Chad MacDonald of NumbersUSA took to the streets of Los Angeles on May Day 2010 to question some of the marchers on why they oppose Arizona's SB1070 law to crack down on illegal immigration. The videos, shown below, display a total lack of knowledge of the law and the complete ignorance of people at the marches. Some didn't speak English at all and others did not even know what their signs said.
The marches left masses of trash behind in a country they claim to love so much. If this is what they want to bring to America, then thanks, but no thanks.
 Trash in the streets of LA following the May Day Marches |
The trash aside, there is more going on at these marches than meets the eye.
If anything at all can be drawn from this it is that this group of people is being used by well funded organizations to push their cause. Those with actual knowledge of the law - and why they were there - were very few and far between. The media has purposely reported that these were spontaneously put together to oppose the Arizona law, but these marches have been going on for nearly 5 years and pushing for amnesty for illegal aliens. All of this has been occurring on the celebrated day of the socialists and communists of the world - May Day. The media overlooks this fact every year.
Throughout the videos you will see signs reading "Schumer Immigration Plan = SB1070 Arizona". These signs were professionally printed and contain links to
Hermandad Mexicana Nacional. This group's national director is
Larry "Nativo" Lopez. Lopez is also the national president of
MAPA (Mexican-American Political Association). Lopez was recently indicted on voter fraud, and after repeatedly denying that he was the defendant actually had to face a competency hearing in March 2010. At the hearing "Nativo", who
changed his name from Larry to "Nativo" so that he could sound more "nativist", refused to identify himself. The judge held him in contempt of court and remanded him into custody.
1 He was released on his own recognizance after 3 days and MAPA issued an alert that Lopez was going to engage in a hunger strike.
Lopez served 6 years on the Santa Ana school board as its trustee until he was recalled in 2003. Yep, this race-peddler was influencing the school board for years. Lopez has certainly been around the block.
In 1996, a congressional investigation found that Lopez registered voters in California's 47th district who then went on to vote before they were citizens. Some 748 illegal alien voters cast ballots in the Loretta Sanchez Vs. Bob Dornan race.
In 2002, Lopez agreed to pay a $600,000 fine after he used money granted by the US government for English language lessons and citizenship training to pay for his Santa Ana office.
Lopez is not alone in manipulating this group of people for his own goals though.
The SEIU was present at the rallies as you can see their large banners and ever present purple prominently displayed at the rallies. The SEIU wants an amnesty for illegal aliens since a large portion of their members are suspected of being illegal aliens and having them legalized would increase their membership even further. They are trying to use a wedge between the races to achieve their goals and if that includes lying about the Arizona law as being racist, well then so be it in their eyes.
The group ANSWER LA was also present and provided pre-printed signs. Time after time their group has shown up with communist propaganda and anarchist signs in their midst to rallies and marches. It is not very hard to determine their agenda. As you can see from the images below, Answer LA draws all sorts of anti-American and anti-Jew participants, from 9/11 Truthers to Anarchists. They will use anything to force that wedge in and destroy this country. Yet those opposed to illegal immigration in this country are continuously slandered as being racists when quite clearly there is racism coming from these groups.
  Pictures courtesy of Ringo's Pictures from March 20, 2010 AnswerLA march. Many more can be found here |
There was also clear racism present at the illegal alien May Day marches in 2010 from regular participants. In the second video below at about the 7 minute mark a woman is asked if she is boycotting Arizona. She says yes, but will try to pick out Latino owned businesses in Arizona and solely support them. The obvious question is that if a white person was questioned and said he would only support white businesses, would such an answer be just brushed to the side or would it be front page news in the LA Times? These are the same people who objected to the factor of race being used at all in having a reasonable suspicion that someone stopped in Arizona for a crime or violation was in the country illegally.
In the third video below at about the 4:50 mark There is a large truck with the words Revolucion on the side of it and what sounds like a very professional sound system blaring their message loud and clear. Who are Revolucion?
They are the
Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and when visiting their website it becomes obvious very quickly that they are advocating for an overthrow of the government. They are trying to create the "revolutionary leaders of tomorrow" who will stand up against the "colonization".
Bob Avakian, is the Chairman of the RCP, USA.
The RCP might seem out of place and you may be wondering what they have to with illegal aliens and the marches. Bob Avakian answers these questions himself in a question and answer session called The Essence of Communist Leadership, and Bringing Forward New Leaders: Revolution: Why It's Necessary, Why It's Possible, What It's All About2
"somebody asked the question of did I think that as a white male I could actually lead the revolution. Well, the answer is no, not as a white male--but I think I could play a leading role in it as a communist [applause]," Avakian said "This comes up all the time: You're working with other people, you want them to take initiative. Well, what are the times when you really have to kind of walk together with them step by step to help them do it, until they can do it more on their own? And what are the times and circumstances when you just have to have a general discussion and then let them go, and get out of the way?"
The communists do not see a white power base for a revolutionary change to communism in this country, they see it being led by a minority and presumably by Hispanic Communists. That is their mission and that is their goal.
Avakian finished out his rant with this:
Yes, we have to bring forward the youth, we have to bring people forward from among the oppressed nationalities and from among the proletariat, and we have to develop them not only as communists but as communist leaders, and we are doing that and we have to do more. But it's gotta be on the basis of applying this ideology to change the world and to mobilize the masses of people and lead them to emancipate themselves, or else it doesn't mean anything.
It's quite simple really for the RCP. They want to march alongside the illegal aliens to foment anger and spot and bring up new leaders. These new leaders they want to control and help in steering towards the Communist Party. They have picked this ethnic group in particular because it is large enough and has a built in separatist mentality. Leaders of the RCP cannot openly lead a revolution themselves using these people because they are white. So instead they want to control the "new leaders" like puppets.
I argue that this tactic is not a far stretch, because after all most of the illegal aliens in this country now come from socialist countries, and time after time in rallies we see their communist and socialist views on complete display for all to see. From the "no human is illegal" to the "government must provide for all" type of signs their views and those of Americans do not mesh.
The sad thing is that a lot of people - and particularly the media - are ignoring the internal threat that is on open display, year after year...
Illegal Alien Marches In LA - Part 1
Illegal Alien Marches In LA - Part 2
Illegal Alien Marches In LA - Part 3