At a protest against illegal immigration in Ft Lauderdale, Florida, two protesters were assaulted while taking video of some thugs holding Che Guevara signs. In the video below, shot on Nov 14, 2009, you will see that they were simply taking video when one big musclebound thug attacks one of them striking him with is sign and then physically attacking him. A brawl ensues in the middle of the street at that point and the other video taker is thrown to the ground and kicked in the head when he is down.
Watching this video it is clear who started the physical assaults, but I am proud to say that those two patriots with the video cameras actually look like they came out ahead in the end landing some blows in self defense.
 An elderly man was attacked in Simi Valley, CA in December 2007 while protesting outside a church. |
Those opposing amnesty for illegal aliens have been protesting on this corner for 30+ weeks and now the thugs show up to try and shut down their free speech rights. This just falls in line with the vicious and hateful physical assaults coming from those on the left. Who can forget
Kenneth Gladney being attacked by union thugs, called a nigger and thrown to the ground and beaten? Or the
Tom Tancredo speech disrupted by racist left wing thugs who ended his speech throwing bricks through a window and shouting "Yes, racists, we will fight, we know where you sleep at night!"? The
assault by La Raza thugs at the Gene Green town hall meeting in Texas. The
assault on a Minuteman in Westminster, CA. The
three patriots assaulted outside a church for their harboring of an illegal alien fugitive. The
illegal alien supporters calling for violence against Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
It is a string of violence and physical threats and assaults - and it is only coming from one side. One time they will pick the wrong person to mess with.
At that time the media will ignore all of these assaults that have been occurring by the left - as they currently are doing - and will try to make it out to be "hateful right wing extremists" and "racists".
Of course you will know the truth if you have been reading this website for any amount of time.
Che Guevara was basically a sanctioned serial killer, his minions carrying his face on a sign seem to want to follow in his footsteps. Americans will not back down though.