Crowd shot of Diablo Stadium May 29 - Stand With Arizona Rally Click for larger image |
An estimated 7,000 people gathered together last night in Tempe, Arizona's Diablo Stadium for the
Stand With Arizona rally, the first of three rallies in the coming weeks to be held in the Phoenix area in support of Arizona and the rule of law. Of course all of the news reports have tried to totally ignore the rally of thousands in support of SB1070 and Arizona.
Below is one report from NBC which give a minutes coverage to the rally while broadcasting far and wide about the illegal aliens protesting today in Phoenix - and in my opinion, having looked at the pictures, had the same number turning out - (though the pro-illegal supporters were bused in from outside the area at the expense of organizers). The people in Diablo Stadium paid their own way.
As I reported earlier, the illegal alien marches were a bust with organizers expecting 50,000 and actually only having around 7,000 by my estimates.
There should be more pictures and video to come of the Stand With Arizona rally as it gets processed. The rally just wrapped up a little while ago.
The other two rallies coming include the Phoenix Rising rally on June 5 and the Tea Party Road Trip starting in Orlando and ending in Phoenix on June 12.
NBC Covers Diablo Stadium Tempe Rally May 29
Image courtesy of Riders Against Illegal Aliens
Wow. It amazes me how nasty Illegals have become to their fellow Mexican Americans who have come here legally and all because they stand up for the law. The law simply says that you can come here LEGALLY and if not get out. This is the land of the free and you are free to leave and free to return with documents. A speaker at this rally said it rather simple, take the cuffs off the police and put them on the criminals. Calling an illegal immigrant and undocumented alien is like calling a drug dealer an unlicensed pharmacist. Stop trying to use the race card, it's been played out.
Posted by: Robert on May 31, 2010 09:17 AM