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Power Outage In New York Gives Liberals Utopian Future They've Been Fighting For

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As New Yorkers fight to hang on in their hellish conditions after Hurricane Sandy, I began to wonder why the liberals who live in new York are so upset. I mean conservatives there I can understand, but the liberals?

Without power, people have lost their internet connectivity, thus preventing them from getting to their Facebook accounts, Party Bingo and their farms are withering away in Farmville. I don't think the politicians realize how important these types of things have become to people. For some it is their whole social network or only for of entertainment and it is all gone with one blow.

Why are the liberals in New York City complaining? They've been trying to kill electricity, gas and promoting "locally grown" for years. Now they are living with what they wanted. No power, no gas and not enough food for everyone because it can't be imported. Yet they don't see they are living in their Utopia of what they want and have been pushing for decades.

There's no denying it. How many billions have been poured into killing the gas industry? The coal industry? How many billions into the green movement? And who can forget the eternal class warfare rhetoric that has been thrown around? In Bridgeport, Connecticut the mayor played it so well, trying to claim that the "rich" parts of town were having their lights turned on first over the poor, that people came out and actually pelted utility workers trying to restore power with eggs. The "evil" utility company had to actually pull their workers out fo the town until they promised to send police protection for their safety.

What kind of idiot attacks someone who is trying to help them get back to normal all because their so-called leader is playing politics and attacking the "rich guys" down the street?


Angry residents pelted utility crews with eggs as they tried to restore power in Bridgeport, Conn., after the mayor claimed the local power company had "shortchanged" the state's largest city as it tries to recover from superstorm Sandy.

United Illuminating workers reported eggs and other objects being thrown at them a day after Mayor Bill Finch said the utility was taking care of wealthy suburbs while his constituents suffered. The unrest caused United Illuminating to pull its workers out until the city agreed to provide police protection.

The utopia of the liberals is front and center in New York City though. The real question is: Are we going to let this occur throughout the country?

Do you want to live in a socialist utopia of no power? Power comes from coal, something liberals have been increasingly shutting down with regulations that are crippling.

Do you want to live in a world where you can't drive your car or put gas in your generator should there be an emergency? That is the kind of place you will live in if they have their way.

Do you want to eat just locally grown food? Sure it does help growers around you, but this is the United States for Pete's sake. I want to be able to get a pineapple or a strawberry or a banana and in a lot of places those things can never be grown due to climate.

Do you want to have to dumpster dive for food? There have been photos of people dumpster diving for food in NYC, but I'd like to point out that those are nothing new. Some people in cities like New York have been pushing this for years. They claim it saves the environment and reduces waste. It was also dubbed as some kind of urban hip thing to do only a number of years ago. There was even a movie made about it... and this was before Sandy, so the people diving now may indeed be those who were diving before.

Many "groups" have been claiming they'll have mass riots if Obama loses.... well without power... how fun is it going to be if Romney wins and the power is still off in parts of NYC?

All of this should be a slap in the face and a huge wake up call to all people across this country. If the liberals have their way, you'll be living in the Utopia that they are currently enjoying in New York, whether you're in Kansas or Nevada or Florida.

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Posted by Digger on November 2, 2012 07:37 PM (Permalink)

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New York is a big liberal faction, no wonder its water world over there today. Smug stupid liberals. New Yorkers are so stupid, I glad my homo liberal friend from New York had his company washed away in NYC.

Posted by: Andrew Moore on November 6, 2012 11:57 PM

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