We got back to our hotel from the day of prep and I took a quick relaxing swim in our hotel pool. Then we hit the hay. Even with all that was going on I had no trouble getting to sleep, I was exhausted from the day's event.
We awoke and started to get ready. Last minute obstacles popped up that we had to deal with and luckily we had more than willing help in the area. "Tequila Rose" and her boyfriend helped us out of a tight spot by meeting us to pick up some equipment and then we were off to the rally.
People were arriving early as we set up and the vendors arrived and set up their wares. Lots of them had water as the temperature was creeping up and would hit 107 degrees.
At this point I must mention that things became real for me. Before this everything had been conceptual. Seeing the stage, speaker systems, vendors and people showing up in crowds really makes you think "wow" to yourself.
Stage and speakers get set up. It's all coming together.
The time was approaching for the rally and people mingled about. I never got a head count, some estimated 2000 at its height with others noting that people were coming and going throughout the day. It was so hot. Some people couldn't stay for the full event.
Elsewhere, James Cooney and the Riders Against Illegal Aliens and Riders USA were queuing up for the massive motorcycle ride around the Capitol.
And then it happened!
From a distance you could hear a rumble. Then it got Louder. And LOUDER
I was on the other side of the stage getting the agenda of speakers and other information ready. I was overwhelmed with this emotion of excitement and grabbed the camera and took off running across the grass like a little boy. Hundreds of them! All decked out in American flags and pumping their fists in the air. The bikes came down the street, with a massive rumble and horns. I ran.
 Picture Courtesy: Tina McClendon |
When I got to the edge of the street I started taking pictures with my shaking hands. I remember yelling and shouting and waving and jumping around. It was just a powerful moment for me and I'm sure all the others standing there. The crowd was shouting and whistles and hoots and hollers from all.
Bike Procession
Bike Procession from different perspective
And these are the guys and girls on our side! They took the time to come out against illegal immigration from multiple states. That gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in side.
And the rally was off to a spectacular start!