


What a great lineup of people for the Berk's County Immigration Forum in Pennsylvania February 19. If you're in the area I would recommend it highly.
The forum is being put on by the Berks County Patriots in conjunction with UNITEPA-912 Reading and RePatriot Radio.
See the Berks County Patriots website for more information.
It includes a barbecue and refreshments.
Date: February 19, 2011
Time: 12-5PM
Location: Leesport Farmers' Market in Leesport,PA.
Map to the market
There will be speeches by Sam Rohrer, Congressman Lou Barletta and State Rep. Daryl Metcalfe then they will be holding three immigration panels featuring:
Sam Rohrer
Lou Barletta
Daryl Metcalfe
Prof. Jan Ting - law professor at Temple University
Peter Gadiel - 9/11 Families for a Secure America
Rick Oltman - Immigration Tea Party
Berks County Commissioner Mark Scott
Berks County Sheriff Eric Weaknecht
Ted Hayes - America's Black Shield
Rev. Dr. Gloria Harris
Rabbi Shifren
Adrienne Knobloch
Carmen Morales - Patriots Coalition
Nice lineup there. Make it out if you can, sounds like a good time.