/ June 9, 2010 12:20 PM |
After the hundreds of motorcycles rode through the mood was high. The rally kicked off as the crowd gathered around the stage and we did the pledge.
Crowds pushed in.
 Courtesy of: Michelle DeWane Perkins |
 Courtesy of: Nichola Hayden |
 Courtesy of: Rachel George |
Yes, these are the people that the illegal alien supporters say are a bunch of racists. A bunch of everyday Americans that just want the laws enforced.

 Bikers and Open Carry = Security (Bot pic) Courtesy of: Nichola Hayden |
There is not a lot I can say about the rally itself that the speakers can't say themselves in the below clips. It was a high passion occasion in a hot environment of 107 degrees. True patriots showed up to stick it out in the heat. The rally was a huge success and as I got on the plane the next day I was exhausted. I was also exhausted over the next three days as I got the video processed and images.
Now with time to look back without a clouded mind and as I continue to receive emails about people still talking about the event I can realize that we pulled off a great thing. A ton of thanks and praise goes to the sponsors of the event (which you can find at the Phoenix Rising website, all those who donated and bought shirts to support the rally, volunteers on the ground and other organizers who helped myself, Ruth Miller and Dan Smeriglio of Voice of the People USA to make this thing a huge success! Thank you all.
Enjoy the videos and picture below and share it with all of your friends to help spread the word. Let's get SB1070 style laws passed in every state!
Above is a YouTube Playlist of videos of all of the speakers at the event. There are 29 videos in the playlist. If you click play above you can watch the whole thing through or hover over the player to select other speakers. If you would rather watch it at YouTube, here is a direct link to the YouTube playlist for Phoenix Rising.
And they're off! Speakers varied on topics and in background. From law enforcement to veterans to average Americans. Most are now leaders of groups that are for immigration enforcement.
 Members of You Don't Speak For Me |
 Tom Tancredo lights up the crowd with a great speech |
Watch it:
  Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Elizabeth Okon tells of her husband, a bronze star winner, being stabbed by an illegal alien |
Watch Sheriff Joe Arpaio:
Part One:
Part Two:
 National Veterans Coalition presents Chelene Nightingale with the "America First" award for 2010 |
  Pennsylvania State Representative Daryl Metcalfe - Arizona State Senator Russell Pearce |
Watch Russell Pearce:
Part One:
Part Two:
 The illegals and their supporters tremble in fear at a Tancredo/Arpaio presidential ticket |

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Posted by Digger on June 9, 2010 12:20 PM (Permalink)
Great job! It was terrific meeting you Saturday. Chelene insists we met before at Hold Their Feet to the Fire in DC but that was a few years ago. Keep up the good work my friend!
Posted by: Bobby on June 10, 2010 12:26 AM
Great review of a great rally. What a wonderful crowd! Yes it was hot but little to ask of us to stand with Arizona! THANK YOU!!!! Loved the biker entrance, speakers and uniting with my fellow Americans!
Posted by: Robin Hvidston on June 10, 2010 06:27 AM
Awesome! Only downside was heat & lower than expected turn-out. Saw a lot of old pals. Speakers were great. Fun trip!
Posted by: Penny Magnotto on June 10, 2010 01:19 PM
Great review, fantastic job,
Thank You
Posted by: Noillegalaliens on June 15, 2010 09:49 AM