/ March 17, 2010 01:27 PM |
So, Dick Armey is running around bashing Tom Tancredo and anyone opposed to illegal immigration once again. It is par for the course for Dick Armey. He now says that when he was majority leader he was sure to clamp down on allowing Tancredo any time to talk about immigration - because Armey didn't agree with his views. Armey supports mass illegal immigration and amnesty. He is now saying that Tancredo is "destructive" to the Republican Party because he believes immigration laws should be enforced.
“When I was the majority leader, I saw to it that Tom Tancredo did not get on the stage because I saw how destructive he was,” Armey said of the Colorado congressman and 2008 Republican presidential candidate known for his opposition to illegal immigration.
Armey is the head of the group FreedomWorks, a group that has been trying to hijack the Tea Party movement to push their agenda and to push the Republican machine. This agenda for FreedomWorks includes amnesty for illegal aliens.
Armey recently pulled out the tired illegal alien pandering statement at the National Press Club that "this is a nation of immigrants" - a ridiculous statement that disavows all of the contributions to this country of those who were actually born here and have contributed. As a matter of fact Mr. Armey should realize that the majority of the people in this country are not immigrants, but those who were born on US soil.
 From the 9/12/09 Tea Party in DC |
Of course to people like Armey that is something that should be brushed aside as it doesn't fit into his emotional argument he is trying to lay on the American people that we are all poor immigrants living with holes in our shoes and pushing on through the dustbowl as we pound on railroad spikes the ground. *Ding* *Ding* *Ding*
As we all know only immigrants, both legal and illegal have ever done anything productive in this country right? The rest of us are just hangers-on. A statement that comes right out of the playbook of La Raza and MeCHA and other race based groups who want to paint Americans as evil, lazy and worthless people.
Armey went on to say that if you work and pay your taxes - and here is the key - “if you love America, love freedom”, you should be welcome in America.
And that is where Armey falls flat on his face. Let's destroy these arguments one by one shall we?
First, as the first act in coming to America, illegal aliens break the law. To me that shows that you don't value America, you don't love it.
Second, they are not coming here for the love of freedom, they are coming here to make money illegally to send back to their country. That is not a love of freedom.
Third, illegal aliens pay taxes? You have really got to be kidding me here Armey. Sure I'll give you that they pay sales tax, it is hard to get around that. But to think that illegal aliens file their taxes when they owe money is absolutely ludicrous. Who in their right mind would file taxes when they owe, made the money illegally and have no valid Social Security Number? The only time you will catch an illegal alien filing taxes is if they have a corrupt accountant that works with illegal aliens to bilk the American Taxpayers out of getting a refund through things like the Earned Income Tax Credit (EIC) which will give them thousands for simply having children. Illegal aliens pay taxes... pfft.
Fourth, work. There's not much to say here. Like everyone else in this country, there are illegal aliens who work and there are illegal aliens who don't work and then there are the illegal aliens who are working the system. Fraud and welfare and health care are all worked over by illegal aliens. There are many who work, but really, with all of the other detriments that illegal aliens bring to this country, working does not make up for them. There are plenty of Americans right now who would like to work too.
In the end it comes down to this. Dick Armey favors illegal aliens over Americans. If an American obeys the law, loves freedom, loves America, works hard and pays his taxes, well in Dick Armey's mind they should also be saddled with footing the bill for illegal aliens by having even more money wrung from their wallets and pocketbooks. It is an absolutely disgusting thing for someone to believe, but Armey said it himself.
As for Armey clamping down on Tancredo, well he said it outright at the beginning of this article. He believes Tancredo is destructive to the Republican Party on immigration. Because for Armey it is not about what is right for America, it is all about the Republican Party.
NumbersUSA has a large article on Armey's past voting record and his indignant remark calling those for immigration enforcement "goofy".
Michelle Malkin adds "In boasting about exercising his Beltway power to keep folks like Tancredo off the stage, Armey embodies everything the Tea Party movement is supposed to stand against — top-down control, political hubris, silencing of dissent. With “friends” like Dick Armey, who needs enemies?"
Sources: Daily Caller
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Posted by Digger on March 17, 2010 01:27 PM (Permalink)
Another guy who must GO!!!
Posted by: REWHBLCAIN on March 17, 2010 03:40 PM
Like any computer function it takes time to remove the bugs. Nationally known PC products have problems? Even the greatest programs have inconsistencies with new versions appearing as they are revised and upgraded. Same is with E-Verify that is undergoing a continuous revision. I make no excuses that I have bombarded the internet with my blogs. To keep the American people aware that the open border extremists, use there pressures to demonize or at the least compromise E-Verify. Unlike wealthy parasite corporate owners the shrinking middle class doesn't have the resources to fight back against this incredible decades-long sedition. Those who wish to destroy E-Verify use are well financed by a huge compendium of organizations that have many reasons to remove it from immigration enforcement. It’s a repeat performance in announcing that the ordinary people who gain an advantage of making E-Verify as a permanent tool. Do not let these adverse organizations demoralize you. Already Homeland Security is working on the fraudulent ID glitch. Photo identification is being added, with other advanced tools.
It is against dark forces who not only want the free movement of cheap labor settled in America, but they also want the US population to pay for corporate welfare it represents. Corporate welfare being that many of our politicians are complicit in, to keeping the borders open no matter what? If decades of administrations wanted to halt the unceasing invasion of illegal immigrants, why have they not made illegal entry a criminal offense? Why is it not a felony? Illegal immigration would never have grown on this massive scale that is negatively connected with job loss for Americans. Another quest why the preposterous lie that any woman who crosses the border with intent to have their baby here. That was originally meant for the emancipation of the civil war slaves. As yet hasn't been rescinded, but distorted by the Liberal bench? Same with the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act that always faltered?
WHY MAKE IT THE LAW OF THE LAND--IF IT’S NOT GOING TO BE FULLY ENFORCED? These are the questions demanding answers from every federal and state representative of the people at 202-224-3121? Have any of us considered, that the US taxpayer would possibly paying less taxes, if states like the SANCTUARY STATE OF CALIFORNIA, NEW YORK were not emptying our pockets with entitlement programs for illegal alien families? Take for instance the document you pass to the immigration/customs agent as a tourist, student or any other visitor. Why bother when there is no way to detect, who has left this nation or have just disappeared into the landscape? Most of the time, the airport staff, ferry, passenger forget to ask or don't even care? You will only find these answers at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH or by surfing the Internet?
There is not enough room in this commentary to list the benefits to illegal aliens, including the child income tax reimbursement? Just ask Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich of Los Angeles, who according to him $50 million in welfare benefits (CALWORKS + Food Stamp’s) for the month of January 2010 alone. Yes! And that just the very tip of the financial iceberg, extracted from your income. Hundreds of pro-sovereignty groups will relay the information, of the billions of dollars given to illegal immigrant families. Now they want to further the outrage, by giving millions of illegal families a free ride to citizenship? Should a new amnesty past, what makes you think that future administrations will hold back the next tidal wave of people? How much more money do you think this Amnesty or following waves of illegal immigration will cost you?
THINK! Can anybody offer a reason why they haven't stationed the Nation Guard along the border, especially now with the incessant criminal drug war taking more lives of American citizens? The US Border Patrol has limited personnel and even the border Sheriff’s has limited deputies to keep the national line safe? Every day it gets worse and our government seem almost nonchalant to the battles raging on both sides. The National Guard should be armed and have the right to protect US citizens, who live along the border and terrorized by the criminal as well as illegal aliens crossing their land. My question how come we pour massive resources into Iraq and Afghanistan, when our border remains easy access to anybody?
Returning to E-Verify will be shortly a 99.9 percent effective and we shouldn't listen to Sen. Schumer, Sen. Graham, or others who are blemished, such as Sen. Reid, Majority speaker Reid, Sen. McCain, Dick Armey and a large obnoxious grab-bag of others.Many are now hesitating because they have been caught red-handed, as being the puppets of corporate welfare. Hearth Care reform could be distributed to millions of Americans, if only our legislators denied any government entitlements to (ANCHOR BABIES) with instant citizenship, who are the "Anchor" for the whole family to reside here. New legitimized immigrants could sponsor, millions of direct family members including those who are already medical patients? They will become the American taxpayer’s extra financial baggage.
If you cannot see a silent conspiracy to keep importing desperately poor people, when we should instead demand from Washington only those of superior skills, who will not become a taxpayers extra mouth to feed. The real criminal is the business man, protected by corrupt Washington insiders, who refuse to fully fund such programs as REAL ID ACT, THE SAVE ACT, which contain E-Verify, the local police 287 (g) and the dwindling ICE raids. A 24 hour hot-line should be implemented for law abiding citizens to report irregularities in work and tax records, with perhaps a small reward. Just as the bridge to nowhere, the fence was compromised from the start of construction. Just as the federal government have ignored states, counties and cities that have proclaimed they are refuge for illegal aliens.
Not only are they breaking government law, but as Los Angeles Order 40, has allowed criminal aliens to maim and kill innocent citizens. Even in the rural neighborhoods that once didn't have to lock their doors, find they are no longer defended from foreign nationals who are now a large percentage of cell-block inmates. We have our own citizen habitual criminal population. Why are states like California spending money they don't have on an expanding crime rate from illegal aliens? We can all bury our heads in the sand and listen to the repetitive lies of open border politicians, who have cheated their oath to protect the principles of the US Constitution? It is “THE PEOPLES” obligation and right, to stop this travesty of immigration laws?
Like most ordinary Americans today, I have a mortgage up-in the air, car payment and feeding my family from my pensions. How much money does the IRS take from my family to educate foreign children, incarcerate their parents or all the other welfare programs that are intentionally hidden from US citizens and residents? This is not a multilingual nation; it is a nation under one flag that has flourished through many wars, downturns and the allowance of welcoming--LEGAL--immigration. We do not need millions of illegal immigrants brandishing foreign flags, demanding their rights to stay here in national rallies, when they violated our sovereign laws to begin with?
GET THE MESSAGE OUT. Immediate news: Get ready for the 100.000 illegal immigrant rally to Washington this weekend. WHERE'S ICE?
No Copyright. Copy & Paste Deliver freely to every law abiding citizen
Posted by: Brittanicus on March 17, 2010 07:30 PM
This might be a good indicator on what the "new and improved" more conservative McCain might revert back to once the primary election is over. The older Republicans seen to have been "battered" into believing that they have to be more like Democrats, not realizing that the MSM's monopoly on information and dialogue is over.
Posted by: Dave B on March 18, 2010 12:52 AM
I know your heart is in the right place, but you need to verify your "facts" and statistics before you spout off all these ideas. I am a white conservative business manager in Texas, and have been deeply involved in this issue for years. I have met personally with people such as Senator John Cornyn and Carl Rove, and have been interviewed by many media outlets on this issue. The place where you are the most wrong is your quotes of all the "Welfare" that these people get. All welfare claims have social security numbers verified before any money changes hands. Since none of these people have goods #'s they get almost no benefits.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:04 PM
More from Texas businessman. Most employed illegals use bogus SS#'s to secure employment so taxes are taken out of their checks no matter what. The SS Admin. has billions of $$ in funds every year from these returns that they use to fund yours and my potential retirements. These illegals get none of this money. Almost every state has done internal studies on the pluses and minuses of the financial impact of these people and the bottom line in Texas is an $18 billion positive per year.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:08 PM
Issue work permits for those ilegals who are gainfully employed here. Rigidly enforce e-verify after that and the flood will simply stop. If they can't get employment they will not come! We don't need a border fence that won't work anyway. Intelligent immigration reform will solve the "Illegal Immigrant" problem in a matter of months. Most unemployed Americans would not take any of the jobs these people fill. They are not the cause for high unemployment.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:12 PM
Most illegal immigrants are law abiding (at a much higher percentage than similar legal demographic groups) hard working people that fill a great need in our economy. Their drain on social services is no greater than legal Americans in the same income group. Legal people who make $7-$10 an hour rarely have health insurance and end up getting free medical care. This isn't an immigration issue, it is a healthcare reform issue.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:24 PM
Second generation children of all immigrant groups have historically performed better in school than natural American children. Illegal immigrants pay property taxes where they live through thier landlords just like citizens. How does a citizen pay for their children's public schooling? Property taxes! Illegals contribute just as much as anyone in their income group towards education. Most of the rhetoric from anti-immigrant groups is full of incorrect "facts" and "statistics".
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:31 PM
Websites like, and groups like F.A.I.R are constantly spewing bogus numbers and statistics that no verified studies agree with. This issue has been used as a vehicle to spout rascist views and narrow minded xenophobic fears of "Foreign Devils" taking over our country. What are we but 300 million immigrants originally from somewhere else? Common sense and economic facts need to take over this isue. Where are the polititians and the media that has the guts to publish real facts????
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:36 PM
Our Federal Government has turned a blind eye to these millions of illegals who have come here and helped our economy grow and prosper these last two decades. They ignored them because they knew the illegals were for the most part a benefit and not a liability. They took the easy way out and passed no laws to create a workable system to let our country get the legal workers it needed because they knew that the average American would fight their efforts. The soloution has always been simple.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 02:40 PM
For the soloution see my earlier post at 2:12Pm today. Sending away those millions here who are gainfully employed is not only almost impossible, but is an idiotic act only desired by those of our citizens who don't know the real facts, or those who are simple "head-in-the-sand" Americans who have some "Great City on the Hill" vision of an America that was never really what they pictured it to be. Remember that this is coming from a white conservative American PATRIOT that loves the USA!
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 03:18 PM
One last thing before I have to go back to work -- If any of you intelligent followers of this site want to post "facts" that dispute anything I have said in these last few posts, I would love to hear them. I have access to data that the average person involved in this issue has never seen, that our own state governments have compiled, that disputes nearly every negative economic argument of the "anti-immigration" crowd. Please bring it on.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 03:26 PM
@ ed cox
The U.S. welcomes about a million LEGAL IMMIGRANTS each year, far more than any other country. The dregs of all nations have focused on coming here illegally, like the Russian Mafia, Salvadoran MS13 and 9/11 terrorists. Most LEGAL IMMIGRANTS and ILLEGAL ALIENS come from Mexico.
In the last 15 years millions of legal immigrants from Mexico have followed their dream to America. They respect our laws, culture, freedom, opportunity and people. They have gladly submitted to extensive criminal background checks and health checks. They have paid $1,000s in fees, proven financial responsibility, agreed to not be a financial burden on our nation, learned English and waited patiently to become citizens of the U.S. and pledge their allegiance to our nation. They are honest, have integrity and good character and are welcome additions to our community.
During the same time millions more have come from Mexico illegally to make more money. They have overstayed visas and stolen across our borders like sneak thieves, disrespecting our laws, culture and citizens. They are anarchists, further breaking our laws by using stolen Social Security numbers, fraudulent identity documents, driving without valid licenses or insurance, lying on I-9 forms and taking American jobs in an unholy alliance with criminal employers. They suck services and tax dollars from our economy and could care less about the very real and very extensive economic damage they have caused to American workers through lost jobs and reduced wages. They are dishonest with poor integrity and tarnished character. They have proven themselves to be unworthy of the most valuable citizenship in the world.
Holding 8 million American jobs by committing felonies may help greedy criminal employers and illegal aliens, but it is hell on the 15 million American workers looking for ANY job to feed and shelter their families. As a confessed business manager any thing you have to say is suspect.
Illegal aliens from all nations have proven they do not have the qualities we demand as minimal for citizenship.
Posted by: Estoban on March 18, 2010 04:51 PM
I greatly respect legal immigrants and only wish our government would have had the cojones to fix the system 20 years ago. I have known hundreds of these people over the last 25 years and would rate their average integrity well above the average citizen in the same income bracket. They absolutely are not anarchists, theives, and the scum emotionally charged people like you think they are. They are here simply doing what the first Americans came here to do. To work hard and find a better life.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 05:01 PM
Continuing the debate: If our government would have done the right thing and fixed this problem 20 years ago with the proper immigration reforms, these millions would not have come across illegally. They are here because we let them (and enabled them) to come. To blame them is shortsighted, cruel, and not to mention a perfect example of the problem we face. We always want to blame someone else, when the problem usually starts at home. How many low wage and unskilled workers have you employed in your life?
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 05:05 PM
Too many people think most of these illegals work for big corporations who exploit them just for the low wages. This is far from the truth. The vast majority work for small to medium size businesses who cannot afford to pay enough to hire much above minimum wage, or who offer jobs that almost no legal citizen will take. Do you want to butcher dead cows, or clean hotel bathrooms? This level of labor has kept thousands of legal American businesses afloat over the last two decades when there was no one else to hire. The legal Americans who will take these jobs are usually not hireable by companies that drug test, or require great attendance or intelligence. The average immigrant worker is a model employee that stays with a job an extended period of time and causes no problem with the job or the community. For you to say otherwise exposes your lack of real experience on this subject. I will tell you from 30 years of hiring, that I have fired, bailed out of jail, had to loan money to, and had productivity problems, with more definitely legal workers at low pay scales than I have ever had with those people whose SS#'S might have been bad. The idea that breaking laws that are not enforced and outdated is an unexcusable crime is ridiculous. We created,profited, and abetted the system that lets them do all those things that you think makes them horrible criminals. How many laws do you think George Washington broke when he led the revolution? If the English laws were bad laws, we simply broke them. The immigration system let us all down and the people as a whole created a way to make it work. The problem all along has been people like yourself that like to spout off vitriolic nonsense and get the other people who don't really know any facts about this all riled up and then the bloggers jump on it and spread even more lies. Please learn the facts before you get so angry about an issue. Or at least be angry with who really caused the problem and quit trying to punish poor people who don't have a dime to their name and work their whole lives for what most of us would never accept. I respect your opinion when it has some realistic content, but you are doing your country a disservice with the direction of your comments.
Posted by: ed cox on March 18, 2010 05:28 PM
Illegal aliens are here for the same reason that employers hire them - that would be for greed. Both the illegals and the employers that have encouraged them to come are criminals, willfully breaking our laws. The elected Presidents, Senators and Representatives for the last 24 years are guilty too, in allowing this invasion and occupation of our country. They have betrayed their oaths of office and the people who elected them. I sweat for every dollar I ever earned and gave my employer better than 8 hours work for 8 hours pay. I have watched wages go down by several doolars per hour dirctly due to an unholy alliance between lawbraking illegal aliens and criminal contractors.
Posted by: Estoban on March 18, 2010 05:38 PM
My God, you sound like Bush, with his ignorant and insulting "jobs Americans won't do'. Obviously you never had a real job and learned to appreciate what it is to work for a living. Are you aware that 47% of all farm jobs are held by native born Americans, many of them migrant? Janitors are 75% native born Americans. Maids and housekeepers are 55% native born Americans. Butchers andmet processors are 63% native born Americans. Construction laborers and Ground maintenance workers are 65% native born Americans. These figur are from the U.S. Labor Dept. As an employer that disrespects rule of law and American laws you are a major part of the problem that has brought 8 million felon illegal aliens holding American jobs while 15 million Ameicans are looking for ANY job to feed and shelter their families.
Posted by: Estoban on March 18, 2010 06:06 PM
Why do you hate Americans so much Ed? Your comments just ooze with hatred of the American people and holding illegal aliens up as the pillars of society.
Americans get up and go to work in hard jobs every day. Your defense that an American would not clean a hotel bathroom is asinine.
People like you are the reason that the issue wasn't addressed "20 years ago" as you say. People like you are the ones who stood up and said "what harm could allowing illegal aliens here to stay by giving them an amnesty? We'll secure things after this one time amnesty."
Obviously that didn't happen and now you are trying to point your finger at those who want the borders secured - for not only our national defense - but also for the protection of the rights of our citizens and legal residents to schools of their own and a chance at life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness without having to carry the burden of paying for the services for low-skilled illegal aliens and their children.
I'm sorry, but your argument falls flat on its face.
Demonizing Americans as being hateful or racist for wanting to secure the border and protect their rights... Phooey on you.
Posted by: Digger on March 18, 2010 06:24 PM
Ah Digger --I know you care about America, but so do I. I don't hate anyone except those who try and force an issue with emotion instead of reason. No one stood up and said anything over the years as our government let these people come in. the uproar didn't start until congress tried to pass a bill that would solve the problem. I am not for making these people instant citizens. I am only for letting the ones already here stay legally. There is no known incident of any kind of terrorism committed by anyone who crossed the southern border. To think that we could police this huge invisible line to the point that no enemy could cross it is absurd.People like "you" love to try and conjure up people's fears by using this issue to further your own racist and xenophobic views. I am demonizing no one, I am only speaking the hard truth with no ulterior motives. If Americans would clean bathrooms and butcher cows for us, why did so many thousands of American companies have to hire these workers? Don't you dare take the stance that they did it on purpose just to get lower paid workers. These people were the only ones they could hire. I have been involved with this issue for years and have experience in it beyond anything most people would know. You spout off your opinion as if you really know something. That is the problem with the internet. Anyone can blog and act like they know enough about an issue to get someone to listen to them. Unlike you, I know and care enough about this to speak up for the benefit of our country. People like you try and stand behind the "Patriot" defense because of the emotion it arouses. This country can no longer go forward with the premise that because we are the greatest coutry in the world we can't make mistakes. I love this country enough to actually get involved in the dirty details it takes to solve problems. People like you sit on the sidelines and crow about the things we "deserve" as Americans. Real Americans work out soloutions for the good of all freedom loving people. This is what made us great. Who were your ancestors? We pay a hundred times more for the poor uneducated legal Americans that refuse to work and won't stay in school, that populate our ghettos because of the misguided attemps at a welfare state by well intentioned politicians. If you want to help this country try and work out a way to solve that problem. These people won't even try and work and be productive members of society. From past history the children of recent immigrants perform much better in school than other kids from the same demographics. These immigrants as a whole are a much smaller burden on society than our own underachieving lower class. There is no logic to any of your arguments. You are the one who hates,and even though you are too blind to see it, people with your attitude are sending this country further down the path to ruin. Don't ever accuse me of hating this country or its people. Because I care more than you do I have spent thousands of dollars of my own money and 100's of hours of my time tryimg to help our country do the right thing for itself -- not just to help these immigrants. It is America that I work for, and its future sucess as the greatest nation in the world. I'm tired of this argument, and wish that you had enough real knowledge in this to hold an intellectual discussion without all the flag waving to prove your misguided point. Good luck to you. I hope you take the time to learn the facts in this and do something positive and real, instead of just blogging and making yourself feel good.
Posted by: ed cox on March 19, 2010 10:29 AM
ed cox says: " The idea that breaking laws that are not enforced and outdated is an unexcusable crime is ridiculous."
Sorry, ed, you're not God. You don't get to declare what laws do not apply to you. If you hire lawbreaking illegal aliens, you are a criminal. Are you aware that 47% of all farm jobs are held by native born Americans, many of them migrant? Janitors are 75% native born Americans. Maids and housekeepers are 55% native born Americans. Butchers and meat processors are 63% native born Americans. Construction laborers and Ground maintenance workers are 65% native born Americans. These figures are from the U.S. Labor Dept. As an employer that disrespects rule of law and American laws you are a major part of the problem that has brought 8 million felon illegal aliens holding American jobs while 15 million Ameicans are looking for ANY job to feed and shelter their families. Lawbreakers that have been in their business for 30 years really don't have anything valid to say about law enforcemet. Since you have no valid argument to justify millions of illegal aliens breaking our laws and disrespecting our rule of law, you resort to name calling. Sorry, it won't hunt. ILLEGAL ALIENS ARE OF ALL RACES!
Posted by: Estoban on March 19, 2010 11:33 AM
People like "you" love to try and conjure up people's fears by using this issue to further your own racist and xenophobic views. I am demonizing no one
Wow! all in one sentence next to each other?
In one sentence you call me a xenophobe and racist, in the next you say you're not demonizing anyone.
If Americans would clean bathrooms and butcher cows for us, why did so many thousands of American companies have to hire these workers? Don't you dare take the stance that they did it on purpose just to get lower paid workers.
Why? Does the truth and reason hurt? You claim that I am using emotion and not reason, but the fact is a business will hire someone that will work for less - and with lower overhead - if they can get away with it.
Reason your way out of that one.
I have been involved with this issue for years and have experience in it beyond anything most people would know. You spout off your opinion as if you really know something.
And I have been studying this and investigating it EVERY DAY for nearly a decade. If you have been truly studying this issue you would know that the facts stand against illegal immigration for not only our sovereignty due to lack of assimilation and a firm border policy, but for our national defense and social fiscal concerns.
Obviously though I am replying to someone who has done nothing to actually take a reasoning and unbiased view to the issue and is rather trying to work off emotion, dubbing those opposed as ignoramuses who know nothing and are racists.
I refuse to reiterate the entire contents of this website in one comment. It is all there for you to peruse, you just refuse to do so as you are a closed minded, pro-illegal, shill who is just trying to get your message out there on MY website.
Unlike you, I know and care enough about this to speak up for the benefit of our country.
In poll after poll more than 80% of Americans disagree with you that amnesty is the best thing for America. YOU are in the minority, yet spout off like some holier than though demagogue.
Go ask the American Citizens who live in communities full of illegal aliens how much they like it. Go ask people who live along the border how much they love the continued trespassing on their property by unknown individuals throughout the night while their families are sleeping inside.
People like you sit on the sidelines and crow about the things we "deserve" as Americans.
Oh really? When have I demanded one thing that "we deserve"? I have called for enforcing laws and for the government to stop intruding on people. There is no "deserve" in that. There is no hand-out asked for.
You people have no arguments and are just spewing lies as you always have. How about your try that racist slander again? That always works.
We pay a hundred times more for the poor uneducated legal Americans that refuse to work and won't stay in school, that populate our ghettos because of the misguided attemps at a welfare state by well intentioned politicians. If you want to help this country try and work out a way to solve that problem. These people won't even try and work and be productive members of society.
Look quick! Your anti-Americanism is showing again!
This is a strawman argument. You are trying to turn the issue away from the obvious illegality that illegal immigration is and turn it into a debate on welfare. Different argument for a different article.
From past history the children of recent immigrants perform much better in school than other kids from the same demographics
Trying to confuse us between legal immigrants and illegal aliens are you? It won't work. Go have a looksie at the stats for the "high performing level" of education of illegal aliens, then come back to me.
These immigrants as a whole are a much smaller burden on society than our own underachieving lower class.
That is because illegal aliens are included in the underachieving numbers. They include massive numbers of English as a Second Language students. And while not all ESL students are illegals, they surely are a large percentage. Of course that doesn't matter to you, because you've already made up your mind that American kids are just stupid. Is that a little racism on your own part showing? Readers can decide.
It's funny to note how you ramble about bloggers and website owners being able to just spew stuff without reference (of which I provide a source in nearly ever post I make), then you come on here and spout things as definite facts with nothing to back them up.
You are the one who hates,and even though you are too blind to see it, people with your attitude are sending this country further down the path to ruin.
What was that you said about not demonizing anyone? I believe that is the third time you have called me a xenophobe, racist or hate monger.
Because I care more than you do I have spent thousands of dollars of my own money and 100's of hours of my time tryimg to help our country do the right thing for itself
Look I hate to trot this out as I am quite the humble man, but I have put at least 1000 times as much time into this than you have spent more money than you'll ever know in travel and ancillary expenses.
I'm tired of this argument, and wish that you had enough real knowledge in this to hold an intellectual discussion without all the flag waving to prove your misguided point.
You're tired of this argument because you lose so much. You are on the wrong side. I would expect that you would get tired. Running uphill against the will of what is demanded by the American people and what is best for this country must be absolutely trying to you both mentally and physically. I mean mentally because you have to sit around thinking of new ways to call people racists because you have no leg to stand on - and physically because you are working against 10 times the number of people...
...because you are wrong
Posted by: Digger on March 19, 2010 06:19 PM
Gee Ed Cox sure sounds a lot like a Dick Armey staffer. I can't imagine that a progressive open-borders zealot would come to the defence of conservative Dick Armey!
Ed - please tell me why we as a country don't have the right to enforce who enters the country and how long they stay or if they stay? Every other country in the world has immigration controls and even in the EU, where the borders are supposedly invisible, the people are starting to demand controls of the FLOOD of so many poorer "immigrants" into the richer nations because, very simply, it lowers the standard of living for those richer nations who then lower wages for ALL.
People like you would have us ALL working for $5 a day - the lowest common denominator argument. That is not a world I want to live in AT ALL but if you do, you are welcome to move to China, Cuba or Venezuela!
With the 1986 amnesty, we were promised that enforcement for illegal immigration would be part of that package. Now we see that we were lied to. This is why we will not stand for the same lies again. The only "reform" we need for immigration laws involves starting to enforce the LAWS THAT WE ALREADY HAVE AGAINST ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION! It's that simple.
And yet, we have DHS and Eric Holder, DROPPING the charges against Agriprocessors in Iowa, who were discovered to be hiring illegal aliens in their kosher plant there.
What kind of enforcement is that? I'll tell you - it isn't and we are sick and tired of seeing the people in charge of enforcing our laws playing politics and favorites to choose who to prosecute and who to let slide.
Posted by: Ruthiness on March 19, 2010 06:51 PM
It's pretty obvious all you guys so strongly believe what you believe, that this subject is too much like relgion. You will never change your mind, and neither will I. Let's let the people of the USA decide to chase all these people away and see what will happen to our economy. In the end, we will just be destroying thousands of good American businesses, and sending a few million more jobs overseas. The difference between you guys and me is that I have lived in the business world my entire life, and know what the bottom line result of losing all these workers will be. The trickle down effect of all the dollars generated by the companies that have to rely on this labor is what most people don't think about. If you simply take 8 or so million people out of productive jobs (which no matter what you think will not be filled by hardly any of the unemployed) almost all at once, most of the manufacturing level jobs lost will simply go overseas. All the good Americans that are supported by the output of these jobs will be the ones who suffer. The service level jobs that will be filled will be at a much higher wage level, and the level of services offered will be much less. Who do you think will roof our buildings in 100 degree weather? The list is too long to discuss here. Iam no "Progressive" in any issue but this one. I simply know enough about this issue to have the opinion I do. In private meetings, Carl Rove and Senator John Cornyn expressed the same views as you see me write. (I was in those meetings) They just care more about their jobs than helping the country so you won't see them say it publicly because ranters like you guys stir up too much hate and fear from the other side. Lets just let it happen the way you people want it to. In 5 years remember what I said. You will wish you listened. Don't bother to respond. There is no one that knows enough about this issue on your side to read my comments. I have more important things to do than try to convince people who refuse to understand the real facts. This country is in control of those who don't think with their brains. It's all emotion and listening to other uminformed talking heads. I'm glad I am getting old. I would hate to think I would have to re-live my life in the country you guys are trying to create. I love my country as much as any of you, and have given it as much as well. You denigrate yourselves by saying otherwise. I never said you weren't patriots. I said you were wrong and your ideas were not going to help the country. If you pursue a path that is harmful, it is my duty to try and stop you, just as you feel the same about me. You make the mistake of trying to convince your readers that if I think the way I do I must hate the country. I am the one trying to help a group of hard working people who deserve as much as our earlier ancestors who risked everything for a chance at a better life. Our ancestors broke laws and killed off an entire indigenous people to get their way. Remember? You guys are the ones who say these people are criminals and scum and should be sent packing. Let history judge who is right in this issue. If you get your way we lose economically and as a people. I'm not connected with Armey. I'm just a middle aged conservative businessman who learned the truth by living it. You should give it a try.
Posted by: ed cox on March 22, 2010 12:38 PM
ed cox says "I am not for making these people instant citizens. I am only for letting the ones already here stay legally." OK then, ed, why don't you let them all move into YOUR house, and if any of them commits a crime, YOU go to jail for it? ...oh, wait, they already have commited a crime, by crossing the border illegally! Not to mention all the people who have been killed by some illegal who did not have a drivers license, but drives anyway because they have no respect for the rule of law in this country. 'Oooops, I killed somebody, well, I better get back to whatever country I came from to avoid prosecution.' I am sick of all the illegals running around like they own this country. This crap about " AMERICANS won't do" is a bunch of BS! Although, it is interesting to point out that a lot of the jobs I see posted say "Bilingual (Spanish) prefered" or "Bilingual required" so it's really more like "work AMERICANS can't do", because most American CITIZENS don't speak Spanish... why should I have to learn to speak Spanish just so I can get a job in my own country?!?! America needs to deport the 30-50 million illegals (from all over the world) that are here, and use E-verify to prevent them from getting a job if they do return.
P.S. Estoban and Ruthiness (and Digger) keep up the good work, demand all illegals go home!
Posted by: JimB on March 24, 2010 04:56 PM