Patrol vehicles have the capability of speeding along to any illegal incursion on a two lane track. Instead of illegal entrants only having to scale one steel barrier, they would likely be caught in between the fences and unable to negotiate the second fence before being apprehended.
Illegal access to America was never ended, because our politicians corporate employers never intended to keep the majority of discount labor out of the country. Think about it, if illegal immigration laws were meant to be enforced, the courts would have made crossing the border a felony. Currently it's a misdemeanor. You would think that the US Chamber of Commerce would be very potent in fighting the government on behalf of the 15 million jobless workers. The Chamber is busy though filing lawsuits to compromise E-Verify on behalf of Federal contractors and subcontractors. In court they are stating that the government lacks the authority to make the voluntary program mandatory.
The US Chamber of Commerce, The ACLU, and Council on Foreign Relations real agenda is to completely eradicate any border, port or airline enforcement and to expedite the easy access of impoverished cheap labor. Randel Johnson, chamber senior vice president for labor, immigration and employee benefits stated, "Our main focus right now is to try and provide that the regulation, that does not require the re-verification of current employees."
Any prudent person must realize that it's not just Federal contractors and subcontractors that have unknown numbers of illegal workers holding American jobs. Anywhere in the job market illegal immigrants are likely shielded by thousands of employers, given refuge by churches and hidden in unions halls. We should concentrate on the numbers of illegal foreign laborers who have been informed upon by the labor force of companies.
In Los Angeles 1800 individuals were found working at a clothing factory on fraudulent documentation. In Postville, Iowa a lightning ICE raid detained 300 unauthorized workers. Today most of those jobs have been filled by legal workers of all colors, but the usual suspects have complained that these are jobs Americans won’t do. Take these numbers and calculate them by how many hundreds of thousands of businesses there are in the United States. If just those two large companies are anything to go by, the actual numbers of illegal labor working without The People's Permission is absolutely staggering.
My cousin’s grandfather picked fruit in Oregon. American kids mowed lawns, flipped burgers, and babysat small children. The unskilled cleaned toilets and made beds in motels and hotels. Now you’re lucky if you can find a US citizen in the entertainment industry, janitorial jobs or hundreds of other low wage categories. All these jobs were slowly filled by exploited illegal labor, because they can be intimidated by employers who spin the word "El Migra". Always and forever, its about the profit and large bonuses these executives are receiving using foreign nationals instead of US workers.
The majority of these outlaw companies do not pay for health insurance. As I have repeated - over and over again - they have jettisoned their injured charges - roofers, construction and manual laborers - on the steps of the county emergency hospital. These companies are very knowledgeable of Federal law, because they and industrial organizations have subjected our Civil Servants in Washington to unceasing lobbying. The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (42 U.S.C. § 1395dd, EMTALA) is a United States Act of Congress passed in 1986 as part of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. It requires hospitals and ambulance services to provide care to anyone needing emergency health care treatment regardless of citizenship, legal status or ability to pay. No language of the act relates to reimbursement provisions. As a result of the legislation, any patients needing emergency treatment can only be discharged under their own informed consent or when their condition requires transfer to a hospital better equipped to administer care.
Nefarious companies are fully aware of this law that sick people who are low income can enter any emergency room and receive medical treatment. The companies are not held accountable for the hospital bills. They rid themselves of the responsibility, putting it on the US taxpayer or the hospital to swallow the medical bill. Citizens and legal residents are forced to pay for this in their taxes. If however they fall into the same quicksand, not paying for medical bills for themselves and family, they are literary hunted down by skip tracers and obnoxious debt collectors. Illegal foreign workers are exempt because they have no tracking ID papers, whereas the rest of the legal population are continually harassed by arrogant debt collectors. Many become victims of bankruptcy.
Unlike industrialized nations who have for years benefited from Universal Health Care, this country has badly failed the American people and instead favored money grabbing private insurance. It seems inconceivable that thousands of Americans die each year, because they cannot afford the premiums for their families.
Illegal workers are receiving free treatments, expensive dialysis and major surgery compliments of US taxpayers. GOOGLE - illegal immigrants - hospitals - health care for raw intelligence. As an example, in April, University Medical Center, Nevada has been spending about $2 million per month providing emergency dialysis services to 80 illegal immigrants. We should vividly remember that this is the home of Senator Harry Reid, whose powerful influence in Washington has intentionally used his power to weaken or trample on any immigration enforcement. He and his Democratic force has been instrumental earlier in trying to derail E-Verify. One should also consider that he has a very large population of illegal foreign nationals settled in Nevada. Reid hopes to be re-elected next year. Legal residents and citizens of Nevada should watch for any kind of irregularities in the voting booth, specifically absentee ballots.
California is the stark reality of complete flagrant disregard of federal law. It has instituted its own policy of a Sanctuary State. Over the years it has amassed an uncounted population of impoverished, poorly educated illegal labor and their families. It has become a very costly situation for Angelenos and Californians as a whole. With a Liberal-Socialist-Marxist Assembly in Sacramento, the tax and spend hierarchy have driven the State into near bankruptcy. Estimates for Los Angeles alone put the number of illegal immigrants at 3 million people. According to U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (CIS), an estimated 2,209,000 illegal immigrants resided in California in 2000, up from 1,476,000 in 1990. Since then the numbers have accelerated to unbelievable numbers, which is owing to our intentionally limited border security.
As usual the opponents of any kind of restriction on illegal immigration, is playing the race card. It's a forgone conclusion that the benefactors of promoting a mass invasion of our shores - such as religious groups, unions, ACLU, radical ethnic caucuses and even our own US Chamber of Commerce - will mouth epithets to any person group or other entity if it doesn't benefit big businesses who advocate a continuous force of illegal cheap labor. They are all really frustrated now because their objection to E-Verify was thrown out of a Maryland Federal court. All federal contractors and subcontractors must adhere to the law as of September 30. They have conspired against the American worker and people for too long and now we are fighting back against corrupt politicians and other elected officials nationwide,
Rep. Joe Wilson was actually telling the truth at the time he shouted "You Lie!" and now Democrats have placed restrictive residency language in the Health care reform package as a reluctant afterthought brought by public demand. This was nothing to do about bigotry or racism, but the American workers and family survival. The Business communities who hire illegals generally pay below the national minimum wage and not for other benefits. This forces the employees to rely on the taxpayer to carry the financial load. The US labor force should not have to be in competition, with people from other countries. Businesses have already offshored American jobs because it's cheaper. Every illegal foreign national and family member should be denied government run health care, jobs and all the billions of taxpayer dollars secretly allocated to pay for their support. Twenty million plus illegal people compromised themselves when they entered a sovereign nation without permission. The invasion of illegal immigrants into the state of California has much to do with its monolithic budget meltdown.
County Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich in 2004 released new statistics from the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services showing that Illegal Aliens collected more than $37 million in welfare and food stamp allocations in November 2008. This was up $3 million from September 2007. Illegal’s collected more than $20 million in welfare assistance in November and more than $16 million in food stamp allocations, for a projected annual cost of $444 million.
That is not the entire picture of the taxpayer burden. When you add in the cost of free Emergency Room services, free Public School education as well as public safety and free housing the annual cost is $3,000,000,000 a year and rising! In California they get a free lunch on the taxpayers in Los Angeles county compliments of Sacramento. That's up from 2007 where welfare had increased $2 million over the previous two months. Antonovich also said that 25% of all welfare and food stamp benefits go directly to children of illegal aliens and that the projected annual cost in welfare and food stamps for illegal aliens would be $444 million.
That is far from the entire picture of the taxpayer burden. That’s only the cost to taxpayers in Los Angeles County, how much is it costing the rest of the United States taxpayers? Is the cost $20 Billion, $30 Billion or $50 Billion annually? No one really knows, because most States refuse to ask the important question; “Are you a Legal Immigrant?”
My other concern, along with thousands of other citizens and legal residents, is how many illegal aliens are voting in elections when no governmental ID is needed to prove immigration status.
Simply recognize that California is a Sanctuary State. By removing millions of illegal immigrants and their families it would assist in balancing the budget. E-Verification being continuously modified from its original success rate of 99.6 is now constantly on the minds of company executives. With a three year extension those Democrats had no choice, but to irritably approve because of public outrage.
It proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that public exposure and anger with their politicians has had exemplary effects of how they vote. The three year extension was a small victory celebration, but be assured we have to keep a sharp eye on each and every one of them. We cannot let go for one minute
Since 2005 there have been announcements of the closure of many emergency rooms including Elastar Community Hospital in East Los Angeles. Tracey Veal, a spokeswoman for the Northridge hospital, said, It is estimated that the hospital spent $13 million on so-called charity care in the fiscal year that ended on June 30. Four other emergency rooms have closed in the county in the last two years. The reason given is the high cost of treating uninsured people. The article also states that 70 hospital emergency rooms and trauma centers have closed in California since 1990.The county estimates the cost of providing them with health care is $340 million annually.
There are approximately 127 Sanctuary Cities in this country; this figure keeps rising every year. In Pennsylvania, taxpayers footed a $25.3 million bill in 2007-08 to pay for emergency health care for non-citizens. Tax-funded subsidies of $2 million went to seven area hospitals. Florida Hospitals have to write off $100 million dollars in unpaid medical bills because of illegal aliens. The Florida Hospital Association says taxpayers pick up the tab. Austin - The state of Texas and local hospital districts spent an estimated $677 million to provide health care to illegal immigrants in a year, a new study says. In a recent year in Colorado, the state's emergency Medicaid program paid an estimated $30 million in hospital and physician delivery costs for about 6,000 illegal immigrant mothers - average of $5,000 per baby. Those 6,000 births to illegal aliens represent 40% of the births paid for by Medicaid in Colorado. Those 6,000 babies immediately became U.S. citizens and qualified for full Medicaid services.
The IRS allowed foreign workers - many of them in the U.S. illegally - to improperly claim nearly $7 billion in child tax credits from 2004 to 2007, a government investigator said Thursday.
It's estimated there may be over 300,000 anchor babies born each year in the U.S. Thus, illegal alien mothers now add more to U.S. population each year than immigration from all sources in an average year before 1965. These babies are called anchor babies because they act as an anchor that pulls the illegal alien mother and a host of other relatives into permanent U.S. residency. The instant citizenship of the baby, makes the mother favorable for low income housing and other less known government benefits?
FAIR estimates "there are currently between 287,000 and 363,000 children born to illegal aliens each year. This figure is based on the crude birth rate of the total foreign-born population (33 births per 1000) and the size of the illegal alien population (between 8.7 and 11 million). In 1994, California paid for 74,987 deliveries to illegal alien mothers, at a total cost of $215.2 million (an average of $2,842 per delivery). Illegal alien mothers accounted for 36 percent of all Medi-Cal funded births in California that year."
FAIR research shows that "the Urban Institute estimates that the cost of educating illegal alien children in the nation's seven states with the highest concentration of illegal aliens was $3.1 billion in 1993 (which, with the growth of their population to 1.3 million, would be more like $5 billion in 2000). This estimate does not take into account the additional costs of bilingual education or other special educational needs."
So vote no to supporting parasite businesses that hire illegal cheap labor. The Liberal Assembly in Sacramento has allowed foreign labor to settle here and now the Piper must be paid. US Taxpayers are unknowingly paying billions of dollars in State benefits to underwrite education, health care, housing, Public Safety and other benefits and now has the highest taxes in the nation. If we don't draw the line now the politicians will keep drawing more and more blood from us in the form of raised taxes.
A national plan for dealing with insolvent states is to let the rogue businesses of that state that received the benefits of all the wasteful spending bear the burden. It is unconscionable to spread the burden of asinine policies on those who neither supported it, nor received the benefits of it. It's all about corporate welfare and access to the politicians who supposedly protect the taxpayer.
Today the mechanism which checks employee information from I-9 forms against Social Security and homeland security databases, is used voluntarily by more than 148,000 employers and growing. Whether this is because of the fear of criminal penalties or just being a good loyal American, I don’t know. Groups such as the Society for Human Resource Management, US Chamber of Commerce and immigrant rights organizations have criticized the system for being inefficient, ineffective and unable to detect identity theft. They say that mistakes in government records could cause hundreds of thousands of legal workers to be declared ineligible. But individuals can easily resolve that problem. They can arrive with their ID at their local Social Security Office. Those workers who are not eligible to work in America will not enter this government building because of the consequences. It's as simple as that.
It would be foolish to think that the majority of the US populace are going to sit back and remain silent if the automatons of business - our lawmakers try to force AMNESTY through.
Here is a list of things residents and citizens can do to keep illegal immigration burning in the minds of Americans. We can all do something, especially because there is already discussions of pouncing on us with another amnesty
The most important is to keep “illegal immigration” on the front burner. Like me! VERY INTERESTING DIALOG FOUND ON THE NET.
“Letters to the Editor” about illegal immigration and how it affects the taxpayer and those who are in our nation illegally. When you read a “Letter to the Editor” or read a newspaper article about “illegal immigration", respond to the newspaper article or the letter-writer with facts are easily obtainable on the net.
Become a Whistle-Blower. Scrutinize work sites, day laborer pick up points, vans/trucks transporting workers and record dates, times and places and other relevant information. Pass this information along to law enforcement and (ICE) Immigration and Customs service. Remember! Next time it might be your job onthe line
Keep pressure on city, county, and state legislators. Write letters, send emails, visit their offices, phone them and constantly harass their assistants. Attending public hearings that are sponsored by elected officials is a must. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Contact talk show radio hosts and invite elected officials to come to the meeting to speak
Follow these instructions by TARGETOC
When reading about organization or groups with a tax exempt status investigate more. Explore those bringing a lawsuit against a city or county municipality who has passed an ordinance against illegal immigration. Check to see if their tax exemption prohibits legislative activities. If so, you can contact the IRS and request that their Tax exempt status be removed (this hurts the group in the pocketbook). The IRS will keep your identity confidential if you so choose. Be prepared to send IRS documentation, such as newspaper clippings of the organization or group, even faith groups and other political activity beyond the actual lawsuit. To verify the organizations/groups that are bringing about the lawsuits, go to their website: or you can contact the organization and inquire whether they are tax exempt?
Hold small group meetings on “Stopping Illegal Immigration”. Make up fliers, contact newspapers and send out newsletters. Contact talk show radio hosts, invite elected officials to come to the meeting to speak and request that they forward information about their official meetings and email constituents who are interested in stopping illegal immigration. Then contact radios stations and ask them to broadcast the meeting place, dates, times, etc.
Invite speakers such as law enforcement, ICE, elected officials, contractors who have been affected by illegal immigration, workers who were fired - and whose employer hired illegal immigrants to replace them - people who live adjacent to illegal immigrant housing, health care workers who can tell you the diseases that illegals are carrying, school officials that can give you costs of educating illegal immigrant children and cost to print instructional materials, cost of hiring bi-lingual teachers/interpreters, etc.
Encourage local law enforcement to adopt the federal program, 287(g). The 287 (g) programs gives law enforcement a database in which to check for legal status of workers. This database not only goes to ICE but it integrates into other federal data bases. Local sheriffs’ deputies can be trained by ICE to function as ICE agents in many ways on the local level.
Make sure that cities, counties, and states use the E-Verify (formerly Basic Pilot) verification system in awarding government contracts.
Call your U. S. Senators and Congressmen and demand the rapid completion of a fence along our southern border and urge legislation that will punish employment of illegals. All 535 congressmen and senators can be reached by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 or attend all meetings related to “stopping illegal immigration” and invite others to attend. When arrests are made of people of questionable legal status, contact law enforcement to make sure the suspect has been checked for legal status through ICE.
Attend meetings, such as city council and county council, speaking on the issue during public comment opportunities. Form networks of mailing addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, etc. to coordinate efforts. Stay focused, be patient, and try to remain positive.
Verify that those who work for you such as landscapers, housekeepers, painters, etc. are here legally before you engage them to do the work for you.
Do not support businesses which hire illegal immigrants, such as restaurants. Be sure to ask the business if they hire illegals. Tell the owner/manager that you will not do business with anyone who hires illegal immigrants.
Check for the E-Verify notice as in the restaurant "El Pollo Loco"
Participate in talk radio programs when the subject is on illegal immigration.
Encourage city and county elected officials to pass ordinances on illegal immigration. Support elected officials who are passing legislation/ordinances on illegal immigration.
Do all that you can do to support legislation for funding additional ICE agents by contacting your federal legislators?
American workers are under incessant attack by the open borders insanity. If the US worker wants to save his job from overseas cheap labor, they must get involved with organizations that wish to reduce legal and illegal immigration.
1.5 million newcomers enter America legally through the immigration green card lottery and at least 27 specialized visa applications. In many cases, these cheap rate laborers from India displace computer programmers. Not only do they enter the job market this way, but US workers have to train them before they are given a pink slip. This is a very devious situation that is beneficial to employers, but utterly devious to those who end up jobless.
One organization which has a reputable background is NumbersUSA. NumbersUSA has great resources in the chambers of Washington and state assemblies where information is quickly expedited to them. Investigate their website, their knowledge grows daily on the beginning discussions on giving the 20 to 30 million plus illegal squatters a path to citizenship.
Read about E-Verify being extended 3 years, instead of being tabled by anti-sovereignty Senator Harry Reid. That the Salvation army has disassociated itself from congregational religions and faith groups and does not endorse the National Association of Evangelicals' recent lobbying for amnesty and for an increase in foreign labor importation. That Zogby International poll reveals that 56 percent of Mexicans believe that someone they know would try entering the United States illegally if the country was to offer legal status to illegal aliens. This just a few of the nasty arrangements our so-called politicians have in store for us.
Another non-profit group is JUDICIAL WATCH with their main attention focused on political corruption in all levels of government.
Judicial Watch is a watchdog over our government, legal, and judicial systems. The site posts a summary of the court cases they are pursuing along with related news stories. Currently on their site is the ACORN controversy.
JW Statement on the Arizona Attorney General's Refusal to Take Action against Phoenix Police Chief for Receiving Illegal Pension Benefits and so much more that it nearly asphyxiates the mind. Learn about the supposedly non-existent North American Union. Information about the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) Do you really think that JW, is going to ruin its spotless reputation over NAU as a will-of-the-Wisp? Relating to the illegal immigration: JW Sues DHS for Documents on "Reforms" to 287(g), what is the Obama administration's response to the success of this program? How Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano decided to implement "reforms" to weaken it as part of her comprehensive "review" of all border security policies. Judicial Watch, of course, wants to know everything about how and why this incomprehensible decision was made?
In conclusion, be very aware of a blanket amnesty if enacted. Not only will millions more get past the border fence, but the costs cannot even be calculated with family reunification - known as "chain migration". A massive Armada of the old, young, mentally sick could be sponsored. The legalized sponsor, in the majority of actions, never fulfills his financial commitment to his charges and they end up as a taxpayer expense.
The CAPSWEB site is all about our rush towards overpopulation. The US Census Bureau has not denied that America's population could climb to projections of a 50-percent increase in the domestic population by the year 2050. Up from 255 million to 383 million. The next 100 million will suffocate our ability to maintain water, energy, food, communication, infrastructure and a balanced environment. It will put out of reach any chance for a stable and sustainable population within the USA. It will also create horrific water shortages and exacerbate the energy and climate destabilization crises. My suggestion is GOOGLE keywords - not separated by comma’s, such as "illegal immigration costs California" and learn the frightening truth for yourself. Not the lies and propaganda that seem to permeate from the desks of Liberal editors.