The Laredo Police Department has now come forth and admitted that the
police blotter evidence released by
Kim Dvorak of the San Diego Examiner showing there was a cover-up of Los Zetas seizing a ranch in the Laredo area is indeed real. Their explanation now is that it was a bogus 911 call and that they investigated. This does not add up though. As I posted recently, on July 29th, law enforcement held a joint press conference five days after the reported incident.
In the press conference - and to local reporters - they denied that anything in the area out of the ordinary had occurred. If this had indeed been a bogus 911 call that they investigated why did they not state such at the time? The police blotter report clearly shows that it occurred on July 24. Instead we were led to believe that the whole of the LaredoGate incident was made up as a hoax or a lie online to fool people.
Laredo Press Conference July 29, 2010 - Denying Anything Happened At Ranches In Laredo
There is something more going on here. For them to come out at this late a date, more than two weeks after the incident when evidence finally surfaces, and to address something they claimed never occurred points even more to a cover-up.

Police Blotter Evidence
I am not sure why law enforcement is treating the members of their community - and the nation - as children that they can just fool. If there indeed wasn't a cover-up of an actual incident, a logical and reasonable person within the department would have scanned for blotters that came across at the time and mentioned this in their press conference. In my opinion they didn't look because they knew something had occurred and they believed that simply denying any incidents at all would make people move on.
"It was just one of many unconfirmed rumors and threats that we get here on a daily basis," said Laredo Police Department spokesman Joe Baeza. "A rumor that spun out of control."
Baeza said it began with a law enforcement bulletin dated July 24 that was leaked to a blogger.
[Text of police blotter]
"Those are the things that were being reported to us by another law enforcement agency," said Baeza who claimed that reports turned out to be false. Baeza says the Webb County Sheriff's Office did get a call from someone claiming the Zetas seized a ranch and were even holding hostages. They sent the information out to other law enforcement agencies then went to the area to investigate.
Baeza says sheriff's deputies talked to ranchers, neighbors, and property owners. "Basically nobody knew what they were talking about," he said.

Baeza is also the Laredo Police spokesman who the day before the Los Zetas story broke claimed that there was no spillover of violence from a mass shootout in Nuevo Laredo on July 23, 2010 onto our side of the border. The LaredoGate incident occurred that night or the morning of July 24. Here is what Baeza said just prior to the LaredoGate incident.
"We were getting reports from people who live on the river's edge that they could hear gunfire and explosions from the Mexico side," Baeza said, "We didn't have any incidents on the American side. It's hard for people to understand who don't live here ... They're not Vikings, they're not going to invade us, it doesn't work that way."
Within hours of this statement the incident in Laredo occurred.
Whoever was in charge of the cover-up forgot to get rid of one piece of incriminating evidence... and they are now entering "deny all evidence as bogus" territory. Why don't they just come clean on the whole thing, let the American people know and then we can get security and other concerns taken care of? The American people and residents of Texas deserve nothing less. I would suggest they do so now.
The only reason for the cover-up to continue is purely political in nature.
Stay tuned for more... we'll see how they try to get out of the next pieces of evidence as they are released.
(As a sidenote, I hold nothing against law enforcement. I support them. This is all simply about learning the truth so that we can properly support them and demand that they receive the support they need to defend our borders and the residents they swore to defend.)
More on LaredoGate