/ July 24, 2010 04:11 AM |
The bloodbath continues along our southern border and now word is coming in that Los Zetas, the highly trained killers formerly with the Gulf Cartel, have crossed into the United States and taken over at least two ranches in the Laredo, Texas area. I am receiving word that the owners of the ranches have evacuated without being harmed. The source is law enforcement in the area.
(Update 4: August 10, 2010): Evidence has been released in the Los Zetas ranch seizure story)
(Update 2 story is now 100% confirmed by second source within the Laredo Police Department)
Founder of the San Diego Minutemen Jeff Schwilk tipped me off to this story and passes along the following information on the location. The ranches are said to be "near Mines Rd. and Minerales Annex Rd about 10 miles NW of I-35".
Update 1 (Statement from Mr. Schwilk)
I can personally vouch that this info came in late last night from a reliable police source inside the Laredo PD. There is currently a standoff between the unknown size Zeta forces and U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches on our side of the Rio Grande. The source tells us he considers this an "act of war" and that the military is needed on the border now!
Kimberly Dvorak at the Examiner has also confirmed the story
(Update 3: For those doubting the confirmation, I stand firmly behind Kimberly, but I have put together more on the confirmation and why this story truly matters at: "Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?". There are three confirmed sources within law enforcement.)
Whether it is lone members or squads is not certain.
Anonymous sources in law enforcement in the Laredo area tonight have passed on word that US law enforcement agencies are in the area and are weighing their options regarding the ranches. The media has been silent on this incident and some law enforcement in the area say that they are furious that the media is not reporting the whole story of the continued violence along the border. Their frustrations are understandable because keeping the truth suppressed continues to hamper law enforcement from receiving the true support they need along the border.
The ranch assaults come on the heels of attacks in Nuevo Laredo that shut the city down as a gun-battle raged in the streets. Los Zetas blocked off intersections with vehicles and used fragmentation grenades to attack Mexican law enforcement. In the end 12 were killed and 21 injured in the assaults. Citizens in the area were told to stay in their homes and bullets whizzed all around.
Cypress Times
The U.S. Consulate in Nuevo Laredo had posted warnings on its website hours before the gunfire was reported by Texas citizens, “We have received credible reports of widespread violence occurring now between narcotics-trafficking organizations and the Mexican army in Nuevo Laredo.”
The U.S. Consulate went on to say, “The consulate confirmed that fragmentation grenades were used in the attacks and that suspected drug-gang members had blocked several roads, adding that it advised ‘all U.S. citizens in Nuevo Laredo to remain indoors until the security situation improves.’”
US Citizens in Laredo called 911 after hearing gunfire and explosions just across the border. Laredo police spokesman Joe Baeza deflected the concerns of citizens with what I see as utter contempt. He said there was no spillover violence onto the US side and "We were getting reports from people who live on the river's edge that they could hear gunfire and explosions from the Mexico side," Baeza said, "We didn't have any incidents on the American side. It's hard for people to understand who don't live here ... They're not Vikings, they're not going to invade us, it doesn't work that way."
This was said just a day before the reported breaking news on the ranches being taken above.
Violence has been on the rise along the border. In April 2010 a Border Patrol agent in Laredo shot and killed an lllegal alien drug smuggler near the Rio Grande
Los Zetas
The Los Zetas are highly trained killers initially trained by United States Special Operations forces to combat the drug cartels within Mexico. As the drug war heated up the Zetas saw more money in working for the cartels and joined up with the Gulf Cartel.
In March, 2010 there was a fracture between the Los Zetas and the Gulf Cartel when a Zetas leader was said to have been assassinated by the Gulf Cartel. They demanded that the killer be turned over to them. When the Gulf Cartel refused the Zetas captured 16 Gulf Cartel members.
Since March Los Zetas abandoned their stronghold in Reynosa and moved to Nuevo Laredo, just across from the border with Laredo, Texas. There are estimated to be over 1,000 Zeta members there.
Additional Sources:
Houston Chronicle
Borderland Beat

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Posted by Digger on July 24, 2010 04:11 AM (Permalink)
It's plainly obvious, impeach Obama, he's one of them.
Posted by: joebanana on July 24, 2010 11:57 AM
It is quite obvious that the Democrats could care less about our Constitution and how it made this country great at one time. We need to get rid of any and all that go against our Constitution and Bill of Rights..They were written and intended to be use for American citizens clearly stated in the preamble paragraph to the Constitution. This sets up the true meaning of the writings to follow. Making it citizens not illegals that infiltrate our boarders and invade our country. The Mexicans say all you Europeans go home.The fact is all the people who came to settle in this country made it what it is and if it wasn't for them the United States wouldn't look so good to them as it would be the same as Mexico is now. If we took all our money and belongings to Europe all that would be left is empty buildings and no work.
Posted by: Richard Peck on July 24, 2010 01:03 PM
You need to post a date on the article so people know exactly what date this incident occurred. Many times people post articles way after the fact to implode the issue. If the information is current news as of today, this is extremely important and will be passed on by advocates against the illegal immigration and secure the border users.
Posted by: Mary Muna on July 24, 2010 02:59 PM
I would like to thank you for not mentioning the many years of neglect given the border by the Republicans. The more we can place the blame strictly on the democrats the better so we can take power back.
Now when we take power back we won't change anything but we will still talk about it!
Posted by: David Thompson on July 24, 2010 03:03 PM
All the high payed officials will do nothing to help us. They live in their little bubbles, behind gates. Get driven or flown to work. Don't pay their taxes.You pay their liquor bills, and healthcare. Does anyone wonder why they don't care about the middle class worker? Clinton's daughter's $2 million dollar wedding. Kerry's new million dollar boat parked out of state to save himself $400,000 in taxes. Yeah, they really care. Not! How many had to pay back taxes before they could get into this administration? They only watch us. Then do as they please.
Posted by: Marie on July 24, 2010 03:04 PM
David Thompson said:
I would like to thank you for not mentioning the many years of neglect given the border by the Republicans.
This website is nearly 8 years old and almost strictly focuses on immigration. It wouldn't have lasted that long unless there was continuous criticism of the Republicans lack of enforcement on a near daily basis for years.
This issue has no party.
Posted by: Digger on July 24, 2010 03:07 PM
Mary Muna wrote:
You need to post a date on the article
There is a date at the bottom. I will work on making it more prominent. This story is breaking as you read this. Worked all last night on getting confirmation.
Posted by: Digger on July 24, 2010 03:16 PM
This is Absolutely NOT true!! from a well place Law Enforcement person!!
Posted by: hunter on July 24, 2010 04:06 PM
And the disinformation already starts!
The source of our information is actual calls to the Laredo Police Department and talking to people there.
Everyone reading this should be told now that there are MANY, MANY pro-illegal groups and individuals that read this website and constantly comment. The fact that "hunter" above doesn't provide his full name or his source should not deter you from the facts.
Posted by: Digger on July 24, 2010 04:16 PM
They could just tell the Gulf Cartel where they are,put them in a house across the road and let them all kill each other..That problem solved..We already know our inept government is not going to help the people of Texas..Oh yeah and send Pete Stark down there to "keep the borders secure"...
Posted by: Patriotmama on July 24, 2010 04:19 PM
The date should be moved to the title byline if at all possible, that will help tremendously.
Posted by: Ike Hall on July 24, 2010 04:53 PM
Most Americans have never heard of the leftist End Game, if they did they would understand where Obama intends to take America.
Historically leftists have believed Socialism/Marxism can only be achieved through deceit, lies and sacrificing anyone to advance their cause. Obama has already sacrificed the trust of Americans, repeatedly lied about most everything since he took office, and in the run up to the White House duped middle of the road Democrats to elect him President. Now Obama is ready to sacrifice the entire Democratic Party next election, giving amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants.
Middle of the road Democrats just can’t understand why Obama will throw them under the bus in November if he can get amnesty first for 12 million illegal immigrants. Obama wants to insure that when he leaves office, 12 million illegal immigrants can stay in the U.S., and the border is still open so 12 million more illegal immigrants can enter America; that will insure Obama’s leftist constituency can find back to back—several million foreign born residents to push for a Socialist U.S. Government. Do Americans actually think anything they say in protest will discourage Mexican illegal immigrants moving to their state? Mexican illegal immigrants come from a country where force is commonplace. But illegal immigrants do understand getting arrested by police and that is why they have to stop Arizona’s new anti-immigration law. Arizona’s new law threatens the leftist agenda that includes overburdening financially U.S. Government, local and state infrastructures to cause economic chaos.
Leftists/Marxists historically move on democracies to take power when things are in chaos. Obama is now in position to cause that chaos. But unexpectedly, to the dismay of the left, Americans in state after state are standing up to support Arizona. If the Arizona law passes in enough states, and amnesty does not pass, the leftists will have lost a strong weapon to destroy America.
Consequently leftists have become Desperate and are now in the process of trying to consolidate 170 liberal and civil rights groups into a coalition to match the Tea Party’s political energy and influence—this should be taken seriously. The first question: “Who are the players behind this new liberal coalition?” Historically in America leftists have displayed a victim mentality, giving up, not voting after the political tide turned against them as it has now. Obama as a Presidential candidate managed to motivate and hold leftist factions together; and gained the support of ethic groups that prior were at odds. However since the election Obama’s policies have fractured the left, Obama has lost most Independents. So who is going to organize and motivate the new coalition of 170 liberal and civil rights groups? In other countries, to affect the outcome of elections, extreme leftists have formed liberal and human rights coalitions that covertly were coordinated by Communists and labor unions.
Typically when communists are concerned they will lose an election(s), they cause chaos including violent protests to obscure important issues and disseminate false information to confuse voters to vote for leftist candidates. In America should Communists be identified, playing an integral role in the new 170 liberal/civil rights groups’ coalition, Patriots should vehemently expose early the communists and their associations. Millions of younger Americans thanks to the educational system, don’t comprehend that communism calls for the overthrow of democratic governments as the United States and abolishing their Constitution.
Posted by: Ross Wolf on July 24, 2010 04:56 PM
I can't find anything on the consulate website about this...
Did I miss it?
Posted by: Brandi on July 24, 2010 05:44 PM
Send in a few A-10's and wipe them all out! Take a stand Oboma or get your cowardly ass out of the White House!
Posted by: Liberty's Son on July 24, 2010 05:52 PM
Texas has gone completely limp. If their law enforcement can't handle this than they should just go belly up and we will kick their lazy butts out of the union of great states
Posted by: john on July 24, 2010 05:52 PM
To Mary Muna - The story appears to be current. Click on the link provided in the story that takes you to the (San Diego) Examiner. That cofirming story is date-marked with today's date, July 24th.
Posted by: Tom on July 24, 2010 05:55 PM
Multiculturalism is a joke. It cannot work. A few generations might be fooled into thinking it works because there is still a baseline culture that defines the institutions of the state. But eventually that gets worn down by the constant influx of alien cultures, and the fact that most of them have not yet mastered the concept of reproducing in accordance with projected future resource requirements, so in other words they breed like fruit flies. That's why they all want to flee their home countries in the first place, they've turned them into crap holes. The inevitable result of multiculturalism is that the original, foundational, baseline culture is subsumed in a morass of incompatible cultures. I know what I'm saying here makes liberals' bottom lips start to quiver and lumps to form in their throats as they teeter on the brink of uncontrollable sobbing, but you know what, it's the truth and there's nothing to be gained by pretending that it's not.
The demographic "end game" some speak of is coming regardless. Illegal immigration simply makes it happen sooner rather than later. But let's not kid ourselves, our legal immigration policies, which for fifty years have strongly favored Third World immigrants, are just as deleterious to the future of this Republic.
Get ready for America's descent into ethnic Balkanization, because nothing can stop it. And don't for a minute expect reciprocation of even a fraction of that suicidal "tolerance" shown to various non-white people. They're going to cut your cracker throats at any opportunity.
Posted by: MissAnthropy on July 24, 2010 06:01 PM
This information coming from the minuteman news source will show you it's
credibility trying to create chaos just like the one at Arizona
and that is not admisible but keep tryng you have that right.
Posted by: Richard saints on July 24, 2010 06:01 PM
July 24, 2010 at 4:30pm
WAS TOLD TO ASK FOR JOE BAEZALL was told he was a field agent, turns out he is their Public Relations liason.
956-523-4408, THIS IS TO THE WEBB COUNTY SHERIFF'S DISPATCH OFFICE, I SPOKE TO A DEPUTY TIJERA (FEMALE ALSO) * ahem just making the note so if anyone calls they will not ask for a mister *
Sources sighted, numbers given for reference. If you feel the need to verify these statements then do so but nothing is going on in Laredo.
If you examine the examiner report it is cut from the digger report and other information is added. These reports are being given out to cause reaction and give their authors names and give them a sense of credibility.
Internet rumor and lies is what it is as they try to fire up patriots into doing something stupid.
Please verify and confirm if you need to as again the source are provided.
Thank you and GOD Bless.
Posted by: RL Smioth on July 24, 2010 06:07 PM
I'm wondering if the Fact the U.S vs Stae of Arizona has rested and is now in the hands of the Federal Judge might have anything to do with the lack of news coverage? The Judge in the Arizona Immigration case is expected to announce her ruling in the next few days.
Posted by: Old Billy on July 24, 2010 06:37 PM
You all are funny bashing Obama for wanting to give citizenship to illigal immigrants. I am sure the Republicans started it all when Bush senior was in office. Does anyone remember the war in the early 90s, Kuwaitt ring any bells. Almost everyone that the millitary gathered up or turned them self's in was brought to the United States and given citizenship. That is why we have huge groups of extremist Arabics in the country. Oh yea then that same group distroyed our World Trade Centers. But since Obama is black and a Demecrat lets just put all blame on him. Who cares that his stimulas plan has been working for our econimy. Bottom line is he is Black and a Demecrat so lets not like him. If you all dislike him so much grow some balls and you run for an office. You will never change anything by typing your opinions on a forum. Or better yet maybe you could joing the military and go to war loose friends and family because some dumbass republican sent us to a country we didnt need to go to.
Posted by: lambo on July 24, 2010 06:47 PM
No Minerales Annex Road in or around Laredo Texas.
Posted by: vanderleun on July 24, 2010 06:56 PM
Should be easy enough to confirm by simply driving out to Laredo and heading West on FM 1472. The transmitter for KGNS-TV is right in that area. I don't see anything on that station's website.
I am having trouble believing the story at this point unless you can produce a rancher whose place has been taken over.
Anyone in San Antonio willing to drive down and have a look? If this is true, the place should be absolutely swarmed with law enforcement. It shouldn't be hard to spot their emergency lights from the road.
Posted by: crosspatch on July 24, 2010 07:17 PM
The story is false on many levels. The easiest fact to check is the location cited by the "source."
Google map the location the source claims the incident happened at.
The is NO "Minerales Annex Road" in or near Laredo TX.
Posted by: vanderleun on July 24, 2010 07:24 PM
No Creditable source on this info.!!!
Posted by: Disturbedsob on July 24, 2010 07:33 PM
You DO realize that the Laredo Police Department has called this story a blatant lie? You have just proven to everyone that nothing you post can be trusted...
Posted by: ellen on July 24, 2010 07:34 PM
The source of our information is actual calls to the Laredo Police Department and talking to people there.
Why are you such a LIAR, digger? I, MYSELF, just got off the phone with the Laredo Police Department...They say they've been fielding calls all day long and they have the same answer for everyone: IT'S NOT TRUE...YOU'RE BUSTED!!
Posted by: ellen on July 24, 2010 07:37 PM
I stand behind Kimberly. She is not a newcomer and neither am I. As for the comment above that we're trying to gain credibility by lying... that makes no logical sense.
I have detailed the behind the scenes and more at my latest article: Why The Los Zetas Ranch Story Matters - Confirmation And Why A Media Blackout?
There are 3 sources that have confirmed.
As for the street name, I tried looking it up earlier myself with the full name. Google is flawed, just type in "Minerales, Laredo, Texas" and you will get the location near Mines Rd. - there is no "falsity". My initial mapping screenshot seems to be a little off down Mines Rd a mile from the general area of Minerales, but it is indeed there.
Posted by: Digger on July 24, 2010 07:37 PM
There are several unmarked roads in the area, at least unmarked on Google Maps so it is possible there is one called Mineral Annex Road, especially considering that FM 1472 is named Mines Road in that area.
Posted by: crosspatch on July 24, 2010 07:39 PM
"vanderleun on July 24, 2010 06:56 PM"
I have managed to locate the road from another map source. It cuts off of Mines road West of Sulphur Mine Road and Mercury Mine Road and heads South toward the border at about the spot where Mines Road is closest to the border.
But that FM route is a pretty major route in that county so if it were closed, we would be hearing about it from other sources. Radio and TV would be warning people to stay clear of the area and so far the only source for information on this incident is this site.
There is nothing to indicate any sort of a major problem. There is no indication that the main road in the area is closed to traffic. There is no indication of a major law enforcement effort in the area on the US side of the border.
This looks like it could well be an internet rumor that feeds on itself.
Posted by: crosspatch on July 24, 2010 08:42 PM
And yet now we discover there is a Minerales Road when just a few minutes ago someone made it absolutely "clear" there wasn't one and since it didn't exist the story wasn't true...
The only thing it really proves, admittedly, is that it's too early for people who aren't there to be voicing an opinion one way or another. And, of course, that we have no more idea if the people that claimed to have called are any more valid than the sources of the story.
One thing that is sure; even if true it'll be buried and stay that way so only those of you nearby have any chance of ever knowing for certain.
Posted by: Scott on July 24, 2010 08:50 PM
Here is the map of the immediate area, for the person that said there was no Minerales road? Here it is and when the map comes in take a good look to the left of the screen, of course you will need to take a closer look to get the proper view to see the names of the roads.[9500-9530]+Mines+Rd:Laredo:TX:78045:US:27.58732:-99.510795:block::1:::/bl:category&58;581208,map;category&58;821103,map;category&58;783201,map;category&58;581301,map;category&58;701101,map;category&58;651201,map;category&58;554101,map;sourcevendor&58;34568,map;/e
Posted by: RL Smith on July 24, 2010 08:55 PM
AAhhh what a blatant liar we have found... just took a little country drive out mines rd... and guess what... NOTHING is happening... poor "reporter" looking for attention.. LOL
Posted by: A Laredo Resident on July 24, 2010 09:00 PM
Obama was born in Nuevo Laredo! Check the kerning!
Note in update 3--it's happening on the other side of the border.
And digger
Posted by: Chur on July 24, 2010 09:18 PM
Perhaps this digger is actually the blogger calling itself Sorcha Faal!!!!!!!!!!!!
Both are spewing forth lies.
The sad thing is these so-called journalists do nothing that even resembles research.
Shame on them for throwing out vitriol.
Posted by: RL Smith on July 24, 2010 09:36 PM
Nada. Zip. KGNS-TV, which has a transmitter in the "invaded ranch" area, sent a crew to investigate. Nada. Along the way they spoke to a SWAT team member of the sheriff's department. This deputy was drinking coffee and chatting it up in a parking lot and assured KGNS that if there was a stand-off he'd be in on it.
If this is an attempt at a hoax then it went off badly: KGNS just said they've been "flooded with calls from around the country, not locals" (which tells you something). I asked the reporteress what constituted a flood and she said "Twenty".
Posted by: Everett Mann on July 24, 2010 09:46 PM
And digger
Walks it back how? All I explain is why it matters. The location is the same as are all the details. Just making clear the confusion some had on where the confirmations came from.
Everyone does need to realize that anyone commenting here has not been validated in any way as to their location.
Posted by: Digger on July 24, 2010 09:47 PM
Posted by: kjsdngiwb2t3ytgwh on July 24, 2010 10:03 PM
I hope The Cypress Times NEXT story is the one outing you for the BS liar you are...
I AM in Texas, and have some very well placed connections with the Texas DPS and CID... They can't verify anything going on...
I hope you enjoyed this little escapade, your 15 minutes just expired..
Posted by: TexasFred on July 24, 2010 10:05 PM
Seems you been had! DIGGERSREAL = FAIL
Officials know nothing of rumored Zeta standoff on Mines Road
Local law enforcement was bombarded with calls from across the country Saturday asking about a report that the Zetas had taken over two ranches off Mines Road.
But officials with the Laredo Police Department, Webb County Sheriff’s Department and Border Patrol said they knew nothing about such an incident, while Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, said the agency does not comment on rumors.
The report, which spread like wildfire among blogs Saturday afternoon, appears to have initially been posted on a blog called Diggers Realm.
The blogger wrote that he got a tip from a San Diego, Calif., minuteman named Jeff Schwilk, who said that the Zetas, former enforcers of the Gulf Cartel, had crossed into the United States and taken over two ranches off Mines Road, about 10 miles northwest of Interstate 35.
Quoting Schwilk, the blogger wrote that there was a standoff between “the unknown size Zeta forces and the U.S. Border Patrol and local law enforcement on two ranches …”
The blogger wrote that the story was confirmed by anonymous sources at LPD.
But Investigator Jose E. Baeza, LPD spokesman, said he had not heard anything about the incident. Also, an LPD sergeant, who was on duty as a watch commander Saturday afternoon, said she had not heard anything about it either.
At about 4:30 p.m., Maru De La Paz, spokeswoman for Webb County Sheriff’s Office, wrote that the report about Zetas taking over ranches in Laredo is not confirmed.
Posted by: Trent on July 24, 2010 10:09 PM
Sooo...a few years back a 'splinter group' had folks flyin planes around, causin' he!! in the states....we then invaded and said STOP......should we not follow the same course, and invade the home of splinter groups south of the US?????
Posted by: srfrbro13 on July 24, 2010 10:09 PM
Just talked to a friend in Costa Rica two nights ago and he told me 46 US ships with 8000 marines,200 helicopters and anti-submarine equipment were in Central America and deploying on land in Honduras and parts of Costa Rica to interdict narco-trafficking.
It was confirmed with several websites, and was in command by US Coast Guard which satisfies treaties of Costa Rica. This was task force was also confirmed by the reports of vociferous political fallout within the government of Costa Rica.
Is this related push back by the narcos?
Posted by: john on July 24, 2010 10:22 PM
You know what digger, what does matter here is that the information your giving is false.......
That is also called lies which makes you a what?
Say it with me now......
Thats right, now again.
I think you got it now. Good there young man. Now what did monma always say about liars? Hummm.....
Don't guess that matters either huh.
Posted by: RL Smith on July 24, 2010 10:36 PM
And you say your dad served in the Military? What would he say to your lllliiiiiiiiieeeeeessssssssss there liar? Would he approve? Would your mother approve?
I don't think you've learned yet?! You have your fifteen minutes of fame and your reveling in the vitriol.
In the scriptures it says as a dog returns to its own vomit so does a fool to his folly......
Guess this is your folly.
Posted by: RL Smith on July 24, 2010 10:41 PM
@Ross Wolf - aside from illegal immigration, what else is destroying America?
Posted by: Bridget on July 24, 2010 11:30 PM
John McCain had his whole life to do immigration. He had near 30 years of republican "rule" to do something, being at ground zero & all.
It is quite obvious that the Republicans could care less about our Constitution and how it made this country great at one time. We need to get rid of any and all that go against our Constitution and Bill of Rights..They were written and intended to be use for American citizens clearly stated in the preamble paragraph to the Constitution. Bush threw it out the window with the FISA court so they could spy on all americans, unfettered.
Posted by: Arrgy on July 24, 2010 11:48 PM
This story is a hoax and a lie.
Be forewarned this story is being used as a hoax about ranches being overtaken by mexican gangs. It is not true.
It is my thought that someone is hoping we overreact to the story and blast obama about this. Then they can claim the story was a hoax and that the internet needs to be controlled to prevent this from happening . Kind of like what was tried with the sherrod story.
The media is still controlled by liberals who are largely out for retribution about the journolist deal. They have obviously declared war on the American people.
Posted by: politicaljules on July 25, 2010 02:08 AM
Will someone PLEASE drive down the full length of Minerales Annex RD (see MapQuest link above)and take some cell phone pictures? That would solve the controversy.
Posted by: Nancy on July 25, 2010 04:38 AM
P.S. One of the ranches in question appears to be at the far southern end of Minerales Annex RD, so any action there would not be noticed from Mines RD.
Posted by: Nancy on July 25, 2010 04:43 AM
Poor li'l digger...Outed as a FLAMING liar and provocateur by the Laredo Morning News...Just a third-rate Breitbart wannabe and NO CREDIBILTY LEFT...Sad, really, when you think about it...
Posted by: ellen on July 25, 2010 09:53 AM
"The story is still developing and I'll report more as I find out."
No, digger, it's NOT "still developing"...You and that whore Kimberley Dvorak have been well and truly outed as baldfaced LIARS...
Posted by: ellen on July 25, 2010 09:57 AM
[Removed copyright infringement - post a link to outside stories, not the whole thing - Digger]
Posted by: ellen on July 25, 2010 10:28 AM
Shouldn't an apology be in order digger?
Posted by: sirpaulj7 on July 25, 2010 10:57 AM
"The story is still developing and I'll report more as I find out."
LMAO... Seriously...
Either your source is a LIAR, or you AND your source have conspired to write a *LOOK AT ME* post... Well, we have ALL looked, and dude, you screwed the pooch... Your post, and the eagerness, and gullibility of some bloggers that haven't got the good sense to VERIFY, have made a good portion of the blogosphere look like IDIOTS...
Journalistic Integrity... Look into it...
Posted by: TexasFred on July 25, 2010 10:59 AM
This is another 9/11 set up to invade Mexico. It now makes sense that the CIA trained the Taliban and Al-Khadia, Now they have probably trained those ex-soldiers the Zetas, and cartels. Just to give a reason to invade Mexico and say there freeing them from Drug Lords...CIA>ZETAS>MEXICAN GOVERNMENT...Lets legalize drugs, cuz obviously Mexico cant since the US with put a trade blockade on them...Its really up to the US to stop all this.
Posted by: akaro on July 25, 2010 11:58 AM
Mines Rd is also called FM 1472. Go North out of Laredo about 10 miles, on 1472 to Minerales Annex Rd turn Left.
Posted by: Laurie Brandt on July 25, 2010 12:03 PM
Either provide verifiable data regarding this or admit it is a mistake.
All you have done up to this point is to get many militia's excited and revealing who and where they are. I'm sure that Homeland Security thanks you for that.
Posted by: Geezer on July 25, 2010 12:12 PM
The national media has been told to not report this.
Called local affiliates of NBC,CBS,ABC,FOX. All denied
anything beyond waiting for confirmation, except for ABC, whose news anchor told me they were encouraged not to air it, or to downplay it if they did.
Turns out this make Obozo's amnesty deal look bad.
Posted by: brian wilson on July 25, 2010 12:16 PM
Has anyone else realized that saying "The Los Zetas" is basically saying "The The Zetas." Someone didn't take 6th grade Spanish apparentally.
Posted by: Gynophile on July 25, 2010 02:26 PM
Maybe a media blackout because the story is made up and you guys are pretty racist jerkoffs?
Local law enforcement was bombarded with calls from across the country Saturday asking about a report that the Zetas had taken over two ranches off Mines Road.
But officials with the Laredo Police Department, Webb County Sheriff’s Department and Border Patrol said they knew nothing about such an incident, while Erik Vasys, an FBI spokesman in San Antonio, said the agency does not comment on rumors.
The report, which spread like wildfire among blogs Saturday afternoon, appears to have initially been posted on a blog called Diggers Realm.
The blogger wrote that he got a tip from a San Diego, Calif., minuteman named Jeff Schwilk, who said that the Zetas, former enforcers of the Gulf Cartel, had crossed into the United States and taken over two ranches off Mines Road, about 10 miles northwest of Interstate 35.
Posted by: Corey Schmitz on July 25, 2010 09:38 PM
digger,why did snopes take this story off their site? it was there last night,and now they have pulled the page.
i think it has something to do with holder and obama. they can not afford to have this come out while they are trying to kill Arizonas law.
these people should be tried for treason,and executed,and i would be happy to pull the switch,to save taxpayers money,and for satisfaction that finally something is being done to improve America.
Posted by: herbert stamper on July 25, 2010 09:52 PM
@ nancy. You asked if someone could drive down Minerales Annex Road, two people already have and reported back to two other forums, one logon's name was Kat, she is an Admin on our forums, her cousin lives in laredo, he went at around noon yesterday and nothing.
Then one off of the WRAM site calling herself terminator girl went there also, driving down mines road for 15 miles, same thing, nothing to report.
Digger is digging into his own bung hole for this information I guess.
Posted by: RL Smith on July 25, 2010 10:28 PM
RL Smith wrote:
one logon's name was Kat, she is an Admin on our forums, her cousin lives in laredo, he went at around noon yesterday and nothing.
"our forums"... that's descriptive.
While the story was up, the fact is that I did not send this out to others until 1:45PM yesterday and it did not receive any attention until at least an hour later (look at the timestamps on the comments here, other than the first one they don't start coming in 'til nearly 3pm). Sounds like someone is spinning a tale here that they were out driving around there at noon.
RL Smith also posted earlier a claimed call to police. As you'll note it states:
The time of the comment was:
Posted by: RL Smioth on July 24, 2010 06:07 PM
Timestamps are a nasty thing are they not "RL Smith"...?
Your attempts to discredit this story so hard are quite notable to anyone paying attention (among several others on this comment thread). I mean really posting...
Say it with me now......
Thats right, now again.
I think you got it now. Good there young man. Now what did monma always say about liars?
... and then posting something as if someone is going to take you serious after acting like a child? Really?
I have no problems with people questioning the story or my stance on the story. If I was not a fair person with integrity I would delete the comments.
It's one thing to make a valid argument and another to attack someone with childish name calling who is just trying to get the truth out there.
Unless of course you are trying to keep the truth from being known for some reason...
Posted by: Digger on July 25, 2010 11:03 PM
It really doesn't matter if any of this is true. There is a systematic effort from TPTB to start a racewar, and eventually, it's going to happen.
Posted by: Mel on July 26, 2010 09:43 AM
RL Smioth and others seem to really be going out of their way to discredit this. Clearly they have their own agenda. As for me, i will watch and wait.
Posted by: Nathan Hale on July 27, 2010 03:57 AM
How does it feel to be exposed as a liar, moron, nutjob or all 3?
Posted by: Michael Durham on July 27, 2010 08:04 PM
Posted by: Core on July 28, 2010 02:59 PM
Typical wingnut idiocy in action. You people are so stupid and so full of hate, you just jumped on this non-story before you had the brains to actually confirm it's truth.
It's just confirms your prejudices, that all Mexicans=bad people.
Ha ha, well guess what white boy? In 30 years, they'll be the majority here so you better start learning Spanish, gueros.
Posted by: Ok on July 30, 2010 02:55 PM
You pathetic assholes are a sign of how low our country has sunk....I thought Bush, Palin and other dumb as shit Republicans were bad, but you yahoos are off the charts!
Posted by: marty on July 30, 2010 03:10 PM
Herbert said "digger,why did snopes take this story off their site? it was there last night,and now they have pulled the page.
i think it has something to do with holder and obama. they can not afford to have this come out while they are trying to kill Arizonas law.
these people should be tried for treason,and executed,and i would be happy to pull the switch,to save taxpayers money,and for satisfaction that finally something is being done to improve America."
Wow, you just believe everything you read, huh?
Posted by: jen on July 30, 2010 05:53 PM
Hey crazy people, this never happened. You wish it did because it plays into your fear-filled vision of the world.
And to those talking about Democrats ignoring the constitution, WHERE WERE YOU THE LAST 8 YEARS!? Talk about an administration that completely ignored the rights of its people, that was the Bush admininstration. And Obama was born in Hawaii, get over it and get some professional help.
Hey fake Nathan Hale, you seem to really be going out of your way to prove this story. Clearly you have your own agenda.
Posted by: Waltz on July 30, 2010 07:57 PM
Links, please, to confirmation of this story.
Posted by: labradog on July 31, 2010 12:38 AM
Love how the boneheads who read the site continue to support it especially after it has be 100% determined to be false. Given that they formulate their opinions based on crap like this it makes their Obama, Holder, Liberal-Left constitution-destroying conspiracy lunacy that much more laughable. Get a brain folks - digger is full of crap.
Posted by: Wow!!! What a bunch of Morons on August 1, 2010 09:07 AM
Posted by: Truth, Liberty & Justice on August 1, 2010 07:47 PM
It is well past time to take this story down. It has been proven to be wrong and we really don't need to continue with false stories.
There is enough real news going on that needs to get out. Don't let this false story detract from the real news.
Just some thoughts
Posted by: laura on August 2, 2010 03:02 AM
what a bunch of clowns running this site! keep the lies flowing, they are really helping the country.
Posted by: Dumb Righties on August 2, 2010 11:27 PM
this is a lie ladies and gents i live in laredo and this is an utter lie plz if your gonna post news make use its real.
Posted by: George LIm on August 2, 2010 11:40 PM
Posted by: George LIm on August 2, 2010 11:42 PM
the mexican aliens are coming! new reports from space federation sherrifs office claim that olos zetas have captured the main defensive points of entry on the moon - this is an act of war against the american people - since we own the moon!!!! and this story has been confirmed by no less than three official federation moonbats!!!!
according to the anonymous sources in the moonbat federation - the "spacebacks" drug cartel "los zetas" have commandeered federally controlled locations, and the lamestream media have orchestrated a media blackout to deny these claims.
"it is like the dark side of the moon here" a federal source claimed of the media coverage " no one on earth has any clue that the american state of the moon has fallen into alien hands, illegal alien that is"
wake up america!!!! they will not stop until they can stop the sun shining on white america
Posted by: bethany on August 3, 2010 07:00 PM
Watching you critics flipping out is very entertaining and will be even more entertaining to watch you all wipe egg from your ugly faces once the facts can come out and sources can go on record.
Posted by: Zorro on August 5, 2010 03:17 PM
So.. two Zeta cartel leaders were apparently arrested IN THE US IN TEXAS ON JULY 23RD AND JULY 24TH. I'm sure that is a hoax too right?
A second alleged Zeta hitman has been taken into custody in Brownsville, according federal officials.
Luis Alberto Blanco Flores, also known as “El Pelochas,” 29, is in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service.
Nina Pruneda, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement spokeswoman, said Blanco was arrested on July 23 during a joint operation that included ICE Homeland Security Investigations, U.S. Border Patrol and Brownsville police.
According to Mexican law enforcement officials, Blanco is affiliated with the Zetas criminal organization and worked under Arturo Castillo, also known as “El Apache.”
Castillo was arrested a day later in the same interagency operation on the charge of illegal entry and is also in the custody of the U.S. Marshals Service, Pruneda said. Castillo faces extradition to Mexico, she said
Posted by: Zorro on August 6, 2010 01:15 PM
Posted by: Digger on August 10, 2010 06:41 PM
What is laughable about the responses here, is that the original poster has links to data that backs up the post. The reponders don't bother to post any facts, they only insult and say nasty things.
Your intellect stops where you insults begin. Don't respond with empty garbage. Respond if you have facts to counter, lest you expose what a moron you are to the rest of us.
Posted by: Tom Peranteau on August 12, 2010 05:20 PM
Posted by: Joe on August 12, 2010 07:11 PM
Still disproved. Yes, a TIP was made, but it was unsubstantiated. Which means Digger still should have done some real work and once it was apparent that the TIP was fake, posted the real story. NOT stuck by his discredited story and instead looks like a fool.
Posted by: Cracker Jack on August 14, 2010 08:53 AM
This is scary! We need to stand up this election cycle and stop these liars from spreading their ficticious stories. I will be involved in my local elections this fall. Because I want to spread the truth...whatever it is. Extreme right-wingers always refenece the constitution out of context. We need to step out into the "field" and spread the truth!
Posted by: feaR(ight wing) Tactics on August 14, 2010 11:43 AM
I live in Laredo, and something don`t feel right. I`m scared for my family and and the people in Laredo. NOT becuase of this story, but the violence is escalating. I`m outta here asap. Oh yeah, I an what you whities call an "anchor baby". But , that doesn`t mean I`m stupid. Mexico is invading and I want no part of that. They look at Mexican-AMERICANS as traitors to their cause. Not safe
Posted by: Julio on October 14, 2010 11:29 AM