A new poll out from Rasmussen shows that 61% of voters oppose giving American Citizenship to babies of illegal aliens and those who come here legally on tourist visas. This is the highest level ever in the poll and while I am satisfied that it shows a strong majority of Americans opposed, I am a little surprised that the number is not higher. There are still a number of American voters out there who have been convinced that American citizenship is meaningless or should be given away willy-nilly.
These Americans somehow have not realized the special nature and value of being an American citizen along with the responsibility and privileges that it brings. To give citizenship to the baby of someone who comes here on a two week vacation or illegally should be appalling to all Americans because it is done for the explicit intent of deriving taxpayer funded benefits. It is a deliberate and cheap rape of taxpayer funds all for the benefits of them and their families, not for America.
It is in part the fact that the detriments and consequences of giving away citizenship on a mass scale has not been clearly explained to these people. I tend to believe that as with other subjects, the long term consequences of both fiscal and sovereign unity, has not been fully laid out or contemplated by them. Those in favor of birthright citizenship remind me of the California voters who continue to vote for things via ballot initiative that will cost them billions of dollars, yet they don't fully look at the long term consequences of what they voted in favor of. It is one of the reasons California is bankrupt and likewise continuing to give away citizenship will contribute to the long term bankruptcy of America as a unified nation.
61% of Likely U.S. Voters believe that a child born in the United States to a woman who is here illegally should not automatically become a U.S. citizen. That’s up slightly from last August but is the highest level of support for a change in the existing law found in five years of Rasmussen Reports surveying.
Twenty-eight percent (28%) disagree and feel that children born to illegal immigrants in this country should automatically become American citizens as is currently the practice. That’s down six points from August. Another 11% are undecided.
Eighty-four percent (84%) of voters believe that before anyone receives local, state or federal government services, they should be required to prove they are legally allowed to be in the United States. Only nine percent (9%) oppose such a requirement.
There is currently a bill put forth by Senators David Vitter, Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Jerry Moran to require that at least one parent be a U.S. citizen, legal resident or member of the U.S. military in order for their child to receive US citizenship.
Daily Caller
“It is a very real problem, about 200,000 women annually come into this country from other countries legally with a tourist visa, something like that, to give birth in this country so that that child can automatically become a citizen,” Vitter told Bill Hemmer on Fox News. “I don’t think the founders ever intended for that to be a proper pathway to citizenship. Same thing happening with illegal aliens.”
No they didn't.