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Terror Suspect Mohamed Ali Of Al Shabaab May Make Passage To US From Mexico Into Texas [Video]

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Mohamed Ali
The Department of Homeland Security has issued an alert to law enforcement in Texas that Mohamed Ali, a suspected member of the terrorist group Al Shabaab, may try to make passage into the United States via illegal alien and drug smuggling routes from Mexico into Texas.

Al Shabaab recently pledged allegiance to Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden and has ties to the "Blackhawk Down" incident in Somalia.

This is not the first time Somali's have smuggled in potential terrorists through our southern border.


The route from Somalia to Texas is shorter than Americans would like to think. It goes through Mexico. Two weeks ago, a federal indictment was filed in San Antonio against a Somali citizen. It alleges Ahmed Muhammed Dhakane led a “large-scale smuggling enterprise,” moving east Africans into the U.S., including members of a terrorist group called AIAI.

“It was hundreds of individuals,” Neuhaus Schaan said, in reference to the indictment.

Thank heaven that our borders are completely secure and that our local law enforcement can tell the "bad" illegal aliens from the "good" illegal aliens who just want to find a job here.

If authorities are right, Mohamed Ali is hardly alone and a terror network is following well-worn human smuggling routes into the Lone Star State.

“There would be a reasonable chance to have him [Mohamed Ali] coming through Houston,” Neuhaus Schaan said. “They [Al Shabaab] have been pretty busy in Texas.”

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Posted by Digger on May 19, 2010 07:09 AM (Permalink)

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No need to fear with Jannet pulling up the rear.

Posted by: REWHBLCAIN on May 19, 2010 03:02 PM

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