Elena Kagan is looking to be put onto the Supreme Court. While the Obama Administration has tried its best to keep her records from being out in the public - so that the American People actually know who will be sitting on the highest bench in the land and making decisions that affect this nation's course - Kagan herself has let out hints.
In the video below you will see who Elena Kagan considers her "judicial hero". Not the Barack you are thinking of in one Obama, not a judge who believes that following the law is the most important, nay my dear friend, Kagan's "judicial hero" is Aharon Barak, a foreign judge who thinks that judges should be all-powerful dictators. That judges should decide who other judges should be and not the people.
Watch the video below, it is short and sweet and explains where she sits on legislating and dictating from the bench.
Tipped by: AUL Action