A shot was fired at Lou Dobbs' House a few weeks ago and nobody has been reporting it. Why? The shot was fired following a massive numbers of hate filled calls that Dobbs has been receiving for quite awhile. His wife was standing by their car not 15 feet away when the shot was fired. In the broadcast below Dobbs recounts what has been occurring to him and the vitriol he is facing from pro-illegal alien groups and people like Geraldo Rivera.
 NCLR President Janet Murguia at the 2009 ALMA Awards. The awards were created in 1995 by NCLR to be given to Latinos or those who promote Latino power. Pepsi and ABC sponsored this year's show. Racist and hate-filled non-profit groups are profitable, if you are the right color.Murguia fancies herself a celebrity now. |
There has been a mass movement of hate coming from the racist groups of National Council of La Raza, The Southern Poverty Law Center, MALDEF and the like, to remove Lou Dobbs from the airwaves. They claim he is racist simply because he wants our immigration laws enforced.
Think about that for just a minute. A United States Citizen makes a statement on an issue, that the laws already on the books should be enforced, and for this he is dubbed a racist. Hate against him is drummed up so high that someone would go to his house and shoot at it. This is what we have allowed to breed in this country.
I'll leave it up to you to try and guess what kind of a person would take a shot at Lou Dobbs' house. I think you're smart enough to figure it out.
To put my own spin on a famous quote, while evil flourishes, not enough good people are doing anything about it.
The evil of race-based groups like La Raza has spread far and wide. They must be stopped, ended, outed, destroyed and called on their hate filled mantra that illegal aliens should be allowed to run rampant throughout this country regardless of criminal background or who they are. They should be called on their claims that anyone who calls for immigration laws to be enforced is a racist against Latinos. They use this tactic to castrate any opposition to their goals of corruption in this country that will allow their groups to gain more power and money.
We continue to hear that there are "right wing extremists" in this country, but the left is simply far more violent than the right. Time and time again people are being assaulted in the streets by left-wing thugs. Just days ago violent illegal aliens and the racist "Brown Power" Brown Berets attacked Neo-Nazis who were standing still and nonviolently using their free speech rights under the Constitution. Houses are burned by the left-wing ELF. Another day another anarchist and left-wing physical attack and violent act.
I can almost guarantee you that left-wing thugs, illegal aliens and their supporters are behind these recent events. If not directly, they have stoked the level of hatred against one man so high that now they threaten his life.
These groups try to claim that by calling for immigration enforcement Dobbs is stoking hate in the US against immigrants, but the reality is that their claim is a total fabrication with no data to back it up. There are no mass numbers of white people roaming the street stringing Hispanics up from trees as they want you to believe. Meanwhile these groups target him directly as the most hate-filled man on Earth and someone makes an attempt on his life. Backwards logic abounds when it comes to who is the racist and who are the violent ones.
It's time to stop the hate! End La Raza, the SPLC, MALDEF and all other race-based groups and caucuses in our government.
Lou Dobbs Tells About His House Being Shot At
Tipped by: Reader Anise.