I am still recovering from the Phoenix Rising Rally on June 5, 2010 in Phoenix, Arizona. It was quite the event. In just a little over a month - from the day Governor Jan Brewer signed SB1070 into law - we went from an idea for a rally to a full blown event with 20+ speakers and thousands attending.
During that time we faced so many obstacles they are too numerous to note. Finally though, myself and Ruth Miller flew out on June 3. We landed in the hot desert and began setting up shop. On June 4 we headed down to Phoenix to meet up with the main organizer of the event Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People USA. I posted on my thoughts that day before I headed out the door.
We met with CNN who were doing a story on the event and gave a quick interview outside the Capitol. I'm not a fan of the media. They have skewed our word in the past and so I don't particularly like giving interviews. In this case though I felt it would help the rally get the word out. After the quick interview Ruth headed off to help some of the speakers get settled in. Smeriglio and I headed into the Capitol to meet with law enforcement regarding the rally and logistics of how things would work, things to watch out for, our plans and all the needed details.
Afterward we headed out to Wesley Bolin Park to walk around and scope out the area. Arizona is definitely hot in June. It was in the 100's and the heat wasn't going to let up for the day of the rally either, with the temperature promising to soar to 107 degrees.

Scoping out Wesley Bolin Plaza Park USS Arizona Memorial | Above: World War II, Korea and Vietnam Memorials |
The location of the park was not lost on me. It contains many memorials to wars of the past and attacks on the United States. This rally was to support the defense of our country in another way - from an invasion of millions into our country's interior. As I have called it in the past, a "shadow invasion". It's an attack that is being supported by those in this country who would call those of us trying to defend it radicals, racists or purveyors of hate.
It is quite telling though that the number of veterans involved in the organization of this rally - and also in attendance at the rally proper - shows that those who oppose us do not respect those who are fighting for the defense of our country. Oh, they'll tell you otherwise, that they respect the military, but there were veterans in attendance from all of the wars represented by monuments in this park, including 9/11. I'd like to see how many veterans attend rallies supporting the illegal aliens. If they could find one they'd probably trot him out and parade him around. However, he would only be one, the other millions of the vets in this country overwhelmingly oppose illegal immigration.

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Valerie Roller tries to get Dan to cool off George Sprankle points out stage planning | James Cooney organizes the motorcycle ride and routes |
As we came around the far side of the park Smeriglio pointed out the 9/11 Memorial. A day earlier when coming upon the memorial he had noticed that the illegal alien supporters has desecrated it by putting a pro-illegal sticker on it. No respect is shown by these people for our country or its tragedies. Smeriglio lost family in the World Trade Center. A piece of the World Trade Center is on display there.
 Dan Smeriglio remembers 9/11 as he looks at a piece of the World Trade Center |
After we finished the ground sweep at Wesley Bolin Plaza we headed out to meet up with some of the speakers and local volunteer organizers who had helped us put this thing together at a dinner. It was a good time and I had a chance to meet all and talk to them. Very informal, but the excitement was in the air with the event that was forming right around us.
 (From Left circling): Ruth Miller, Dan Smeriglio (VOTP), Mike Jacobsen (VOTP), James Spencer, Mrs. Rodriguez (not shown), Col Al Rodriguez (You Don't Speak For Me), San Diego Minuteman, Eric Johnson (Russell Pearce Liason, center), Jeff Schwilk (San Diego Minutemen), Ted Hayes talking to Anna Gaines (not shown from American Citizens United), Valerie Roller, George Sprankle, Peter Gadiel (9/11 Familes for a Secure America), Brandy Baron - Photo by Dan Amato |

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Posted by Digger on June 9, 2010 08:35 AM (Permalink)
As usual, your honest, unbiased news is much appreciated. Perhaps you should consider your own page on Facebook? I'd suggest the fan page over a "group," as with past experience, it is less hassle once your membership reaches the 5,000 member mark to maintain communications with your membership.
The Regulator
The Well Regulated American Militias
Posted by: The Regulator on June 10, 2010 04:52 PM