How much can you believe a president? There was a time in this country where people actually believed that the president would not come right out with a lie. Of course those days died long before most of us were born, but openly lying by a president just loses them support.
Such is the case today with President Barack Obama and his outright lie about the the Dream Act In a statement after the Dream Act was defeated on the senate floor, Obama came out and said: "There was simply no reason not to pass this important legislation."
There are two scenarios for this statement:
1) He is completely ignorant and has not paid attention to the fact that many in this country have presented a whole host of reasons as to why the Dream Act is bad.
2) He is lying.
The AP has jumped on the "bash the opposition by lying" bandwagon by posting this ridiculous headline after the failure of the Dream Act to pass in the Senate.
"Republicans block youth immigration bill"
Senate Republicans on Saturday doomed an effort that would have given hundreds of thousands of young illegal immigrants a path to legal status if they enrolled in college or joined the military.
Yes, Republicans = Doom = hate youth

Republican Senators Lugar, Murkowski and Bennett voted for amnesty
They were right in one regard - three republicans were in favor of doom - for the American people. Robert Bennett of Utah, of Alaska and Richard Lugar of Indiana voted in favor of the Dream Act amnesty.
The AP goes on to paint the picture of the disappointed illegal aliens who were standing around and expecting their free handout of citizenship.
Dozens of immigrants wearing graduation mortarboards watched from the Senate's visitors gallery, disappointment on their faces, as the 55-41 vote was announced.
Wait one second while I wipe the tears from my eyes.
Nowhere in the article does it point out that the act would have granted citizenship to those upwards of the age of 30 who absolutely knowingly entered this country illegally.
But lets get back to the important part the AP wants you to focus on... the hate of the downtrodden.
Hispanic activists and immigrant advocates had looked to the bill as a down payment...
It targeted the most sympathetic of the millions of illegal immigrants — those brought to the United States as children, who in many cases consider themselves American, speak English and have no ties to or family living in their native countries.
Oh really? They have no ties to their native countries? I thought the illegal aliens coming into this country were the epitome of family values. That is what President Bush and the press have been telling us for years. If such is the case they very much would have close ties with their relatives back home. Yet, we are fed the lie time and time again that they absolutely and unequivocally know no one back in their home country. The ties were severed. Their family back home is dead to them. Such great, deep family values.
It's all a game whose time has run its course. Most of the people in this country realize the propoganda and lies that the media spreads every time they post something on illegal aliens. The media has fatally shot itself in the foot over the years by becoming so openly against the law that their stories carry no weight or meaning with the people.
Back in the old days they were much more slick. Over the years though, with our declining education system (in part due to the flood of illegal alien children into the system which has overwhelmed it) it is obvious that they are not being taught anymore how to be as slick. They have no debate skills. They have no skills at presenting an argument. They are partisan and pro-amnesty and don't try to hide it. Their rallying argument time and again is simply the bleeding-heart one.
Well, Americans are fed up with it. They realize that there are plenty of Americans that are suffering that their hearts are bleeding for. There are plenty of people in this world who are suffering much more than some illegal alien kid standing there in the latest fashion jeans and shoes and demanding further handouts.
Through all of this we are presented a story that points out that poor old President Obama find the failure of the Dream Act "incredibly disappointing." As if the reader of their sham of an article is supposed to fold and say "Well, gosh durn, if President Obama is incredibly disappointed, well then I musta mist the train on this one. Give those gosh durn illegal aliens their cit'zenship. I justa been hateful not to agree to 'dis here demand."
It is becoming quite evident to even supporters of Obama that if he is "incredibly disappointed" with an outcome, then it is a good thing for this country.
I agree. There are illegal aliens who do not pay taxes, but there are others who do and yet they do not get any of the benefits that we do. Illegal aliens have NO way to apply for citizenship in this country and most of them were brought in as minors who had no choice but to follow their parents seeking a better life. We ought to open our eyes and do the math so that we may see how much the so called Dream Act would benefit the economy that we claim illegal aliens have destroyed. If you truly love this country of ours, you must see the facts... study them and then talk.
If you don't have time to do the research, take a look at some points I have listed below.
Published on "Immigration Policy Center":
"...It is especially troubling and wasteful that some 2.1 million unauthorized children, American in spirit but not in law, are now enrolled in U.S. schools but will not be able to lawfully gain employment at the end of their education."
This is what Robert J. Sampson said in a study:
"Notably, we found a significantly lower rate of violence among Mexican-Americans compared to blacks and whites... first-generation immigrants (those born outside the United States) were 45 percent less likely to commit violence than third-generation Americans. ... Cities of concentrated immigration are some of the safest places around."
Lets face it, we can't deport every single illegal alien. And as long as we build a fence, they will find a way to jump it. We can't stop it. Now, having this in mind, would y'all rather have 2.1 future criminals OR 2.1 educated people who will no longer be a burden to the government? Think about it, once they are given the opportunity to gain citizenship, they will be motivated to continue studying at a higher level. Then they will be able formulate arguments that will worth listening to. The reason they can not come up with a valuable argument supported by facts, is because our education system has failed and has lost the mindset to "educate" our youth. I think we would be better of not being so close-minded. We ought to think about the future of our kids and grandkids. We lost vision and compassion to help he needy.
So having said this, What do you want for your kids? To be safe among an educated workforce, or not safe among a group of criminals who are upset with this country and with racist people who claim to know it all but are afraid to look the facts. Wake up people. Wake up.
And if you still don't change your mind, then I am truly sorry for us. Our future generations will suffer from our ignorance and negligence.
Posted by: Bob S. on January 18, 2011 06:48 PM